1/12 degree Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model of the Southern Ocean: JRA55-do interannually-varying forced control run (1978 - 2017)
The dataset is a 40 year control run of a NEMO-based 1/12 degree grid spacing model of the Southern Ocean as part of the ORCHESTRA (Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports) LTS-M project. It uses the NEMO "extended" grid, although ice cavities are closed. The model was run on Archer, the national HPC platform. The dataset covers the full length of the model run and includes regular (5 day mean) output of the model state, as well as more frequent (1 day mean) output of surface variables and fluxes and 1 month mean of more extensive transport diagnostics. This is the second of two control runs and was initialised from the end of the 30th year (nominally 1978) of CORE2NYF (Munday et al., 2021), a 3+37 year control run forced with CORE2 (corrected normal year forcing version 2.0) normal year forcing.
Forced by JRA55-do, an interannually-varying forcing set (Tsujino et al., 2018). With some additional forcing as supplied by the UK Met Office (freshwater runoff, tidal friction, geothermal heating) and additional freshwater runoff to suppress polynya formation.
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Data were generated using a Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) based model run on Archer, the national HPC platform. Data were submitted to the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC, NOC) and then archived at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA). |
Data Quality: |
Model output has only been checked for CF convention compliance, otherwise supplied as-is.
File Format: |
Data are CF-compliant NetCDF formatted
Related Documents
Process overview
Title | 1/12deg Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model of the Southern Ocean |
Abstract | This computation involved: NEMO-based 1/12 degree grid spacing model of the Southern Ocean as part of the ORCHESTRA LTS-M project. It uses the NEMO "extended" grid, although ice cavities are closed. The model was run on Archer, the national HPC platform. |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
- units: yr*m3/s
- long_name: 3D ocean advective age transport along i-axis
- var_id: vozage3d
- names: 3D ocean advective age transport along i-axis
- long_name: 3D ocean advective age transport along j-axis
- units: yr*m3/s
- var_id: vomage3d
- names: 3D ocean advective age transport along j-axis
- units: W
- long_name: 3D ocean advective heat transport along i-axis
- standard_name: advective_ocean_heat_x_transport
- var_id: voztem3d
- names: 3D ocean advective heat transport along i-axis, advective_ocean_heat_x_transport
- units: W
- long_name: 3D ocean advective heat transport along j-axis
- standard_name: advective_ocean_heat_y_transport
- var_id: vomtem3d
- names: 3D ocean advective heat transport along j-axis, advective_ocean_heat_y_transport
- units: yr*m3/s
- long_name: 3D ocean advective northern boundary age transport along i-axis
- var_id: voznag3d
- names: 3D ocean advective northern boundary age transport along i-axis
- units: yr*m3/s
- long_name: 3D ocean advective northern boundary age transport along j-axis
- var_id: vomnag3d
- names: 3D ocean advective northern boundary age transport along j-axis
- units: 1e-3*kg/s
- long_name: 3D ocean advective salt transport along i-axis
- standard_name: advective_ocean_salt_x_transport
- var_id: vozsal3d
- names: 3D ocean advective salt transport along i-axis, advective_ocean_salt_x_transport
- long_name: 3D ocean advective salt transport along j-axis
- standard_name: advective_ocean_salt_y_transport
- units: 1e-3*kg/s
- var_id: vomsal3d
- names: 3D ocean advective salt transport along j-axis, advective_ocean_salt_y_transport
- long_name: Age * e3t
- units: yr * m
- var_id: voagee3t
- names: Age * e3t
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice
- var_id: sisempdo
- names: Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Downward Heat Flux from E-P over open ocean
- var_id: sosempdo
- names: Downward Heat Flux from E-P over open ocean
- long_name: Downward salt flux
- units: 1e-3/m2/s
- var_id: sosfldow
- names: Downward salt flux
- units: m
- standard_name: sea_ice_thickness
- long_name: Ice thickness (cell average)
- var_id: sithic
- names: sea_ice_thickness, Ice thickness (cell average)
- units: m/s
- standard_name: sea_ice_x_velocity
- long_name: Ice velocity along i-axis at I-point (ice presence average)
- var_id: sivelu
- names: sea_ice_x_velocity, Ice velocity along i-axis at I-point (ice presence average)
- units: m/s
- standard_name: sea_ice_y_velocity
- long_name: Ice velocity along j-axis at I-point (ice presence average)
- var_id: sivelv
- names: sea_ice_y_velocity, Ice velocity along j-axis at I-point (ice presence average)
- units: W/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_latent_heat_flux
- long_name: Latent Downward Heat Flux over open ocean
- var_id: soslatdo
- names: surface_downward_latent_heat_flux, Latent Downward Heat Flux over open ocean
- standard_name: surface_net_downward_longwave_flux
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Longwave Downward Heat Flux over open ocean
- var_id: soslwhdo
- names: surface_net_downward_longwave_flux, Longwave Downward Heat Flux over open ocean
- long_name: Mean albedo over sea ice
- var_id: sialbice
- names: Mean albedo over sea ice
- long_name: Mean albedo over sea ice and ocean
- var_id: sialbedo
- names: Mean albedo over sea ice and ocean
- units: m
- long_name: Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m)
- standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- var_id: somxlr101
- names: Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m), ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- units: m
- standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name: Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt sfc)
- var_id: somxlr001
- names: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta, Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt sfc)
- units: m
- standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name: Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt 10m)
- var_id: somxlr103
- names: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta, Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt 10m)
- units: m
- standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name: Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt sfc)
- var_id: somxlr003
- names: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta, Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt sfc)
- units: yr * m
- long_name: NAge * e3t
- var_id: vonage3t
- names: NAge * e3t
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Net Downward Heat Flux
- var_id: sohefldo
- standard_name: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
- names: Net Downward Heat Flux, surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
- units: kg/m2/s
- long_name: Net Upward Water Flux
- var_id: sowaflup
- standard_name: water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- names: Net Upward Water Flux, water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Power input to ocean from wind stress along i-axis
- var_id: sossutau
- names: Power input to ocean from wind stress along i-axis
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Power input to ocean from wind stress along j-axis
- var_id: sossvtau
- names: Power input to ocean from wind stress along j-axis
- units: m
- standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta
- long_name: Pycnocline Depth (dsigma[dT=-0.2] wrt 10m)
- var_id: somxlkara
- names: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta, Pycnocline Depth (dsigma[dT=-0.2] wrt 10m)
- units: W/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux
- long_name: Sensible Downward Heat Flux over open ocean
- var_id: sossensdo
- names: surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux, Sensible Downward Heat Flux over open ocean
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Shortwave Radiation
- var_id: soshfldo
- standard_name: net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
- names: Shortwave Radiation, net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
- units: m
- standard_name: surface_snow_thickness
- long_name: Snow thickness (cell average)
- var_id: snthic
- names: surface_snow_thickness, Snow thickness (cell average)
- units: m2/s2
- long_name: Square of ocean surface current along i-axis
- var_id: sossusqu
- names: Square of ocean surface current along i-axis
- units: m2/s2
- long_name: Square of ocean surface current along j-axis
- var_id: sossvsqu
- names: Square of ocean surface current along j-axis
- units: m
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- long_name: T-cell thickness
- var_id: e3t
- names: cell_thickness, T-cell thickness
- units: m
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- long_name: U-cell thickness
- var_id: e3u
- names: cell_thickness, U-cell thickness
- units: W/m2
- long_name: Upwelling longwave radiation at sea surface (-ive = upwards)
- standard_name: upwelling_longwave_flux_in_sea_water
- var_id: sosteft4
- names: Upwelling longwave radiation at sea surface (-ive = upwards), upwelling_longwave_flux_in_sea_water
- units: m
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- long_name: V-cell thickness
- var_id: e3v
- names: cell_thickness, V-cell thickness
- units: m
- long_name: Vertical T levels
- var_id: deptht
- names: Vertical T levels
- units: m
- long_name: Vertical U levels
- var_id: depthu
- names: Vertical U levels
- units: m
- long_name: Vertical V levels
- var_id: depthv
- names: Vertical V levels
- units: m
- var_id: depthw
- long_name: Vertical W levels
- names: Vertical W levels
- units: m
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- long_name: W-cell thickness
- var_id: e3w
- names: cell_thickness, W-cell thickness
- units: N/m2
- var_id: sozotaux
- standard_name: surface_downward_x_stress
- long_name: Wind Stress along i-axis
- names: surface_downward_x_stress, Wind Stress along i-axis
- units: N/m2
- var_id: sometauy
- standard_name: surface_downward_y_stress
- long_name: Wind Stress along j-axis
- names: surface_downward_y_stress, Wind Stress along j-axis
- var_id: deptht_bounds
- var_id: depthu_bounds
- var_id: depthv_bounds
- var_id: depthw_bounds
- units: %
- standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name: ice concentration
- var_id: siconc
- names: sea_ice_area_fraction, ice concentration
- units: N/m
- long_name: ice strength
- var_id: sistrg
- names: ice strength
- units: m
- long_name: ice volume
- var_id: sivolu
- names: ice volume
- units: W/m2
- long_name: non solar Downward Heat Flux
- var_id: sosnonsol
- names: non solar Downward Heat Flux
- units: W/m2
- long_name: non-solar heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories
- var_id: sinonsol
- names: non-solar heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories
- units: W/m2
- long_name: non-solar heat flux at ocean surface
- var_id: sosnonoce
- names: non-solar heat flux at ocean surface
- units: m/s
- long_name: ocean current along i-axis (thickness weighted)
- var_id: vozoce3u
- names: ocean current along i-axis (thickness weighted)
- units: m/s
- long_name: ocean current along j-axis (thickness weighted)
- var_id: vomece3v
- names: ocean current along j-axis (thickness weighted)
- units: m/s
- long_name: ocean surface current along i-axis
- var_id: sossussu
- names: ocean surface current along i-axis
- units: m/s
- long_name: ocean surface current along j-axis
- var_id: sossvssv
- names: ocean surface current along j-axis
- units: m/s
- standard_name: upward_sea_water_velocity
- var_id: vovecrtz
- long_name: ocean vertical velocity
- names: upward_sea_water_velocity, ocean vertical velocity
- units: 1e-3
- long_name: salinity (thickness weighted)
- var_id: vosale3t
- names: salinity (thickness weighted)
- units: m2/s
- standard_name: ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity
- long_name: salt vertical eddy diffusivity
- var_id: votkeavs
- names: ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity, salt vertical eddy diffusivity
- units: m
- var_id: sossheig
- standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name: sea surface height
- names: sea_surface_height_above_geoid, sea surface height
- units: 1e-3
- long_name: sea surface salinity
- standard_name: sea_surface_salinity
- var_id: sosaline
- names: sea surface salinity, sea_surface_salinity
- units: degC
- standard_name: sea_surface_temperature
- long_name: sea surface temperature
- var_id: sosstsst
- names: sea_surface_temperature, sea surface temperature
- units: m
- long_name: snow volume
- var_id: snvolu
- names: snow volume
- standard_name: surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
- units: W/m2
- long_name: solar heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories
- var_id: siheflice
- names: surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, solar heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories
- units: W/m2
- standard_name: net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
- long_name: solar heat flux at ocean surface
- var_id: soshfloce
- names: net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface, solar heat flux at ocean surface
- units: W/m2
- long_name: solar heat flux transmitted through ice: sum over categories
- var_id: sitrando
- names: solar heat flux transmitted through ice: sum over categories
- units: m3/s2
- long_name: square of ocean current along i-axis (thickness weighted)
- var_id: vozc2e3v
- names: square of ocean current along i-axis (thickness weighted)
- long_name: square of ocean current along j-axis (thickness weighted)
- units: m3/s2
- var_id: vomc2e3v
- names: square of ocean current along j-axis (thickness weighted)
- standard_name: upward_sea_water_velocity
- units: m2/s2
- long_name: square of ocean vertical velocity
- var_id: vovecrz2
- names: upward_sea_water_velocity, square of ocean vertical velocity
- long_name: square of salinity (thickness weighted)
- units: 1e-6m
- var_id: vosa2e3t
- names: square of salinity (thickness weighted)
- units: m2
- standard_name: square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
- long_name: square of sea surface height
- var_id: sosshsqu
- names: square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid, square of sea surface height
- units: 1e-6
- long_name: square of sea surface salinity
- var_id: sosalsqu
- names: square of sea surface salinity
- standard_name: square_of_sea_surface_temperature
- units: degC2
- long_name: square of sea surface temperature
- var_id: sosstsqu
- names: square_of_sea_surface_temperature, square of sea surface temperature
- long_name: square of temperature (thickness weighted)
- units: degC2m
- var_id: vote2e3t
- names: square of temperature (thickness weighted)
- units: s-1
- long_name: squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency
- var_id: bruntvfreq
- names: squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency
- units: degC
- long_name: temperature (thickness weighted)
- var_id: voteme3t
- names: temperature (thickness weighted)
- var_id: time_centered_bounds
- var_id: time_counter_bounds
- units: W/m2
- standard_name: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
- long_name: total flux at ocean surface
- var_id: sohefloce
- names: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water, total flux at ocean surface
- units: W/m2
- long_name: total heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories
- standard_name: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air
- var_id: sihefldo
- names: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air, total heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories
- units: m2/s
- standard_name: ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity
- long_name: vertical eddy diffusivity
- var_id: votkeavt
- names: ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity, vertical eddy diffusivity
- units: m2/s
- standard_name: ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity
- long_name: vertical eddy viscosity
- var_id: votkeavm
- names: ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity, vertical eddy viscosity
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- long_name: Latitude
- var_id: nav_lat
- names: latitude, Latitude
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- long_name: Longitude
- var_id: nav_lon
- names: longitude, Longitude
- standard_name: time
- long_name: Time axis
- var_id: time_counter
- names: time, Time axis
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
-3.5000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-86.0000° |