FAAM C355 WESCON flight: Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites on board the BAE-146 aircraft
Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2023-11-30
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2023-11-27
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 42 Files | 7GB
Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites data on board the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft collected for WESCON FAAM Aircraft Project project.
Citable as: Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements; Natural Environment Research Council; Met Office (2023): FAAM C355 WESCON flight: Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites on board the BAE-146 aircraft. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: WESCON, FAAM, airborne, atmospheric measurments
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Data were collected by instrument scientists during the flight before preparation and delivery for archiving at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA). |
Data Quality: |
Data collected by flight participants before preparation for archival with the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA).
File Format: |
Data are netCDF and NASA-Ames formatted. Ancillary files may be plain ASCII or PDF formatted. Image files may be PNG formatted.
Related Documents
Flight summary file for FAAM BAE-146 flight C355 |
Process overview
This dataset was generated by instruments deployed on platforms as listed below.
Instrument/Platform pairings
Mobile platform operations
Mobile Platform Operation 1 | FAAM BAE-147 flight C355 |
Output Description | None |
- var_id: dependent_scattering_cross_section_err
- long_name: Boolean indicator of lower and upper scattering cross-section bin boundary uncertainties being independent/dependent
- var_id: applies_to
- long_name: Calibration applies to this data
- var_id: flow_fit
- long_name: Calibration equation of sample flow
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre
- long_name: Centre diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - ARCT
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre
- long_name: Centre diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - COAV
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre
- long_name: Centre diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - COCL
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre
- long_name: Centre diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - COPO
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre
- long_name: Centre diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - DESE
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre
- long_name: Centre diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - MACL
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre
- long_name: Centre diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - MAPO
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre
- long_name: Centre diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - URBA
- var_id: polynomial_fit_covariance
- long_name: Covariance between the polynomial fit parameters
- units: 1
- standard_name: status_flag
- var_id: cdp_flag
- long_name: Data quality flag
- var_id: calibration_file
- long_name: File from which this calibration data has been read
- var_id: calibration_qc
- long_name: Flag denoting quality of calibration
- units: m
- standard_name: altitude
- long_name: GPS altitude
- var_id: aimms_altitude
- var_id: ADC_threshold
- long_name: Lower and upper analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) thresholds for each bin
- units: um**2
- var_id: scattering_cross_section
- long_name: Lower and upper scattering cross-section boundaries for each bin
- units: g m-3
- standard_name: mass_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air
- var_id: cdp_lwc
- long_name: Mass concentration of cloud droplets assuming liquid water
- units: g m-3
- var_id: cdp_lwc_error
- long_name: Mass concentration of cloud droplets assuming liquid water 1-sigma uncertainty
- units: µm
- var_id: pcasp_bin_centre
- standard_name: diameter_of_ambient_aerosol_particles
- long_name: Nominal bin centre diameter
- units: µm
- var_id: cdp_bin_width
- long_name: Nominal bin width
- var_id: polynomial_fit_parameters
- long_name: Polynomial fit parameters of increasing degree (eg linear fit is p[0] + p[1]*x) for fitting scattering cross-section to ADC_threshold
- var_id: ADC_range
- long_name: Range of analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) values covered by each gain stage
- units: 1
- var_id: pcasp_counts
- long_name: Raw particle counts in each size bin and sample time.
- var_id: flows_reported
- long_name: Sample flow rate reported by PCASP for each value in flows_actual
- units: scc/s
- units: cc-1
- var_id: pcasp_conc_psd_u
- standard_name: number_size_distribution_of_aerosol_particles_in_air
- long_name: Size resolved aerosol number concentration
- units: cc-1
- var_id: pcasp_conc_psd
- long_name: Size resolved aerosol number concentration - multiplied by correction factor
- units: cc-1
- var_id: pcasp_conc_psd_u_error
- long_name: Size resolved aerosol number concentration 1-sigma uncertainty
- units: cc-1
- var_id: cdp_conc_psd
- long_name: Size resolved cloud droplet number concentration
- units: cc-1
- var_id: cdp_conc_psd_error
- long_name: Size resolved cloud droplet number concentration 1-sigma uncertainty
- var_id: source_file
- long_name: Source file used in calibration processing
- units: cc-1
- var_id: pcasp_conc_u_error
- long_name: Total number concentration summed over 'bin range' 1-sigma uncertainty
- units: cc-1
- standard_name: number_concentration_of_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air
- var_id: pcasp_conc_u
- long_name: Total particle number concentration over 'bin range'
- units: cc-1
- standard_name: number_concentration_of_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air
- var_id: pcasp_conc
- long_name: Total particle number concentration over 'bin range' - multiplied by correction factor
- var_id: traceability
- long_name: Traceability of calibration
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_centre_err
- long_name: Uncertainty of bin centre diameter
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width_err
- long_name: Uncertainty of bin diameter width
- var_id: scattering_cross_section_err
- long_name: Uncertainty of scattering cross-section boundaries for each bin
- units: um**2
- units: um**2
- var_id: scattering_cross_section_width_err
- long_name: Uncertainty of scattering cross-section width for each bin
- var_id: polynomial_fit_variance
- long_name: Variance of each of the polynomial fit parameters
- units: scc/s
- var_id: flows_actual
- long_name: Verified sample flow rate for each value in flows_reported
- var_id: pcasp_flow
- long_name: Volumetric sample flow
- units: cc s-1
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width
- long_name: Width in terms of diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - ARCT
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width
- long_name: Width in terms of diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - COAV
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width
- long_name: Width in terms of diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - COCL
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width
- long_name: Width in terms of diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - COPO
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width
- long_name: Width in terms of diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - DESE
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width
- long_name: Width in terms of diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - MACL
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width
- long_name: Width in terms of diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - MAPO
- units: um
- var_id: diameter_width
- long_name: Width in terms of diameter of each bin for given aerosol mixture - URBA
- units: um**2
- var_id: scattering_cross_section_width
- long_name: Width of each bin in terms of scattering cross-section
- units: degree
- long_name: angle of attack (positive, flow from below aircraft)
- var_id: aimms_angle_of_attack
- units: degree
- long_name: angle of sideslip (positive, flow from left)
- var_id: aimms_angle_of_sideslip
- var_id: bin
- long_name: bin number
- units: degree
- standard_name: platform_course
- long_name: course
- var_id: aimms_course
- units: 1
- long_name: data quality flag
- var_id: cip100_flag
- units: 1
- long_name: data quality flag for AIMMS-20
- var_id: aimms_flag
- units: L-1
- var_id: cip15_iwc_psd
- long_name: derived number concentration of particles classed as ice based on shape
- units: L-1
- var_id: cip100_lwc_psd
- long_name: derived number concentration of particles classed as water based on shape
- units: L-1
- var_id: cip15_edge_psd
- long_name: derived number concentration of particles in contact with edge of imaging array
- units: m s-1
- long_name: eastwards ground speed component
- var_id: aimms_velocity_east
- units: um
- var_id: cip15_ed_pads
- long_name: equivalent diameter of particles calculated by PADS
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_ground
- long_name: ground speed
- var_id: aimms_ground_speed
- units: degree
- standard_name: platform_yaw_angle
- long_name: heading angle
- var_id: aimms_heading
- units: g m-3
- var_id: cip15_iwc
- long_name: mass concentration of particles assuming ice water
- units: g m-3
- var_id: cip100_lwc
- standard_name: mass_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air
- long_name: mass concentration of particles assuming liquid water
- units: g m-3
- standard_name: mass_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air
- var_id: cip100_lwc_pads
- long_name: mass concentration of particles assuming liquid water calculated by PADS
- units: um
- var_id: cip100_mvd_pads
- long_name: median volumetric diameter of particles calculated by PADS
- units: m s-1
- long_name: northwards ground speed component
- var_id: aimms_velocity_north
- units: L-1
- long_name: number concentration of particles
- var_id: cip15_conc_psd
- units: 1
- var_id: cip100_acpt
- long_name: number of particles accepted
- units: 1
- var_id: cip100_rej
- long_name: number of particles rejected
- units: 1
- long_name: overload indicator
- var_id: cip15_ovld
- long_name: particle size bin centre in micron
- var_id: cip15_bin_centre
- units: μm
- var_id: cip100_bin_width
- long_name: particle size bin width in micron
- units: μm
- units: degree
- standard_name: platform_pitch_angle
- long_name: pitch angle
- var_id: aimms_pitch
- units: dBZ
- standard_name: equivalent_reflectivity_factor
- var_id: cip15_iwc_dbz
- long_name: radar reflectivity of particles classed as ice water based on shape
- units: dBZ
- standard_name: equivalent_reflectivity_factor
- var_id: cip15_lwc_dbz
- long_name: radar reflectivity of particles classed as liquid water based on shape
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- standard_name: precipitation_flux
- var_id: cip100_rain_rate
- long_name: rainfall rate of liquid water
- units: degree
- standard_name: platform_roll_angle
- long_name: roll angle
- var_id: aimms_roll
- units: hPa
- standard_name: air_pressure
- long_name: static pressure
- var_id: aimms_pressure
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_air
- long_name: true air speed
- var_id: aimms_true_air_speed
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: eastward_wind
- long_name: u (positive is eastwards, negative is westwards)
- var_id: aimms_u
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: northward_wind
- long_name: v (positive is northwards, negative is southwards)
- var_id: aimms_v
- units: m s-1
- long_name: vertical velocity (positive is up, negative is down)
- var_id: aimms_vertical_velocity
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: upward_air_velocity
- long_name: vertical wind component (positive is up, negative is down)
- var_id: aimms_w
- units: degree
- standard_name: wind_from_direction
- long_name: wind direction
- var_id: aimms_wind_direction
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: wind_speed
- long_name: wind speed
- var_id: aimms_wind_speed
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- var_id: latitude
- long_name: GPS latitude
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- var_id: longitude
- long_name: GPS longitude
- standard_name: time
- var_id: time
- units: seconds
- long_name: Time_UTC
- standard_name: time
- var_id: time
- units: days
- long_name: time of calibration
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
52.3492° |
-2.9765° |
-0.4105° |
50.7039° |
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