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SG-WEx: Unified Model output for June-July 2015 over South Georgia, with island orography included (run: u-ae766)

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2021-05-12
Status: Final
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Citable
Publication Date: 2021-05-11
DOI Publication Date: 2021-05-12
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 1.22K Files | 1TB


This dataset contains modelling output from the u-ae766 run of a high-resolution (1.5 km horizontal grid, 118 vertical levels up to around 75 km altitude, 30 s timestep) local-area configuration of the Met Office Unified Model run in a box over the island of South Georgia (54S, 36W), as part of the South Georgia Wave Experiment (SG-WEx) project. This run was for the time period June-July 2015 with the island orography included. See related dataset for output from a complementary run with a flat orography file for the island for the same time period. These were part of a group of 6 model runs for the SG-WEx project.

The aim of the modelling runs was to examine gravity wave generation and deep vertical propagation over this mountainous island. Three model time periods are archived within the SG-WEx dataset collection: January 2015, June 2015 and July 2015, each containing two runs, one including the island's orography and one without. Initial and boundary conditions are supplied by a global forecast to ensure that conditions over the island remain realistic. Meteorological fields such as wind, temperature, pressure etc were outputted and saved in hourly steps. These runs also coincided with radiosonde campaigns launched from the island.

Technical details regarding the configuration of these runs is described Vosper (2015, doi:10.1002/qj.2566). Further information and science results can be found in Jackson et al. (2018, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0151.1) and Hindley (2021, doi:10.5194/acp-21-7695-2021). See online resources linked to this record for further details.

Citable as:  Hughes, J.K.; Ross, A.N.; Vosper, S.B.; Hindley, N.P.; Mitchell, N.J. (2021): SG-WEx: Unified Model output for June-July 2015 over South Georgia, with island orography included (run: u-ae766). NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 12 May 2021. doi:10.5285/6af300ef78e649e38719f1e1a53007f1.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Unified Model, NWP, South Atlantic


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data were produced from runs of the Met Office Unified Model on the Met Office system and provided to the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) for long-term archiving.

Data Quality:
No quality control information has been provided for these data by the data provider, nor has any been undertaken by the data centre.
File Format:
Data are netCDF formatted.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by the computation detailed below.

Met Office Unified Model United Kingdom Variable resolution (UKV) version 8.5, run u-ae766


Run u-ae766 of a high-resolution (1.5 km horizontal grid, 118 vertical levels up to around 75 km altitude, 30 s timestep) local-area configuration of the United Kingdom Variable resolution (UKV) version 8.5 model run in a box over the island of South Georgia (54S, 36W), as part of the South Georgia Wave Experiment (SG-WEx) project. This run was for the time period June-July 2015 with the island orography included. See related dataset for output from a complementary run with a flat orography file for the island for the same time period. These were part of a group of 6 model runs for the SG-WEx project.

Technical details regarding the configuration of these runs follow those described in Vosper (2015, doi:10.1002/qj.2566) - see online resources linked to this record.

Input Description


Output Description


Software Reference


  • units: kg m-3
  • standard_name: air_density
  • long_name: (Atmospheric) density
  • var_id: field27
  • units: 0-1
  • var_id: cldamount
  • long_name: Cloud amount in a layer / at a level
  • long_name: Cloud fraction below a level in feet
  • var_id: field29
  • units:
  • units: kg m-2 s-1
  • var_id: lsrain
  • long_name: Dynamic rainfall rate
  • standard_name: stratiform_rainfall_rate
  • units: m
  • var_id: ht_1
  • long_name: Height
  • var_id: field31
  • long_name: High cloud
  • units:
  • units: level
  • long_name: Hybrid height
  • var_id: hybrid_ht_1
  • units: W m-2
  • var_id: olr
  • standard_name: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
  • long_name: IR up
  • units: kg m-2
  • var_id: lsrain_1
  • standard_name: stratiform_rainfall_amount
  • long_name: Large scale rain
  • units: kg m-2
  • var_id: lssnow_1
  • standard_name: stratiform_snowfall_amount
  • long_name: Large scale snowfall
  • var_id: field33
  • long_name: Low cloud
  • units:
  • units: kft
  • long_name: Lower level (height)
  • var_id: ll_ht
  • units: m s-1
  • long_name: Maximum wind gust at 10m
  • var_id: field1694
  • units: level
  • var_id: msl
  • long_name: Mean sea level
  • var_id: field32
  • long_name: Medium cloud
  • units:
  • units: level
  • var_id: level6
  • long_name: Non-dimensional soil model level
  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_potential_temperature
  • var_id: theta
  • long_name: Potential temperature
  • units: Pa
  • long_name: Pressure
  • var_id: p_1
  • standard_name: air_pressure_at_sea_level
  • units: 0-1
  • long_name: Probability of visibility less than 5 km
  • var_id: field173
  • units: kg kg-1
  • var_id: QCF
  • standard_name: mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air
  • long_name: QCF - Frozen cloud water
  • units: kg kg-1
  • var_id: QCL
  • standard_name: mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air
  • long_name: QCL - Liquid cloud water
  • long_name: Relative humidity
  • var_id: rh
  • units:
  • units: kg m-2
  • var_id: sm
  • standard_name: moisture_content_of_soil_layer
  • long_name: Soil moisture in each (of 4) levels
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: northward_wind
  • var_id: v
  • long_name: Southerly component of wind v
  • units: level
  • var_id: surface
  • long_name: Surface
  • units: K
  • long_name: Temperature T
  • var_id: temp
  • standard_name: surface_temperature
  • units: level
  • var_id: toa
  • long_name: Top of atmosphere
  • units: 0-1
  • var_id: field30
  • long_name: Total cloud
  • var_id: unspecified
  • long_name: Unspecified
  • units:
  • units: W m-2
  • var_id: field201
  • long_name: Upward solar
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: upward_air_velocity
  • long_name: Vertical velocity (= dz/dt)
  • var_id: dz_dt
  • units: m
  • long_name: Visibility
  • var_id: field25
  • var_id: lsm
  • standard_name: land_binary_mask
  • long_name: Wave/ Grid point type (sea/land/coast)
  • units:
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: eastward_wind
  • var_id: u
  • long_name: Westerly component of wind u
  • units: K
  • long_name: Wet bulb potential temperature
  • var_id: field22
  • units: degrees
  • long_name: latitude in rotated pole grid
  • standard_name: grid_latitude
  • var_id: rlat_1
  • units: degrees
  • long_name: longitude in rotated pole grid
  • standard_name: grid_longitude
  • var_id: rlon_1
  • var_id: rotated_pole
  • long_name: t
  • var_id: t_4
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: eastward_wind
  • long_name: x wind component (with respect to grid)
  • var_id: x-wind
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: northward_wind
  • long_name: y wind component (with respect to grid)
  • var_id: y-wind

Co-ordinate Variables

Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
