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James Pope
Author (3) on the following record types:
Dataset Collection (1)
Poles Apart: Why has Antarctic sea ice increased and why don't coupled climate models reproduce observations
Dataset (2)
Poles Apart: Why has Antarctic sea ice increased and why don't coupled climate models reproduce observations, climate model data
Idealised climate model simulations for the Iceland Greenland Sea's Project (IGP)
Co-Investigator (1) on the following record types:
Project (1)
Poles Apart: Why has Antarctic sea ice increased and why don't coupled climate models reproduce observations.
Data Owner (1) on the following record types:
Dataset Collection (1)
Poles Apart: Why has Antarctic sea ice increased and why don't coupled climate models reproduce observations
Operator (1) on the following record types:
Computation (1)
MetUM vn.10.6 using the nested suite for IGP.