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ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal forecast output - case study of summer 2022

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2024-05-21
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2024-06-05
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 2.44K Files | 28GB


This dataset contains the output of three fully coupled seasonal forecast experiments performed as a case study of summer 2022, using the same model setup as ECWMF seasonal forecast system 5 (SEAS5), as presented in the paper Patterson, M., Befort, D., O'Reilly, C., Weisheimer, A. "The ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal forecast of the hot and dry European summer of 2022" Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,

​The three experiments are:
A coupled hindcast ensemble with perturbed initial conditions for the 2022 summer, identical to the operational hindcast with the start date 1st May, but for 200 members rather than 51.
2) ATMOS-IC-2022
Similar to the CONTROL with 2022 initial conditions for the atmosphere and land surface and 2022 concentrations of carbon dioxide, but with ocean initial conditions taken from a year in 1981-2021. Five perturbed initial condition states taken for each year hence, 41 x 5 = 205 members.
3) OCEAN-IC-2022
Similar to CONTROL with 2022 initial conditions for the ocean, but with initial atmosphere, land surface and carbon dioxide conditions taken from a year in 1981-2021. Like ATMOS-IC-2022, 41 x 5 = 205 members.

The OCEAN-IC-2022 experiments were performed by taking the setup for hindcasts 1981-2021 and swapping the ocean initial conditions for 2022. The time dimension therefore corresponds to the time of the base hindcast taken from 1981-2021. Conversely, the ATMOS-IC-2022 were performed by running the 2022 hindcast and swapping the ocean initial conditions for other years. The time dimension for ATMOS-IC-2022 therefore is identical for all members. Hindcasts are all started on 1st May and run for four months.

The data stored is monthly-mean output from the experiments with the following directory structure
for variables on pressure levels:

and for those on a single level or at the surface:

The files each contain multiple variables. Variables on pressure levels are stored at 700hPa,500hPa and 250hPa levels.

Pressure level variables stored are:
u (zonal wind), v (meridional wind), t (air temperature), z (geopotential), q (specific humidity)

Surface variables stored are:
sst (sea surface temperature), swvl1 (Volumetric soil water layer 1), swvl2 (Volumetric soil water layer 2), swvl3 (Volumetric soil water layer 3), swvl4 (Volumetric soil water layer 4), msl (air pressure at mean sea level), t2m (2m temperature), tprate (mean total precipitation rate).

Citable as:  Patterson, M.; Befort, D.; O'Reilly, C.; Weisheimer, A. (2024): ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal forecast output - case study of summer 2022. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Seasonal forecasts, Climate prediction, Climate modelling, Europe


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

The data were produced using the same model setup as ECWMF seasonal forecast system 5 (SEAS5) on the ECMWF ATOS system. Data were produced by the project team before archival at CEDA.

File Format:
Contact for file format information.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by the computation detailed below.

ECMWF IFS cycle 43r1


Input Description


Output Description


Software Reference


No variables found.

Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
