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Old European Space Agency (ESA) Logo

ESA Sea Level Climate Change Initiative Project

Status: ongoing
Publication State: published


The European Space Agency (ESA) Sea Level Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Level_cci) project is part of the ESA's Climate Change Initiative programme.

In the first phases of the CCI programme, the Sea Level project produced and validated global sea level Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products.

In the current phase, the objective is to produce a long-term and homogeneous sea level record as close to the coast as possible in order to assess whether the coastal sea level trends experienced at the coast are similar as the observed sea level trends in the open ocean and to determine the causes of the potential discrepancies.

Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: ESA, SEA, LEVEL, CCI


Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.

Related Documents

 ESA CCI Sea Level website
Related parties
Principal Investigators (1)