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Dataset Collection


SG-WEx: a collection of meteor radar observations, radiosondes and numerical modelling output over South Georgia

Status: Not defined
Publication State: citable


The NERC-funded South Georgia Wave EXperiment (SG-WEx) project (grant numbers NE/K015117/1, NE/K012614/1 and NE/K012584/1) was a major coordinated observational and modelling campaign to study the nature and deep vertical propagation of atmospheric gravity waves over the mountainous island of South Georgia in the Southern Atlantic.

This dataset collection contains meteor radar and radiosonde measurements from King Edward Point Magnetic Observatory on South Georgia and output from high-resolution (1.5km grid, 118 vertical levels) Met Office Unified Model simulations in a box 1200km x 900km centred on the island that coincide with the radiosonde campaigns.

The meteor radar observations included in this collection are continuous from February 2016 to November 2020, funding for which was continued as part of the follow-on NERC DRAGON-WEx project (NE/R001391/1,NE/R001235/1).

The project also made use of 3rd party satellite data from NASA, not included in this collection.

Citable as:Natural Environment Research Council; University of Bath; University of Leeds; British Antarctic Survey; Mitchell, N.J.; Ross, A.N.; Moffat-Griffin, T.; Gadian, A.; Hindley, N.P.; Hughes, J.K.; Jackson, D.R.; King, J.C.; Moss, A.C.; Vosper, S.B.; Wright, C.J. (2021): SG-WEx: a collection of meteor radar observations, radiosondes and numerical modelling output over South Georgia. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 12 May 2021. doi:10.5285/585b29ba4a054760ac4e53e7d95290b9.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: meteor radar, gravity wave, radiosonde


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Citations: 1

The following citations have been automatically harvested from external sources associated with this resource where DOI tracking is possible. As such some citations may be missing from this list whilst others may not be accurate. Please contact the helpdesk to raise any issues to help refine these citation trackings.

Hindley, N. P., Wright, C. J., Gadian, A. M., Hoffmann, L., Hughes, J. K., Jackson, D. R., King, J. C., Mitchell, N. J., Moffat-Griffin, T., Moss, A. C., Vosper, S. B., & Ross, A. N. (2021). Stratospheric gravity waves over the mountainous island of South Georgia: testing a high-resolution dynamical model with 3-D satellite observations and radiosondes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(10), 7695–7722.