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ESA Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci): Lake products, Version 1.0

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2020-06-05
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Citable
Publication Date: 2020-06-08
DOI Publication Date: 2020-06-08
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 19.92K Files | 2TB

This dataset has been superseded. See Latest Version here

This dataset contains various global lake products (1992-2019) produced by the European Space Agency (ESA) Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci) project.

Lakes are of significant interest to the scientific community, local to national governments, industries and the wider public. A range of scientific disciplines including hydrology, limnology, climatology, biogeochemistry and geodesy are interested in distribution and functioning of the millions of lakes (from small ponds to inland seas), from the local to the global scale. Remote sensing provides an opportunity to extend the spatio-temporal scale of lake observation.

The five thematic climate variables included in this dataset are:
• Lake Water Level (LWL): a proxy fundamental to understand the balance between water inputs and water loss and their connection with regional and global climate changes.
• Lake Water Extent (LWE): a proxy for change in glacial regions (lake expansion) and drought in many arid environments, water extent relates to local climate for the cooling effect that water bodies provide.
• Lake Surface Water temperature (LSWT): correlated with regional air temperatures and a proxy for mixing regimes, driving biogeochemical cycling and seasonality.
• Lake Ice Cover (LIC): freeze-up in autumn and advancing break-up in spring are proxies for gradually changing climate patterns and seasonality.
• Lake Water-Leaving Reflectance (LWLR): a direct indicator of biogeochemical processes and habitats in the visible part of the water column (e.g. seasonal phytoplankton biomass fluctuations), and an indicator of the frequency of extreme events (peak terrestrial run-off, changing mixing conditions).

Data generated in the Lakes_cci project are derived from data from multiple instruments and multiple satellites including; TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason, ENVISAT, SARAL, Sentinel, Landsat, ERS, Terra/Aqua, Suomi NPP, Metop and Orbview. For more information please see the product user guide in the documents.

Citable as:  Crétaux, J.-F.; Merchant, C.J.; Duguay, C.; Simis, S.; Calmettes, B.; Bergé-Nguyen, M.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, D.; Carrea, L.; Liu, X.; Selmes, N.; Warren, M. (2020): ESA Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci): Lake products, Version 1.0. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 08 June 2020. doi:10.5285/3c324bb4ee394d0d876fe2e1db217378.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: ESA, CCI, Lakes, ECV


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence: When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

The first version of this dataset was generate in the framework of the Lakes CCI+ project, funded by ESA. Data were produced by the project team and supplied for archiving at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA).

Data Quality:
Data are as given by the data provider, no quality control has been performed by the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA)
File Format:
Data are in NetCDF format

Citations: 10

The following citations have been automatically harvested from external sources associated with this resource where DOI tracking is possible. As such some citations may be missing from this list whilst others may not be accurate. Please contact the helpdesk to raise any issues to help refine these citation trackings.

Cai, Y., Duguay, C.R. & Ke, C.-Q. (2022) A 41-year (1979–2019) passive-microwave-derived lake ice phenology data record of the Northern Hemisphere. Earth System Science Data 14, 3329–3347.
Feng, Y., Zhang, H., Tao, S., et al. (2022) Decadal Lake Volume Changes (2003–2020) and Driving Forces at a Global Scale. Remote Sensing 14, 1032.
Free, G., Bresciani, M., Pinardi, M., Simis, S., Liu, X., Albergel, C. & Giardino, C. (2022) Investigating lake chlorophyll-a responses to the 2019 European double heatwave using satellite remote sensing. Ecological Indicators 142, 109217.
Ghirardi, N., Bresciani, M., Free, G., Pinardi, M., Bolpagni, R. & Giardino, C. (2022) Evaluation of Macrophyte Community Dynamics (2015–2020) in Southern Lake Garda (Italy) from Sentinel-2 Data. Applied Sciences 12, 2693.
Li, X., Peng, S., Xi, Y., Woolway, R.I. & Liu, G. (2022) Earlier ice loss accelerates lake warming in the Northern Hemisphere. Nature Communications 13.
Matta, E., Amadori, M., Free, G., Giardino, C. & Bresciani, M. (2022) A Satellite-Based Tool for Mapping Evaporation in Inland Water Bodies: Formulation, Application, and Operational Aspects. Remote Sensing 14, 2636.
Maxant, J., Braun, R., Caspard, M. & Clandillon, S. (2022) ExtractEO, a Pipeline for Disaster Extent Mapping in the Context of Emergency Management. Remote Sensing 14, 5253.
Tom, Manu, Wu, Tianyu, Baltsavias, Emmanuel, & Schindler, Konrad (2022) Recent Ice Trends in Swiss Mountain Lakes: 20-year Analysis of MODIS Imagery. ETH Zurich.
Tom, M., Prabha, R., Wu, T., Baltsavias, E., Leal-Taixe, L. & Schindler, K. (2020) Ice Monitoring in Swiss Lakes from Optical Satellites and Webcams using Machine Learning.
Tom, M., Wu, T., Baltsavias, E. & Schindler, K. (2022) Recent Ice Trends in Swiss Mountain Lakes: 20-year Analysis of MODIS Imagery. PFG – Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 90, 413–431.

Process overview

  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 412 nm
  • var_id: Rw412
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 412 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 443 nm
  • var_id: Rw443
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 443 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 490 nm
  • var_id: Rw490
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 490 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 510 nm
  • var_id: Rw510
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 510 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 560 nm
  • var_id: Rw560
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 560 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 620 nm
  • var_id: Rw620
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 620 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 665 nm
  • var_id: Rw665
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 665 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 681 nm
  • var_id: Rw681
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 681 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 709 nm
  • var_id: Rw709
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 709 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 754 nm
  • var_id: Rw754
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 754 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 779 nm
  • var_id: Rw779
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 779 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 885 nm
  • var_id: Rw885
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 885 nm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 900 nm
  • var_id: Rw900
  • names: Fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 900 nm
  • long_name: Lake Water Extent
  • units: km2
  • var_id: lake_surface_water_extent
  • names: Lake Water Extent
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 412 nm
  • var_id: Rw412_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 412 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 443 nm
  • var_id: Rw443_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 443 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 490 nm
  • var_id: Rw490_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 490 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 510 nm
  • var_id: Rw510_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 510 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 560 nm
  • var_id: Rw560_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 560 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 620 nm
  • var_id: Rw620_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 620 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 665 nm
  • var_id: Rw665_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 665 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 681 nm
  • var_id: Rw681_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 681 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 709 nm
  • var_id: Rw709_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 709 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 754 nm
  • var_id: Rw754_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 754 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 779 nm
  • var_id: Rw779_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 779 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 885 nm
  • var_id: Rw885_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 885 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 900 nm
  • var_id: Rw900_uncertainty_relative_unbiased
  • names: Relative unbiased uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 900 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in concentration of chlorophyll-a
  • var_id: chla_uncertainty
  • names: Relative uncertainty in concentration of chlorophyll-a
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 412 nm
  • var_id: Rw412_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 412 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 443 nm
  • var_id: Rw443_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 443 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 490 nm
  • var_id: Rw490_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 490 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 510 nm
  • var_id: Rw510_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 510 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 560 nm
  • var_id: Rw560_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 560 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 620 nm
  • var_id: Rw620_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 620 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 665 nm
  • var_id: Rw665_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 665 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 681 nm
  • var_id: Rw681_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 681 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 709 nm
  • var_id: Rw709_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 709 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 754 nm
  • var_id: Rw754_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 754 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 779 nm
  • var_id: Rw779_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 779 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 885 nm
  • var_id: Rw885_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 885 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 900 nm
  • var_id: Rw900_uncertainty_relative
  • names: Relative uncertainty in fully normalized water-leaving reflectance at 900 nm
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative uncertainty in turbidity
  • var_id: turbidity_uncertainty
  • names: Relative uncertainty in turbidity
  • units: Kelvin
  • long_name: Total uncertainty
  • var_id: lswt_uncertainty
  • names: Total uncertainty
  • long_name: Turbidity
  • units: NTU
  • var_id: turbidity_mean
  • names: Turbidity
  • units: km2
  • long_name: Water extent uncertainty
  • var_id: lake_surface_water_extent_uncertainty
  • names: Water extent uncertainty
  • long_name: concentration of chlorophyll-a
  • units: mg.m-3
  • var_id: chla_mean
  • names: concentration of chlorophyll-a
  • long_name: lake ice cover
  • var_id: lake_ice_cover
  • names: lake ice cover
  • units: percent
  • long_name: lake ice cover uncertainty
  • var_id: lake_ice_cover_uncertainty
  • names: lake ice cover uncertainty
  • units: Kelvin
  • long_name: lake surface skin temperature
  • var_id: lake_surface_water_temperature
  • names: lake surface skin temperature
  • var_id: lat_bounds
  • var_id: lon_bounds
  • long_name: quality levels
  • var_id: lswt_quality_level
  • names: quality levels
  • units: m
  • long_name: water surface height above geoid
  • var_id: water_surface_height_above_reference_datum
  • names: water surface height above geoid
  • units: m
  • long_name: water surface height uncertainty
  • var_id: water_surface_height_uncertainty
  • names: water surface height uncertainty

Co-ordinate Variables

  • units: degrees_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • long_name: latitude
  • var_id: lat
  • names: latitude
  • units: degrees_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • long_name: longitude
  • var_id: lon
  • names: longitude
  • long_name: time
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
  • names: time
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
