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Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP):Humidity and temperature profiles from the NCAS Humidity And Temperature PROfilers (HATPRO) scanning radiometer on board the Alliance research vessel.

Latest Data Update: 2018-07-30
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2019-08-01
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 360 Files | 605MB


This dataset contains humidity and temperature profiles from the NCAS Humidity And Temperature PROfilers (HATPRO) scanning radiometer on board the Alliance research vessel for the Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP).

The Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP) was an international project involving the UK, US a Norwegian research communities. The UK component was funded by NERC, under the Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea (AFIS) project (NE/N009754/1)

Citable as:  Brooks, B.J. (2019): Iceland Greenland seas Project (IGP):Humidity and temperature profiles from the NCAS Humidity And Temperature PROfilers (HATPRO) scanning radiometer on board the Alliance research vessel.. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: IGP, humidity, temperature


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data delivered to the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) for archiving.

Data Quality:
Data are as given by the data provider, no quality control has been performed by the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA)
File Format:

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Process overview

This dataset was generated by instruments deployed on platforms as listed below.

Instrument/Platform pairings

NCAS Scanning Radiometer- HATPRO Deployed on: Alliance Ship
Output Description


  • units: g m-3
  • var_id: absolute_humidity
  • long_name: Absolute Humidity.
  • units: hPa
  • standard_name: air_pressure
  • var_id: air_pressure
  • long_name: Air Pressure
  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • var_id: air_temperature
  • long_name: Air Temperature
  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • var_id: air_temperature
  • long_name: Air Temperature.
  • units: K
  • long_name: Atmosphere Stability K Index (KI)
  • standard_name: atmosphere_stability_k_index
  • var_id: atmosphere_stability_k_index
  • units: K
  • long_name: Atmosphere Stability Lifted Index (LI)
  • var_id: atmosphere_stability_lifted_index
  • units: dB
  • long_name: Atmospheric Attenuation
  • var_id: atmospheric_attenuation
  • units: K
  • standard_name: brightness_temperature
  • var_id: brightness_temperature
  • long_name: Brightness Temperature
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Pitch Angle
  • var_id: qc_flag_pitch_angle
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Pitch Angle Rate of Change
  • var_id: qc_flag_pitch_rate
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Precipitation
  • var_id: qc_flag_precipitation
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 1 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_1_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 10 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_10_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 11 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_11_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 12 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_12_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 13 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_13_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 14 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_14_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 2 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_2_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 3 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_3_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 4 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_4_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 5 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_5_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 6 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_6_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 7 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_7_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 8 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_8_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Receiver channel 9 failed
  • var_id: qc_flag_channel_9_failure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Roll Angle
  • var_id: qc_flag_roll_angle
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Roll Angle Rate of Change
  • var_id: qc_flag_roll_rate
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Surface Pressure
  • var_id: qc_flag_surface_pressure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Surface Relative Humidity
  • var_id: qc_flag_surface_relative_humidity
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Surface Temperature
  • var_id: qc_flag_surface_temperature
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Thermal stability of moisture receiver bank
  • var_id: qc_flag_rh_receiver_temperature_stability
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Thermal stability of temperature receiver bank
  • var_id: qc_flag_t_receiver_temperature_stability
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Yaw Angle
  • var_id: qc_flag_yaw_angle
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Data Quality flag: Yaw Angle Rate of Change
  • var_id: qc_flag_yaw_rate
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Day
  • var_id: day
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Day of Year
  • var_id: day_of_year
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_orientation
  • var_id: platform_orientation
  • long_name: Direction in which front of platform is pointing.
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_course
  • long_name: Direction in which the platform is travelling.
  • var_id: platform_course
  • units: m
  • standard_name: altitude
  • var_id: altitude
  • long_name: Geometric height above geoid (WGS84).
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Hour
  • var_id: hour
  • units: degree s-1
  • long_name: Instrument Pitch Angle Rate of Change.
  • var_id: instrument_pitch_rate
  • units: degree
  • long_name: Instrument Pitch Angle.
  • var_id: instrument_pitch_angle
  • units: degree s-1
  • long_name: Instrument Roll Angle Rate of Change.
  • var_id: instrument_roll_rate
  • units: degree
  • long_name: Instrument Roll Angle.
  • var_id: instrument_roll_angle
  • units: degree s-1
  • long_name: Instrument Yaw Angle Rate of Change.
  • var_id: instrument_yaw_rate
  • units: degree
  • long_name: Instrument Yaw Angle.
  • var_id: instrument_yaw_angle
  • units: kg m-2
  • long_name: Integrated Water Vapour)
  • var_id: integrated_water_vapour
  • units: g m-2
  • long_name: Liquid Water Path)
  • var_id: liquid_water_path
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Minute
  • var_id: minute
  • units: K
  • long_name: Modified Atmosphere Stability K Index (KOI)
  • var_id: modified_atmosphere_stability_k_index
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Month
  • var_id: month
  • units: s-1
  • long_name: Receiver Channel Centre Frequency.
  • standard_name: radiation_frequency
  • var_id: radiation_frequency
  • standard_name: relative_humidity
  • var_id: relative_humidity
  • units: %
  • long_name: Relative Humidity
  • standard_name: relative_humidity
  • var_id: relative_humidity
  • units: %
  • long_name: Relative Humidity.
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Second
  • var_id: second
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_ground
  • long_name: Speed of platform relative to ground
  • var_id: platform_speed_wrt_ground
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Year
  • var_id: year

Co-ordinate Variables

  • units: degrees_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • var_id: latitude
  • long_name: Latitude
  • units: degrees_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • var_id: longitude
  • long_name: Longitude
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
