RAPID: FORTE climate model data (2004-2007)
"The Role of Air-Sea Forcing in Causing Rapid Changes in the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation" project was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research Programme project (Round 1 - NER/T/S/2002/00427 - Duration 16 Feb 2004 - 15 Oct 2007) led by Dr Simon Josey of National Ocenaography Centre, with co-investigators also at the National Oceanography Centre.
This dataset collections contains analysis of coupled model output of surface forcing variability in ocean circulation from the Fast Ocean Rapid Troposphere Experiment (FORTE).
Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) was a £20 million, six-year (2001-2007) programme for the Natural Environment Research Council. The programme aimed to improve the ability to quantify the probability and magnitude of future rapid change in climate, with a main (but not exclusive) focus on the role of the Atlantic Ocean's Thermohaline Circulation.
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
Access rules: |
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Data provided by Jeremy Grist at National Oceanographic Centre (NOC). |
Data Quality: |
Not known at this time.
File Format: |
Data are netCDF formatted
Related Documents
Process overview
Title | FORTE (Fast Ocean Rapid Troposphere Experiment) model deployed on National Oceanographic Centre Southampton (NOCS) |
Abstract | This computation involved: FORTE (Fast Ocean Rapid Troposphere Experiment) model deployed on National Oceanographic Centre Southampton (NOCS). The centre is the country's focus for oceanography and represents an unparalleled investment in marine and earth sciences and technology in the UK. The centre opened in 1995 in a purpose-built, 50 million waterfront campus on the city Empress Dock. A collaboration between the Natural Environment Research Council and the University of Southampton, the centre houses around 500 staff and 750 undergraduate and postgraduate students. |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
- units: days
- var_id: DAY
- units: cm
- var_id: DEPTH
- units: cm
- var_id: DEPTH_EDGES
- var_id: DEPTH_EDGESedges
- var_id: DEPTHedges
- units: cm
- long_name: Depth
- var_id: DEPTH
- units: cm
- long_name: Depth (Edges)
- var_id: DEPTH_EDGES
- long_name: Elapsed model time
- units: years
- var_id: YEAR
- units: degrees_north
- var_id: LATITUDE
- units: degrees_north
- var_id: LATITUDE_T
- units: degrees_north
- var_id: LATITUDE_U
- var_id: LATITUDEedges
- units: level
- var_id: LEVEL
- var_id: LEVELedges
- units: degrees_east
- var_id: LONGITUDE
- units: degrees_east
- var_id: LONGITUDE_T
- units: degrees_east
- var_id: LONGITUDE_U
- units: degrees_north
- var_id: latitude
- long_name: Latitude
- units: degrees_east
- var_id: longitude
- long_name: Longitude
- units: days
- long_name: Model Day
- var_id: DAY
- units: mm/day
- long_name: RUNOFF
- var_id: RUNOFF
- units: m/year
- long_name: Surface Salinity. Flux
- var_id: OasisSFLUX
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: Surface Temp. Flux
- var_id: OASISTFLUX
- units: Days
- var_id: TIME
- units: mm/day
- long_name: WAFLUX
- var_id: WAFLUX
- units: C
- long_name: air_temperature
- var_id: TA
- units: Pa
- long_name: average_pressure
- var_id: AV_PRESS
- units: C
- long_name: average_temp
- var_id: AVTEMP
- units: m/s
- long_name: barotropic_eastward_sea_water_velocity
- var_id: BUO
- units: m/s
- long_name: barotropic_northward_sea_water_velocity
- var_id: BVO
- units: m/s
- long_name: eastward_sea_water_velocity
- var_id: UO
- units: m/s
- long_name: eastward_wind
- var_id: UA
- units: level
- var_id: level
- units: psu/s
- long_name: northward_ocean_freshwater_transport
- var_id: NFRESHW
- units: W
- long_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport
- var_id: NHEAT
- units: m/s
- long_name: northward_sea_water_velocity
- var_id: VO
- units: m/s
- long_name: northward_wind
- var_id: VA
- units: mm/day
- var_id: runoff
- units: m
- long_name: sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- var_id: ZOS
- units: kg/m^3
- long_name: sea_water_density
- var_id: RHO_IS
- units: K
- long_name: sea_water_potential_temperature
- var_id: THETA0
- units: 1e-3
- long_name: sea_water_salinity
- var_id: SO
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: shortwave_longwave_flux
- var_id: SWLW_HEAT
- units: m/s
- long_name: speed_of_sound_in_sea_water
- var_id: co
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: surface_downward_heat_flux_into_sea_water
- var_id: HFO
- units: N/m^2
- long_name: surface_eastward_stress
- var_id: TAUU
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: surface_net_downward_longwave_flux
- var_id: RLDS
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux
- var_id: RSDS
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: surface_net_upward_longwave_flux
- var_id: RLUS
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: surface_net_upward_shortwave_flux
- var_id: RSUS
- units: N/m^2
- long_name: surface_northward_stress
- var_id: TAUV
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- var_id: LAT_HEAT
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- var_id: SENS_HEAT
- units: K/s
- long_name: tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_due_ to_advection
- var_id: T_TEND_ADV
- units: K/s
- long_name: tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_due_ to_horizontal_diffusion
- var_id: T_TEND_HDIFF
- units: K/s
- long_name: tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_due_ to_vertical_diffusion
- var_id: T_TEND_VDIFF
- units: psu/s
- long_name: tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_due_ to_advection
- var_id: S_TEND_ADV
- units: psu/s
- long_name: tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_due_ to_horizontal_diffusion
- var_id: S_TEND_HDIFF
- units: psu/s
- long_name: tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_due_ to_vertical_diffusion
- var_id: S_TEND_VDIFF
- var_id: time
- units: Days
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: toa_net_downward_shortwave_flux
- var_id: SWTOPDN
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: toa_net_upward_shortwave_flux
- var_id: SWTOPUP
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
- var_id: RLWTOPUP
- units: m/s
- long_name: upward_sea_water_velocity
- var_id: WO
- units: mm/day
- var_id: waflux
- units: m/year
- long_name: water_flux_into_ocean
- var_id: WFO
Co-ordinate Variables
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
90.0000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-90.0000° |