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Tim Arnold
Author (7) on the following record types:
Dataset Collection (1)
UK DECC (Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change) Network
Dataset (6)
Deriving Emissions related to Climate Change Network: CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6 and CO measurements from Heathfield Tall Tower, East Sussex
Atmospheric trace gas observations from the UK Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change (DECC) Network and associated data - Version 23.08
Atmospheric trace gas observations from the UK Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change (DECC) Network and associated data - Version 24.01
Atmospheric trace gas observations from the UK Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change (DECC) Network and associated data - Version 24.09
Methane Clumped Isotopologues Database
UK and Europe Methane (CH4) surface flux inverse modelling estimates for 2015 - 2019
Principal Investigator (1) on the following record types:
Project (1)
NERC project: POLYGRAM (POLYisotopologues of GReenhouse gases: Analysis and Modelling)