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University of Leeds
Author (9) on the following record types:
Dataset Collection (3)
UTLS-Ozone SLIMCAT: Chemistry-Transport Model Output
BORTAS: In-situ Atmospheric Airborne and model data
SG-WEx: a collection of meteor radar observations, radiosondes and numerical modelling output over South Georgia
Dataset (6)
SG-WEx: Unified Model output for July 2015 over South Georgia, with island orography included (run: u-ab326)
Global 3-D TOMCAT CTM Tropospheric Ozone Simulations
Elevation change grids of Greenland's periphery for the years 1978, 1981, 1985 and 1987
The convection-advection oscillator identified in HadCM3 LGM simulations
UTLS-Ozone SLIMCAT: Leeds University Three dimensional chemistry transport model (CTM) measurements Version 1
UTLS-Ozone SLIMCAT: Leeds University Three dimensional chemistry transport model (CTM) measurements Version 2
Data Owner (6) on the following record types:
Dataset (6)
SG-WEx: Unified Model output for June-July 2015 over South Georgia, without island orography (run: u-af015)
SG-WEx: Unified Model output for January 2015 over South Georgia, without island orography (run: u-ag706)
SG-WEx: Unified Model output for January 2015 over South Georgia, with island orography included (run: u-ag477)
SG-WEx: Unified Model output for June-July 2015 over South Georgia, with island orography included (run: u-ae766)
SG-WEx: Unified Model output for July 2015 over South Georgia, with island orography included (run: u-ab326)
SG-WEx: Unified Model output for July 2015 over South Georgia, without island orography (run: u-ab978)
Funder (12) on the following record types:
Project (1)
VolcanEESM (Volcanic Emissions for Earth System Models)
Instrument (11)
University of Leeds: SODAR no. 1
University of Leeds: SODAR no. 2
University of Leeds: Datawell DWR-G4 Waverider Buoy
University of Leeds: XSens Attitude and Heading Reference System
University of Leeds: LI-COR LI-7500 Gas Analyser
University of Leeds: Mobotix MX-M24M IP camera - number 1
University of Leeds: Heitronics KT15 IR temperature sensor 1
University of Leeds: Metek USA-100 sonic anemometer
University of Leeds: Heitronics KT15 IR temperature sensor 2
University of Leeds: Mobotix MX-M24M IP camera number 3
University of Leeds: Mobotix MX-M24M IP camera number 2