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Status: Not defined
Publication State:


Landsat 7 was launched as a continuation of the Landsat programme on 15th April 1999 and is still operational as of July 2014. A three-axis attitude control subsystem stabilizes the satellite and keeps the instrument pointed toward Earth to within 0.05 degrees. The LANDSAT World-Wide-Reference system catalogues the worlds land mass into 57,784 scenes, each 115 miles (183 kilometres) wide by 106 miles (170 kilometres) long.

Launch date: 15/04/1999
Status/projected mission lifetime: 5 years +
Orbit parameters: near circular
Nominal altitude: 705 km
Orbit type: near-polar, sun-synchronous
Inclination: 98.2 degrees
Repeat period: 16 days
Equatorial crossing time: 10.00 local time (descending node)
Swath width: 183 km
Resolution: 15 - 60 m
Special features: Panchromatic band, thermal band with 2 gain settings

Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Not defined

platformType:      satellite
location:      GeographicBoundingBox: Longitude: -180.000 to 180.000; Latitude: 90.000 to -90.000
Previously used record indentifiers:

More Information (under review)


Links to further information

Orbital Parameters

Launch 1999-04-15
Orbit type Polar, sun-synchronous
Orbital period 98.9 minutes
Repeat period 16 days
Altitude 705km
Inclination 98.2 degrees
Equator Crossing time Nominally 10 AM (± 15 min.) local time (descending node)

Who to contact

If you have queries about these pages or about obtaining the Landsat 7 data from the NEODC then you should contact the NEODC Support team. Your query should be answered within one working day. When follow-up work is required, the NEODC support team will carry out the work as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Platform location
