ACCMIP: UEDI (University of Edinburgh) climate model output
The Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP) was organized under the auspices of Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (AC&C), a project of International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) and Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate (SPARC) under International Geosphere Bisosphere Programme (IGBP) and World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). The Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACC-MIP) consists of several sets of simulations that have were designed to facilitate useful evaluation and comparison of the AR5 (Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change Assessment Report 5) transient climate model simulations.
This dataset contains measurements from climate simulations from UEDI of the 20th century and the future projections, which output feedback between dynamics, chemistry and radiation in every model time step. The data are collected from running the latest set of ozone precursor emissions scenarios, which output tropospheric ozone changes from 1850 to 2100.
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
Access rules: |
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
The ACCMIP model output uses CMOR (Climate Model Output Rewriter) to convert data to CF netCDF. The CMOR conversion is performed by the individual modelling groups and the resulting CF netCDF files are archived at CEDA. |
Data Quality: |
ACCMIP data arrives direct from the modelling centres. A versioning system ensures that new versions of data are placed in separate version directories.
File Format: |
Data are netCDF formatted
Process overview
Title | STOC-HadAM3 Model deployed on UEDI Computers |
Abstract | This computation involved: STOC-HadAM3 Model deployed on UEDI Computers. The STOC-HadAM3 model explores how changes in the levels and locations of ozone precursor emissions, (such as nitrogen oxides NO and NO2; referred to as NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including methane, could affect tropospheric ozone abundances, from the pre-industrial period to future projections. The STOC-HadAM3 model explores how changes in the levels and locations of ozone precursor emissions, (such as nitrogen oxides NO and NO referred to as NO, carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including methane, could a tropospheric ozone abundances, from the pre-industrial period to future projections.</p> |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
- units: K
- standard_name: air_temperature
- var_id: temp
- long_name: Air Temperature
- units: 1
- long_name: CH4 Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air
- var_id: vmrch4
- units: 1
- long_name: CO Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air
- var_id: vmrco
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- long_name: Convective Updraft
- standard_name: updraught_convective_mass_flux
- var_id: mcu
- units: 1
- long_name: DMS Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_dimethyl_sulfide_in_air
- var_id: vmrdms
- units: 1
- long_name: Formaldehyde Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_formaldehyde_in_air
- var_id: vmrhcho
- units: m
- long_name: Grid Cell Geometric Thickness
- var_id: dh
- standard_name: model_level_geometric_thickness
- units: 1
- long_name: HNO3 Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_nitric_acid_in_air
- var_id: vmrhno3
- units: 1
- long_name: Isoprene Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_isoprene_in_air
- var_id: vmrisop
- units: 1
- long_name: NH4 Mass Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mass_fraction_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_in_air
- var_id: mmrnh4
- units: 1
- long_name: NO Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_nitrogen_monoxide_in_air
- var_id: vmrno
- units: 1
- long_name: NO2 Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_nitrogen_dioxide_in_air
- var_id: vmrno2
- units: 1
- long_name: NO3 Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mass_fraction_of_nitrate_dry_aerosol_in_air
- var_id: mmrno3
- units: 1
- long_name: O3 Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air
- var_id: vmro3
- units: 1
- long_name: OH Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_hydroxyl_radical_in_air
- var_id: vmroh
- units: 1
- long_name: PAN Volume Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_peroxyacetyl_nitrate_in_air
- var_id: vmrpan
- units: s-1
- long_name: Photolysis Rate of O3 to O1D
- var_id: photo1d
- standard_name: photolysis_rate_of_ozone_to_O1D
- units: kg m-2
- var_id: precip
- long_name: Precipitation Amount
- standard_name: precipitation_amount
- units: 1
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_sulfur_dioxide_in_air
- long_name: SO2 Volume Mixing Ratio
- var_id: vmrso2
- units: 1
- long_name: SO4 Mass Mixing Ratio
- standard_name: mass_fraction_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_in_air
- var_id: mmrso4
- units: 1
- standard_name: specific_humidity
- var_id: hus
- long_name: Specific Humidity
- units: 1
- long_name: Stratospheric O3 Volume Mixing Ratio
- var_id: vmrstrato3
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_stratospheric_ozone_in_air
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
- var_id: rlds
- long_name: Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
- var_id: rsds
- long_name: Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
- units: Pa
- standard_name: surface_air_pressure
- var_id: ps
- long_name: Surface Pressure
- units: W m-2
- long_name: Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation
- standard_name: surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
- var_id: rlus
- units: W m-2
- long_name: Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
- standard_name: surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
- var_id: rsus
- var_id: rlutcs
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
- long_name: TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
- var_id: rlut
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
- long_name: TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
- var_id: rsut
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux
- long_name: TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
- units: kg m-2
- long_name: Vertically Integrated Mass Content of Air in Layer
- standard_name: atmosphere_mass_of_air_per_unit_area
- var_id: airmass
- standard_name: atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate
- var_id: lev_bnds
- var_id: a
- long_name: hybrid sigma coordinate A coefficient for layer
- var_id: a_bnds
- long_name: hybrid sigma coordinate A coefficient for layer bounds
- var_id: b
- long_name: hybrid sigma coordinate B coefficient for layer
- var_id: b_bnds
- long_name: hybrid sigma coordinate B coefficient for layer bounds
- units: 1
- standard_name: atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate
- long_name: hybrid sigma pressure coordinate
- var_id: lev
- var_id: lat_bnds
- var_id: lon_bnds
- units: Pa
- var_id: p0
- long_name: reference pressure for hybrid sigma coordinate
- var_id: time_bnds
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- long_name: latitude
- var_id: lat
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- long_name: longitude
- var_id: lon
- long_name: time
- standard_name: time
- var_id: time
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
89.0000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-89.0000° |