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Dataset Collection collection of simulation outputs

Status: Not defined
Publication State: published


The project is harnessing the spare CPU cycles of tens of thousands of individual users' PCs to run a massive ensemble of climate simulations using the Met Office's Unified Model. A multi-thousand member ensemble of simulation results from the perturbed physics climate sensitivity experiment is available for research purposes.

Citable as:University of Oxford Atmospheric Oceanic and Planetary Physics; NERC; Allen, M. (2006): collection of simulation outputs. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: cpdn
Keywords:, climate, simulation


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:

More Information (under review)


The project is harnessing the spare CPU cycles of tens of thousands of individual users' PCs to run a massive ensemble of climate simulations using the Met Office's Unified Model. The project has been running since September 2003 and has progressed through several modelling experiments from an initial climate sensitivity experiment through to the launch of the fully Atmosphere/Ocean coupled transient climate response experiment in February 2006. Full details of the project's experimental strategy is available from the website

Access Restrictions

This dataset is now public following a 2 year access restriction to academic users only as per the data protocol.

You can now access the dataset via the Browse Archive pages of the BADC web-interface or via anonymous FTP.

Availability of data and file format

The data is divided into a series of volumes with a consistent directory structure. Volumes are filled in the order data is submitted and therefore a single volume may contain simulations from multiple experiments.

The first volume in the dataset (vol-000) is a quality controlled subset of early data that is documented seperately here. This volume contains aproximately 2500 runs with a total size of 13Gb. Subsequent volumes will be an order of magnitude larger.

Each simulation is stored within a volume at a URL matching the following pattern:
Where xxx is a zero-padded volume number, model identifies the type of simulation (e.g. standard for the HadSM3 slab model experiment or sulphur for the HadSM3 + sulphur cycle experiment) and yy is a directory branch designed to limit the size of individual directories. The directory branch yy is currently calculated as the first 2 characters of the simulation's UM id, which is usually also part of the result-name. However, this feature should not be assumed as future volumes may use a different convention.

Within each simulation directory data is stored as a series of NetCDF files conforming to the CF metadata standard.



Who to contact

If you would like to know more about data and how to obtain it from the BADC, you should contact us through the BADC support line.

Temporal Range
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