Model output from 1/12° global JRA55-forced integration of GO8p7 global ocean-sea ice model from 1958 to 2021
Annual, monthly and 5-day ocean and ice output from an integration of the UK Global Ocean GO8p7 configuration, based on version 4.0.4 of the NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) ocean and sea-ice model, forced by the JRA-55 (Japanese 55-year atmospheric analysis, Tsujino et al., 2018) surface field dataset. The complete dataset includes: full monthly and annual mean ocean fields; monthly mean sea ice fields; monthly and annual mean global mean scalar quantities; and 5-day mean values of a subset of 2-dimensional fields, including surface fields and bottom pressure. The present integration is on the 1/12° eORCA12 global grid. The model is initialised from an average of years 1995-2014 of the EN4 climatology (Good et al., 2013), and is integrated from 1958 to 2021. The model was run on the Archer2 HPC platform. The integrations were funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under the Atlantic Climate System Integrated Study (ACSIS) project (NE/N018044/1).
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No news update for this record
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No related previous identifiers.
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Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
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Data are as given by the data provider, no quality control has been performed by British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) |
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Data as supplied to BODC - no additional quality checks performed
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Data are CF-Compliant NetCDF data files
Related Documents
Process overview
Title | UK Global Ocean GO8p7 configuration, based on version 4.0.4 of the NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) ocean and sea-ice model |
Abstract | GO8p7 configuration was developed under JMMP collaborative programme, based on NEMO v4.0.4 |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
- long_name: 1st principal stress component for EVP rhg
- var_id: isig1
- names: 1st principal stress component for EVP rhg
- long_name: 2nd principal stress component for EVP rhg
- var_id: isig2
- names: 2nd principal stress component for EVP rhg
- units: N/m
- long_name: Average normal stress in sea ice
- standard_name: average_normal_stress
- var_id: normstr
- names: Average normal stress in sea ice, average_normal_stress
- units: N/m
- standard_name: compressive_strength_of_sea_ice
- long_name: Compressive sea ice strength
- var_id: sistre
- names: compressive_strength_of_sea_ice, Compressive sea ice strength
- units: s-1
- standard_name: divergence_of_sea_ice_velocity
- long_name: Divergence of the sea-ice velocity field
- var_id: sidive
- names: divergence_of_sea_ice_velocity, Divergence of the sea-ice velocity field
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice
- var_id: qemp_ice
- names: Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice
- var_id: sfdsi
- long_name: Downward salt flux
- units: 1e-3/m2/s
- names: Downward salt flux
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: Evap minus Precip over ice
- standard_name: evap_minus_precip_over_sea_ice
- var_id: soemp_ice
- names: Evap minus Precip over ice, evap_minus_precip_over_sea_ice
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: Evap minus Precip over ocean
- standard_name: evap_minus_precip_over_sea_water
- var_id: soemp_oce
- names: Evap minus Precip over ocean, evap_minus_precip_over_sea_water
- long_name: Fraction of time step with sea ice (per category)
- var_id: simskcat
- names: Fraction of time step with sea ice (per category)
- long_name: Fraction of time steps with sea ice
- standard_name: sea_ice_mask
- var_id: simsk
- names: Fraction of time steps with sea ice, sea_ice_mask
- units: 1
- long_name: Ice category
- var_id: ncatice
- names: Ice category, ncatice
- units: 1
- standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name: Ice fraction
- var_id: soicecov
- names: sea_ice_area_fraction, Ice fraction
- long_name: Ice mask (0 if ice conc. lower than 15%, 1 otherwise)
- standard_name: sea_ice_mask15
- var_id: simsk15
- names: Ice mask (0 if ice conc. lower than 15%, 1 otherwise), sea_ice_mask15
- long_name: Ice mask (0 if ice conc. lower than 5%, 1 otherwise)
- standard_name: sea_ice_mask05
- var_id: simsk05
- names: Ice mask (0 if ice conc. lower than 5%, 1 otherwise), sea_ice_mask05
- long_name: Ice melt pond grid fraction
- var_id: siapncat
- names: Ice melt pond grid fraction
- units: m
- long_name: Ice melt pond volume per grid area per category
- var_id: sivpncat
- names: Ice melt pond volume per grid area per category
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Ice shelf heat content flux
- var_id: sohfcisf
- names: Ice shelf heat content flux
- units: W/m2
- var_id: sohflisf
- long_name: Ice shelf latent heat flux
- names: Ice shelf latent heat flux
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: Ice shelf melting
- var_id: sowflisf
- names: Ice shelf melting
- units: degC
- long_name: Ice temperature per category
- var_id: sitemcat
- names: Ice temperature per category
- units: W/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_latent_heat_flux
- long_name: Latent Downward Heat Flux over open ocean
- var_id: qla_oce
- names: surface_downward_latent_heat_flux, Latent Downward Heat Flux over open ocean
- units: s-1
- long_name: Maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field
- standard_name: maximum_shear_of_sea_ice_velocity
- var_id: sishea
- names: Maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field, maximum_shear_of_sea_ice_velocity
- units: N/m
- long_name: Maximum shear stress in sea ice
- standard_name: maximum_shear_stress
- var_id: sheastr
- names: Maximum shear stress in sea ice, maximum_shear_stress
- var_id: albedo
- long_name: Mean albedo over sea ice and ocean
- names: Mean albedo over sea ice and ocean
- units: degC
- long_name: Mean ice temperature
- var_id: sitemp
- names: Mean ice temperature
- units: m
- standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness
- long_name: Mixed Layer Depth interpolated
- var_id: somxzint1
- names: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness, Mixed Layer Depth interpolated
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Net Downward Heat Flux
- standard_name: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
- var_id: hfds
- names: Net Downward Heat Flux, surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: Net Upward Water Flux
- var_id: sowaflup
- standard_name: water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- names: Net Upward Water Flux, water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Net conductive heat flux at the ice bottom (neg = ice cooling)
- standard_name: conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_bottom
- var_id: hfxcndbot
- names: Net conductive heat flux at the ice bottom (neg = ice cooling), conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_bottom
- units: W/m2
- standard_name: conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_surface
- long_name: Net conductive heat flux at the ice surface (neg = ice cooling)
- var_id: hfxcndtop
- names: conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_surface, Net conductive heat flux at the ice surface (neg = ice cooling)
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Net sensible heat flux under sea ice (neg = ice cooling)
- standard_name: ice_ocean_heat_flux
- var_id: hfxsensib
- names: Net sensible heat flux under sea ice (neg = ice cooling), ice_ocean_heat_flux
- units: kg/m2/s
- standard_name: water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
- var_id: friver
- long_name: River Runoffs
- names: water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers, River Runoffs
- standard_name: sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor
- units: dbar
- long_name: Sea Water Pressure at Sea Floor
- var_id: botpres
- names: sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor, Sea Water Pressure at Sea Floor
- units: g/kg
- long_name: Sea ice salinity
- var_id: sisali
- names: Sea ice salinity
- units: g/kg
- long_name: Sea-Ice Bulk salinity per category
- var_id: sisalcat
- names: Sea-Ice Bulk salinity per category
- standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction
- var_id: siconc
- long_name: Sea-ice area fraction
- names: sea_ice_area_fraction, Sea-ice area fraction
- long_name: Sea-ice concentration per category
- var_id: siconcat
- names: Sea-ice concentration per category
- units: m/s
- standard_name: sea_ice_speed
- long_name: Sea-ice speed
- var_id: sivelo
- names: sea_ice_speed, Sea-ice speed
- units: m
- standard_name: sea_ice_thickness
- var_id: sithic
- long_name: Sea-ice thickness
- names: sea_ice_thickness, Sea-ice thickness
- units: m
- long_name: Sea-ice thickness per category
- var_id: sithicat
- names: Sea-ice thickness per category
- units: m
- standard_name: sea_ice_thickness
- long_name: Sea-ice volume per area
- var_id: sivolu
- names: sea_ice_thickness, Sea-ice volume per area
- units: W/m2
- standard_name: downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water
- var_id: rsdo
- long_name: Shortwave Radiation 3D distribution
- names: downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water, Shortwave Radiation 3D distribution
- standard_name: snowfall_flux
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: Snow precipitation
- var_id: snowpre
- names: snowfall_flux, Snow precipitation
- units: degC
- long_name: Snow temperature per category
- var_id: sntemcat
- names: Snow temperature per category
- units: m
- long_name: Snow thickness per category
- var_id: snthicat
- names: Snow thickness per category
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: Surface Water Flux: Damping
- standard_name: water_flux_out_of_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation
- var_id: so_erp
- names: Surface Water Flux: Damping, water_flux_out_of_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation
- units: m
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- var_id: thkcello
- long_name: T-cell thickness
- names: cell_thickness, T-cell thickness
- standard_name: precipitation_flux
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: Total precipitation
- var_id: soprecip
- names: precipitation_flux, Total precipitation
- units: m
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- var_id: thkcello
- long_name: U-cell thickness
- names: cell_thickness, U-cell thickness
- units: m/s
- long_name: UU
- standard_name: square_of_sea_water_x_velocity
- var_id: u2o
- names: UU, square_of_sea_water_x_velocity
- units: m
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- var_id: thkcello
- long_name: V-cell thickness
- names: cell_thickness, V-cell thickness
- units: m/s
- long_name: VV
- standard_name: square_of_sea_water_y_velocity
- var_id: v2o
- names: VV, square_of_sea_water_y_velocity
- units: m
- long_name: Vertical T levels
- var_id: deptht
- names: Vertical T levels, deptht
- units: m
- long_name: Vertical U levels
- var_id: depthu
- names: Vertical U levels, depthu
- units: m
- long_name: Vertical V levels
- var_id: depthv
- names: Vertical V levels, depthv
- units: m
- var_id: depthw
- long_name: Vertical W levels
- names: Vertical W levels, depthw
- units: m
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- long_name: W-cell thickness
- var_id: e3w
- names: cell_thickness, W-cell thickness
- units: m/s
- long_name: WW
- standard_name: square_of_upward_sea_water_velocity
- var_id: w2o
- names: WW, square_of_upward_sea_water_velocity
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: fsitherm
- long_name: Water flux due to freezing/melting
- names: Water flux due to freezing/melting
- units: N/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_x_stress
- long_name: Wind Stress along i-axis
- var_id: tauuo
- names: surface_downward_x_stress, Wind Stress along i-axis
- units: N/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_y_stress
- long_name: Wind Stress along j-axis
- var_id: tauvo
- names: surface_downward_y_stress, Wind Stress along j-axis
- units: N/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_x_stress
- long_name: X-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice
- var_id: utau_ai
- names: surface_downward_x_stress, X-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice
- units: N/m2
- long_name: X-component of ocean stress on sea ice
- standard_name: sea_ice_base_upward_x_stress
- var_id: utau_oi
- names: X-component of ocean stress on sea ice, sea_ice_base_upward_x_stress
- units: m/s
- standard_name: sea_ice_x_velocity
- long_name: X-component of sea ice velocity
- var_id: sivelu
- names: sea_ice_x_velocity, X-component of sea ice velocity
- units: N/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_y_stress
- long_name: Y-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice
- var_id: vtau_ai
- names: surface_downward_y_stress, Y-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice
- units: N/m2
- long_name: Y-component of ocean stress on sea ice
- standard_name: sea_ice_base_upward_y_stress
- var_id: vtau_oi
- names: Y-component of ocean stress on sea ice, sea_ice_base_upward_y_stress
- units: m/s
- standard_name: sea_ice_y_velocity
- long_name: Y-component of sea ice velocity
- var_id: sivelv
- names: sea_ice_y_velocity, Y-component of sea ice velocity
- units: 1e-3
- long_name: absolute salinity
- standard_name: sea_water_absolute_salinity
- var_id: so_abs
- names: absolute salinity, sea_water_absolute_salinity
- units: degC
- standard_name: sea_water_conservative_temperature
- long_name: conservative temperature
- var_id: thetao_con
- names: sea_water_conservative_temperature, conservative temperature
- long_name: convergence measure for EVP rheology (must be around 1)
- var_id: isig3
- names: convergence measure for EVP rheology (must be around 1)
- units: m
- var_id: deptht_bounds
- units: m
- var_id: depthu_bounds
- units: m
- var_id: depthv_bounds
- units: m
- var_id: depthw_bounds
- units: degC
- standard_name: sea_water_potential_temperature
- long_name: global mean potential temperature
- var_id: temptot
- names: sea_water_potential_temperature, global mean potential temperature
- standard_name: sea_water_salinity
- units: 1e-3
- long_name: global mean salinity
- var_id: saltot
- names: sea_water_salinity, global mean salinity
- units: m
- standard_name: global_average_sea_level_change
- long_name: global mean ssh
- var_id: sshtot
- names: global_average_sea_level_change, global mean ssh
- units: m
- standard_name: global_average_steric_sea_level_change
- long_name: global mean ssh steric
- var_id: sshsteric
- names: global_average_steric_sea_level_change, global mean ssh steric
- units: kg
- standard_name: sea_water_mass
- long_name: global total mass
- var_id: masstot
- names: sea_water_mass, global total mass
- units: m3
- standard_name: sea_water_volume
- long_name: global total volume
- var_id: voltot
- names: sea_water_volume, global total volume
- units: J/m2/s
- var_id: berg_latent_heat_flux
- long_name: icb heat flux to ocean due to melting latent heat
- names: icb heat flux to ocean due to melting latent heat
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: ficeberg
- long_name: icb melt rate of icebergs
- names: icb melt rate of icebergs
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: ice-ocean mass flux from ice melt/growth (neg = growth)
- var_id: vfxice
- names: ice-ocean mass flux from ice melt/growth (neg = growth)
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: ice-ocean mass flux from snw melt/growth (neg = growth)
- var_id: vfxsnw
- names: ice-ocean mass flux from snw melt/growth (neg = growth)
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: ice-ocean salt flux from ice growth/melt (neg = growth)
- var_id: sfxice
- names: ice-ocean salt flux from ice growth/melt (neg = growth)
- long_name: melt pond concentration
- standard_name: sea_ice_meltpond_concentration
- var_id: siapnd
- names: melt pond concentration, sea_ice_meltpond_concentration
- long_name: melt pond effective concentration
- standard_name: sea_ice_meltpond_effective_concentration
- var_id: siepnd
- names: melt pond effective concentration, sea_ice_meltpond_effective_concentration
- units: m
- long_name: melt pond lid volume
- standard_name: sea_ice_meltpondlid_volume
- var_id: sivlid
- names: melt pond lid volume, sea_ice_meltpondlid_volume
- units: m
- long_name: melt pond volume
- standard_name: sea_ice_meltpond_volume
- var_id: sivpnd
- names: melt pond volume, sea_ice_meltpond_volume
- units: W/m2
- long_name: non-solar heat flux at ice surface (including E-P)
- var_id: qns_ice
- names: non-solar heat flux at ice surface (including E-P)
- units: m/s
- var_id: uo
- standard_name: sea_water_x_velocity
- long_name: ocean current along i-axis
- names: sea_water_x_velocity, ocean current along i-axis
- units: m/s
- var_id: vo
- standard_name: sea_water_y_velocity
- long_name: ocean current along j-axis
- names: sea_water_y_velocity, ocean current along j-axis
- units: m/s
- long_name: ocean surface current along i-axis
- var_id: sozocrtx
- names: ocean surface current along i-axis
- units: m/s
- long_name: ocean surface current along j-axis
- var_id: somecrty
- names: ocean surface current along j-axis
- units: m/s
- standard_name: upward_sea_water_velocity
- var_id: wo
- long_name: ocean vertical velocity
- names: upward_sea_water_velocity, ocean vertical velocity
- long_name: pond volume tendency due to drainage
- standard_name: sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_drainage
- units: cm/d
- var_id: dvpn_drn
- names: pond volume tendency due to drainage, sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_drainage
- units: cm/d
- long_name: pond volume tendency due to exchanges with lid
- standard_name: sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_lids
- var_id: dvpn_lid
- names: pond volume tendency due to exchanges with lid, sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_lids
- units: cm/d
- long_name: pond volume tendency due to runoff
- standard_name: sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_runoff
- var_id: dvpn_rnf
- names: pond volume tendency due to runoff, sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_runoff
- units: cm/d
- long_name: pond volume tendency due to surface melt
- standard_name: sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_melt
- var_id: dvpn_mlt
- names: pond volume tendency due to surface melt, sea_ice_pondvolume_tendency_melt
- units: 0.001
- long_name: sea bottom absolute salinity
- var_id: sob_abs
- names: sea bottom absolute salinity
- units: degC
- long_name: sea bottom conservative temperature
- var_id: thetaob_con
- names: sea bottom conservative temperature
- units: 1e-3
- long_name: sea surface absolute salinity
- standard_name: sea_surface_absolute_salinity
- var_id: sos_abs
- names: sea surface absolute salinity, sea_surface_absolute_salinity
- units: degC
- long_name: sea surface conservative temperature
- standard_name: sea_surface_conservative_temperature
- var_id: tos_con
- names: sea surface conservative temperature, sea_surface_conservative_temperature
- units: m
- var_id: zos
- standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name: sea surface height
- names: sea_surface_height_above_geoid, sea surface height
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: sidmassdyn
- long_name: sea-ice mass change from dynamics
- standard_name: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_dynamics
- names: sea-ice mass change from dynamics, tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_dynamics
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: sidmassth
- long_name: sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics
- standard_name: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_thermodynamics
- names: sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics, tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_thermodynamics
- units: kg/m2/s
- standard_name: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_congelation_ice_accumulation
- var_id: sidmassgrowthbot
- long_name: sea-ice mass change through basal growth
- names: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_congelation_ice_accumulation, sea-ice mass change through basal growth
- units: kg/m2/s
- standard_name: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_basal_melting
- var_id: sidmassmeltbot
- long_name: sea-ice mass change through bottom melting
- names: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_basal_melting, sea-ice mass change through bottom melting
- standard_name: water_evaporation_flux
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation
- var_id: sndmasssubl
- names: water_evaporation_flux, sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: sidmassgrowthwat
- long_name: sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (frazil)
- standard_name: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_freezing_in_open_water
- names: sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (frazil), tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_freezing_in_open_water
- units: kg/m2/s
- standard_name: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_melting
- long_name: sea-ice mass change through lateral melting
- var_id: sidmassmeltlat
- names: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_melting, sea-ice mass change through lateral melting
- units: kg/m2/s
- standard_name: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_snow_conversion
- var_id: sidmasssi
- long_name: sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion
- names: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_snow_conversion, sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion
- units: kg/m2/s
- standard_name: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_surface_melting
- var_id: sidmassmelttop
- long_name: sea-ice mass change through surface melting
- names: tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_surface_melting, sea-ice mass change through surface melting
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: sndmassdyn
- standard_name: tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_sea_ice_dynamics
- long_name: snow mass change through advection by sea-ice dynamics
- names: tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_sea_ice_dynamics, snow mass change through advection by sea-ice dynamics
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: sidmassevapsubl
- long_name: snow mass change through evaporation or sublimation
- standard_name: surface_snow_sublimation_flux
- names: snow mass change through evaporation or sublimation, surface_snow_sublimation_flux
- units: kg/m2/s
- standard_name: surface_snow_melt_flux
- var_id: sndmassmelt
- long_name: snow mass change through melt
- names: surface_snow_melt_flux, snow mass change through melt
- standard_name: snowfall_flux
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: sndmasssnf
- long_name: snow mass change through snow fall
- names: snowfall_flux, snow mass change through snow fall
- units: kg/m2/s
- var_id: sndmasssi
- long_name: snow mass change through snow-to-ice conversion
- standard_name: tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_snow_to_ice_conversion
- names: snow mass change through snow-to-ice conversion, tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_snow_to_ice_conversion
- units: m
- long_name: snow volume
- var_id: snvolu
- names: snow volume
- standard_name: surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
- units: W/m2
- long_name: solar heat flux at ice surface
- var_id: qsr_ice
- names: surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, solar heat flux at ice surface
- units: W/m2
- long_name: solar heat flux transmitted through the ice (to the ocean)
- var_id: qtr_ice_bot
- names: solar heat flux transmitted through the ice (to the ocean)
- units: W/m2
- long_name: solar heat flux transmitted through the ice surface
- var_id: qtr_ice_top
- names: solar heat flux transmitted through the ice surface
- units: m2
- standard_name: square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- var_id: zossq
- long_name: square of sea surface height
- names: square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid, square of sea surface height
- units: psu
- var_id: sss_m_abs
- units: degC
- var_id: sst_m_pot
- units: N/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_x_stress
- long_name: surface_downward_x_stress
- var_id: tauuo
- names: surface_downward_x_stress, surface downward x stress
- units: N/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_y_stress
- long_name: surface_downward_y_stress
- var_id: tauvo
- names: surface_downward_y_stress, surface downward y stress
- units: degC
- long_name: temperature at the ice bottom
- var_id: sitbot
- names: temperature at the ice bottom
- units: degC
- long_name: temperature at the ice surface
- var_id: sittop
- names: temperature at the ice surface
- units: degC
- long_name: temperature at the snow-ice interface
- var_id: sitsni
- names: temperature at the snow-ice interface
- var_id: time_centered_bounds
- var_id: time_counter_bounds
- units: W/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air
- long_name: total heat flux at ice surface
- var_id: qt_ice
- names: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air, total heat flux at ice surface
- units: W/m2
- long_name: total heat flux at the oce-ice surface: interface atm-(ice+oce)
- var_id: qt_atm_oi
- names: total heat flux at the oce-ice surface: interface atm-(ice+oce)
- units: W/m2
- long_name: total heat flux at the ocean surface: interface oce-(ice+atm)
- var_id: qt_oce_ai
- names: total heat flux at the ocean surface: interface oce-(ice+atm)
- units: m2/s
- standard_name: ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity
- var_id: difvho
- long_name: vertical eddy diffusivity
- names: ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity, vertical eddy diffusivity
- units: m2/s
- standard_name: ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity
- var_id: difvmo
- long_name: vertical eddy viscosity
- names: ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity, vertical eddy viscosity
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- long_name: Latitude
- var_id: nav_lat
- names: latitude, Latitude
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- long_name: Longitude
- var_id: nav_lon
- names: longitude, Longitude
- standard_name: time
- long_name: Time axis
- var_id: time_counter
- names: time, Time axis
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
90.0000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-90.0000° |