Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC)
Address: | Italy |
Telephone: | |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Author (89) on the following record types:
Dataset Collection (12)
Dataset (77)
Data Owner (85) on the following record types:
Dataset Collection (12)
Dataset (73)
Funder (64) on the following record types:
Project (2)
WCRP CMIP6: the EC-EARTH-CONSORTIUM team contribution |
PRIMAVERA: the EC-EARTH-CONSORTIUM team contribution |
Computation (62)
Operator (67) on the following record types:
Instrument (1)
Platform (4)
CNR-ISAC field site: Messina, Italy |
CNR-ISAC field site: Milano Bicocca, Italy |
CNR-ISAC field site: Rome, Italy |
CNR-ISAC field site: Monte Cimone, Italy |