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NCAS Icelandic Atmospheric Observatory (IAO)

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The NCAS IAO is a mobile observatory designed to observe and monitor volcanic ash during times of both volcanic activity and rest.

During periods of unrest, its mobility is essential as it allows for it to be relocated to where its remote sensing capabilities can be best used to provide support for ash dispersal models and aviation safety.

During periods of rest, its home location is Efri Vik (63° 25′ 05.5″ N, -18° 59′ 16.9″ E).

The IAO is fitted with a 10-m mast on which is mounted an automatic weather station and two cameras pointing perpendicular to each other with views of the Grímsvötn and Bárðarbunga volcanoes and the Vik ash fields. External tripods also support a tracking sunphotometer and an all-sky camera. The trailer houses a scanning aerosol Doppler lidar with depolarisation channel, a ceilometer, and a comprehensive IT system. The latter allowing the site to be automated: data stored both locally and downloaded to UK for processing and archiving. The IT system has been designed to allow easy integration of guest instruments with control and data streaming being automated.

There are also ports in the trailer that allow sample lines and cables to be fed into the interior.

The aerosol Doppler lidar is programmed to perform a standard set of predetermined scan patterns every 10 minutes

5 point wind
RHI perpendicular to the mountain
RHI parallel to the mountain
and when not performing these scans the system stated vertically. A user can apply to run their own scanning patterns in support of a project.

The IAO is due for deployment in summer 2020.

Abbreviation: iao
Keywords: atmospheric observatory, NCAS

keywords:      atmospheric observatory, NCAS
location:      GeographicBoundingBox: Icelandic Atmospheric Observatory (IAO)
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