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Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Iceland vapour isotope analyzer at Húsavik and samples of precipitation and surface snow in Iceland and southern Norway within SNOWPACE

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2022-02-14
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2022-02-15
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 4 Files | 4MB


This dataset contains measurements of the water vapour isotope composition of ambient vapour obtained from a water vapour isotope analyzer manufactured by Los Gatos Research (LGR), and from discrete sampling of surface snow and precipitation and subsequent laboratory analysis. The analyzer was installed in the harbour of Húsavik, Iceland. Discrete sampling included precipitation and surface snow from two surface transects in northern Iceland and in several locations in southern Norway. The LGR LWIA analyzer is an off-axis cavity ring-down spectrometer using infrared absorption bands for the retrieval of the water isotope ratios for H216O, H218O, and HDO, quantified as mixing ratio of water vapour (w, ppmv), delta 18-O, and delta-D (permil). The data set for the Húsavik station is accompanied by automatic weather station data (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, sea-level pressure) from the Icelandic weather service ( for several nearby locations. For further details and figures for the vapour measurements, and the surface sample collection during the campaign, and processing thereafter, please read the attached documentation.

This research is funded by the Research Council of Norway under the Sources of the Norwegian winter season snow pack constrained by stable water isotopes - SNOWPACE project (Project Nr. 262710) and the Facility for advanced isotopic research and monitoring of weather, climate and biogeochemical cycling (FARLAB) project (Project Nr. 245907).

Citable as:  Sodemann, H.; Lacour, J.-L.; Jons, S.; Steen-Larsen, H.C.; Ólafsdóttir, R.; Touzeau, A.; Weng, Y. (2022): Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Iceland vapour isotope analyzer at Húsavik and samples of precipitation and surface snow in Iceland and southern Norway within SNOWPACE. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Not defined


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data collected during the IGP field campaign, then processed and quality controlled at the University of Bergen and at University of Iceland.

Data Quality:
This data has been quality controlled at the University of Bergen and at University of Iceland.
File Format:
Data are NetCDF and CSV formatted.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by a combination of instruments deployed on platforms and computations as detailed below.

Independent Instruments

Los Gatos Research WVIS

Computation Element: 1

Title Post processing of station data at the University of Iceland and the University of Bergen
Abstract The vapour measurements averaged to 15 min time intervals. In total, the instrument operated on 60 days, with a total of 51.7 days of ambient air measurements. Uncertainty after calibration is 0.4, 2.0 and 1.8 for δO18, δD and the d-excess, respectively. The vapour isotope data are joined with the meteorological data from nearby automatic weather stations with a 15 min averaging time using the processing tool isofuse (naming:; format: netcdf). Weather station data for the 7 closest automatic weather stations near the sampling transects are joined in a common data file at the original 10 min time resolution (naming:; format: netcdf). Results from precipitation and surface snow sample analysis for water isotopes from the Iceland and southern Norway are available in one datafile (naming:IGP2018_SNOWPACE_water_isotope_samples_stations.csv, format: csv).\n\n\nPost processing of the vapour isotope data was done by Jean-Lionel Lacour (UoI). Post processing of the discrete sample data was done by Harald Sodemann (UiB), who also acts as data contact.
Input Description None
Output Description None
Software Reference None
Output Description


No variables found.

Temporal Range
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