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NERC EDS British Oceanographic Data Centre NOC




 1/12 degree Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model of the Southern Ocean: CORE2 normal year forced control run (1951-1987)
 1/12 degree Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model of the Southern Ocean: JRA55-do with absolute wind stress experiment (1988 - 2007)
 1/12 degree Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model of the Southern Ocean: JRA55-do interannually-varying forced control run (1978 - 2017)
 Acoustic data collected from a glider deployment in the North Sea in June-July 2021 as part of the EU Marine Robots (EUMR) project.
 Monthly ocean and sea-ice output from 1/4° NEMO GO6 integration forced by CORE2 data
 Monthly ocean and sea-ice output from 1/4° NEMO GO6 integration forced by JRA55 data
 Monthly ocean and sea-ice output from 1/4° NEMO GO6 integration forced by DFS5.2 data
 Multi-frequency, three-dimensional, four-component ocean bottom seismometer dataset acquired from an active fluid flow structure: Scanner Pockmark, North Sea.
 Passive seismicity recorded using four-component ocean bottom seismometers deployed in and around an active fluid flow structure: Scanner Pockmark, North Sea
 Multi-frequency, multi-channel seismic dataset acquired around an active fluid flow structure: Scanner Pockmark, North Sea.
 WINDS-C: A 1/50° decadal regional simulation of the Southwestern Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents for Lagrangian applications (climatological forcing based on 1993-2018)
 Model output from 1/12° global JRA55-forced integration of GO8p7 global ocean-sea ice model from 1958 to 2021
 Model output for marine debris accumulating at Seychelles and other remote islands in the western Indian Ocean (1993-2019)
 RisesAM-Global-ERA: An hourly 1° global simulation of Ocean sea surface waves (historic forcing based on 1979-2015 ERA interim)
 RisesAM-NEA-ERA: An hourly 1/12° regional simulation of the North East Atlantic Ocean sea surface waves (historic forcing based on 1979-2015 ERA interim)
 Daily Colour and Intensity Orthophotos of the Cliff and Beach at Happisburgh, Norfolk, UK (April-December 2019).
 POLCOMS-WAM model run in the Irish Sea generating depth-mean eastward and northward currents for the CoFEE project for 11 years from 1996.
 POLCOMS-WAM model run in the Irish Sea generating eastward and northward currents at 32 depth layers for the CoFEE project for 11 years from 1996.
 POLCOMS model run in the Northwest European continental shelf generating current data and sea surface elevation for 10 years from 1999.
 POLCOMS model run in the Atlantic margin of the Northwest European continental shelf generating eastward and northward baroclinic and barotropic current vectors for 41 years from 1964.
 POLCOMS model run in the Atlantic margin of the Northwest European continental shelf generating potential temperature, salinity, and sea surface height for 41 years from 1964.
 Northwest European Shelf daily and monthly physical-biogeochemical data (1990-2099) from NEMO-ERSEM coupled physics-biogeochemistry climate model forced by IPSL-CM5A-MR under scenario RCP8.5.
 Model output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA12 (1976-2005).
 Model output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA025 (1976-2005).
 Sensitivity experiments with a 1/12° regional configuration of MITgcm in the North Atlantic Ocean (repeated year forcing from JRA55-do, May 2003-May 2004) with forced surface winds extracting variability in subsynoptic and synoptic processes.
 Hourly model outputs from coupled ocean-biogeochemistry model with passive tracers released from the location of the MV X-Press Pearl accident location 2021.
 SRIL34 model outputs of ocean physics variables over the Sri Lanka region (2019-2021).
 Idealised outputs on effects of tides and waves on delta development using the model Delft3D on a 36 and 72 year scale.
 Greater Haig Fras autonomous underwater vehicle seafloor survey - mosaicked image tiles used to assess benthic assemblages and seabed types (2012).
 Model output from 1/4° global JRA55-forced integration of GO8p7 global ocean-sea ice model from 1958 to 2021
 Coral larval dispersal simulations for the southwestern Indian Ocean (1993-2020)
 Daily Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scans of an eroding soft cliff at Happisburgh, UK (October-December 2019)
 Modelled Nearshore Wave Conditions, Happisburgh, UK (March to December 2019).
 RisesAM-Global-clim: Hourly 1° global simulations of Ocean sea surface waves (climatological forcing based on 1970-2100) for 2 climate futures
 WAM model run in the Northwest European continental shelf generating surface and bottom wave data for 10 years from 1999.
 Daily Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scans of an eroding soft cliff at Happisburgh, UK (April-September 2019)
 POLCOMS-WAM model run in the Irish Sea generating surface wave data for the CoFEE project for 11 years from 1996.
 WINDS-M: A 1/50° multidecadal regional simulation of the Southwestern Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents for Lagrangian applications (realistic forcing, 1993-2020)
 Model output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA1 (1976-2005).
 Control run of a 1/12° regional simulation of MITgcm in the North Atlantic Ocean (repeated year forcing from JRA55-do, May 2003-May 2004).
 Daily model outputs from coupled ocean-biogeochemistry model with passive tracers released from the location of the MV X-Press Pearl accident location 2021.
 Northwest European Shelf daily and monthly physical-biogeochemical data (1990-2099) from NEMO-ERSEM coupled physics-biogeochemistry climate model forced by GFDL-ESM2G under scenario RCP8.5.
 Colour corrected seafloor BioCam images collected from the Darwin Mounds Marine Protected Area during RRS Discovery cruise DY108/109 (2019).
 RisesAM-NEA-clim: Hourly 1/12° regional simulations of the North East Atlantic Ocean sea surface waves (climatological forcing based on 1970-2100) for 2 climate futures
 HighResCoralStress: Observed and statistically downscaled CMIP6 projections of daily sea surface temperature (SST) at 0.01°/1 km spatial resolution for the global coral reef area from 1985 to 2100.
 Daily Colour and Intensity Georeferenced Orthophotos of the Cliff and Beach at Happisburgh, Norfolk, UK (April-December 2019) version 2.
 Regional summaries from Arctic high-resolution sea ice-ocean forced modelling projections (2000-2050)
 Regional summaries from Arctic high-resolution sea ice-ocean modelling hindcasts (2008-2021)