
Auchencorth Moss Atmospheric Observatory Met Instruments
The meteorological measurements were initially made to assist with interpretation of the fluxes and as such weren't installed with the intention of providing WMO standard measurements but since 2014 we have been moving towards these standards as well as enhancing instrumentation.
Instruments includes:
-fine wire type-E thermocouple (Estimate senisble heat fluxes, Average soil temperature)
-Vailsala relative humidity and temperature probe.
-Atmospheric pressure sensors.
-Skye SKS1110 (Total solar radiation).
-Skye SKP215 (Photosynthetically Averaged Radiation).
-Kipp & Zonen NrLite (Net radiation).
-Tipping bucket rainfall.
-Hukseflux HFP01 plates (soil heat flux)
-TDR probes, campbell CS616 (soil water content).
-Gill R3 (wind speed and direction)
-Windmaster sonic anemometer at 3.6 m (wind speed and direction, turbulence measurements)
-Campbell Scientific SR50A-L Sonic Ranging Sensor (snow depth)
-Vaisala FD12P Present Weather Sensor
keywords: | Auchencorth Moss |
instrumentType: | Other Instrument Type |
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No related previous identifiers.