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RisesAM-NEA-ERA: An hourly 1/12° regional simulation of the North East Atlantic Ocean sea surface waves (historic forcing based on 1979-2015 ERA interim)

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2023-03-22
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Citable
Publication Date: 2023-04-04
DOI Publication Date: 2023-04-06
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 444 Files | 240GB


This dataset covers a regional model of the North East Atlantic run for a historic reanalysis period (1979-2015) forced by ECMWF Re-Analysis winds (ERA-Interim, The data are produced with a spectral wave model; WaveWatchIII (Tolman, 1997) on a regular lat/lon grid with resolution around 1/12th degree. The netcdf data include high frequency (hourly) wave data of bulk parameters representing significant wave height, mean wave direction, and energy period. Partitioned wave data are also included for significant wave height, peak period, and direction. These data are presented in 3 partitions, with a fraction of wind sea specified for each. The data set is produced to benchmark the model before investigating future wave conditions of Europe under climate change. The simulations were run using funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant Agreement No: FP7-ENV-2013-Two-Stage-603396-RISES-AM-. This work used the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service (

Citable as:  Bricheno, L.; Wolf, J. (2023): RisesAM-NEA-ERA: An hourly 1/12° regional simulation of the North East Atlantic Ocean sea surface waves (historic forcing based on 1979-2015 ERA interim). NERC EDS British Oceanographic Data Centre NOC, 06 April 2023. doi:10.5285/21a10e3de91d4d2da9a60489ba45df10.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: surface, model, wave, ERA, interim, reanalysis, UK, climate, projections, UKCP18


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

This dataset consists of regional and global simulations of wave data under different climate futures. The simulations were funded through European Union’s Seventh Programme for Research, Technological Development, and Demonstration project FP7-ENV-2013-Two-Stage-603396-RISES-AM, and used the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service. The outputs are archived on the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)'s space at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) and assigned a DOI. No quality control procedures were applied by BODC.

Data Quality:
Model output has only been checked for CF convention compliance, otherwise supplied as-is.
File Format:
Data are CF-Compliant NetCDF formatted data files

Process overview

This dataset was generated by the computation detailed below.

WaveWatch III


WAVEWATCH III® (Tolman 1997, 1999a, 2009) is a third generation wave model developed at NOAA/NCEP in the spirit of the WAM model (WAMDIG 1988, Komen et al. 1994). It is a further development of the model WAVEWATCH, as developed at Delft University of Technology (Tolman 1989, 1991a) and WAVEWATCH II, developed at NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center (e.g., Tolman 1992). WAVEWATCH III®, however, differs from its predecessors in many important points such as the governing equations, the model structure, the numerical methods and the physical parameterizations. Furthermore, with model version 3.14, WAVEWATCH III® is evolving from a wave model into a wave modeling framework, which allows for easy development of additional physical and numerical approaches to wave modeling. WAVEWATCH III® solves the random phase spectral action density balance equation for wavenumber-direction spectra. The implicit assumption of this equation is that properties of medium (water depth and current) as well as the wave field itself vary on time and space scales that are much larger than the variation scales of a single wave. With version 3.14 some source term options for extremely shallow water (surf zone) have been included, as well as wetting and drying of grid points. Whereas the surf-zone physics implemented so far are still fairly rudimentary, it does imply that the wave model can now be applied to arbitrary shallow water.

Input Description


Output Description


Software Reference


  • units: s
  • var_id: te
  • standard_name: sea_surface_wind_wave_energy_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment
  • long_name: energy_period_Tm-1
  • units: degree
  • var_id: th0
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_0_wave_from_mean_direction
  • long_name: mean_direction_swell_partition_0
  • units: degree
  • var_id: th1
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_1_wave_from_mean_direction
  • long_name: mean_direction_swell_partition_1
  • units: degree
  • var_id: th2
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_2_wave_from_mean_direction
  • long_name: mean_direction_swell_partition_2
  • units: s
  • var_id: tp0
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_0_wave_peak_period
  • long_name: peak_period_swell_partition_0
  • units: s
  • var_id: tp1
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_1_wave_peak_period
  • long_name: peak_period_swell_partition_1
  • units: s
  • var_id: tp2
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_2_wave_peak_period
  • long_name: peak_period_swell_partition_2
  • units: m
  • var_id: hs
  • standard_name: significant_height_of_wind_and_swell_waves
  • long_name: significant_wave_height
  • units: m
  • var_id: hs0
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_0_wave_significant_height
  • long_name: significant_wave_height_partition_0
  • units: m
  • var_id: hs1
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_1_wave_significant_height
  • long_name: significant_wave_height_partition_1
  • units: m
  • var_id: hs2
  • standard_name: sea_surface_swell_2_wave_significant_height
  • long_name: significant_wave_height_partition_2
  • units: degree
  • var_id: dir
  • standard_name: sea_surface_wave_from_direction
  • long_name: wave_mean_direction
  • units:
  • var_id: ws0
  • standard_name: wind_sea_fraction_in_partition_0
  • long_name: wind sea fraction in partition 0
  • units:
  • var_id: ws1
  • standard_name: wind_sea_fraction_in_partition_1
  • long_name: wind sea fraction in partition 1
  • units:
  • var_id: ws2
  • standard_name: wind_sea_fraction_in_partition_2
  • long_name: wind sea fraction in partition 2

Co-ordinate Variables

  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
  • units: days
  • long_name: julian day (UT)
  • units: degree_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • var_id: latitude
  • long_name: latitude
  • units: degree_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • var_id: longitude
  • long_name: longitude
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
