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Latest Data Update: 2018-03-21
Status: Pending
Publication State: Working
Publication Date:


The Leaf Area Index (LAI) product is produced using a Two Stream Inversion Package (TIP) method applied to visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) broadband albedos (from the QA4ECV albedo product). he definition of LAI in this product is half the total canopy area per unit ground area (m2 / m2) for a homogeneous canopy of infinitesimally small Lambertian surfaces, akin to a turbid medium.

Citable as:  Blessing, S.; Giering, R.; Muller, J.-P.; Kharbouche, S.; Danne, O. (9999): QA4ECV LAI. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Not defined


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Not defined

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