MPI-ESM model output prepared for APPOSITE control experiment
Latest Data Update: 2021-06-14
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2015-06-23
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 12.8K Files | 223GB
Atmosphere and Ocean components; Frequency: daily and monthly
Variables Atmosphere monthly:
cl clt dewts friver hfss pr prsn psl rlus rlutcs rsdt rsus rsutcs snw tas va
cli clw evspsbl hfls hus prc prw rlds rlut rsds rsnscs rsut sfcWind ta ua wap
Variables Ocean daily:
sic sit usi vsi
Variables Ocean monthly:
dsicdtadv dsitdtadv flum hfxba hfy hfydiff msftmyza msftmyzp sic snd sos thkcello transix uo dsicdtthd dsitdtthd hfx hfxdiff hfyba mlotst msftmyzg rhopoto sit so thetao tos transiy vo
Citable as: Day, J. (2015): MPI-ESM model output prepared for APPOSITE control experiment. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: arp-apposite-model-mpiesm-ctrl
Keywords: APPOSITE, control, mpiesm, model, arctic
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Supplied model data ingested as is in the CEDA Archive. |
File Format: |
Related Documents
MPI-ESM Model |
Process overview
- units: m/s
- var_id: sfcWind
- long_name: 10m windspeed
- units: K
- long_name: 2m dew point temperature
- var_id: dewts
- units: K
- var_id: tas
- long_name: 2m temperature
- units: 1/s
- long_name: Advective tendency of sea ice area fraction
- standard_name: advective_tendency_of_sea_ice_area_fraction
- var_id: dsicdtadv
- units: m/s
- long_name: Advective tendency of sea ice thickness
- standard_name: advective_tendency_of_sea_ice_thickness
- var_id: dsitdtadv
- units: kg s-1
- var_id: msftmyza
- standard_name: atlantic_ocean_meridional_overturning_streamfunction
- long_name: Atlantic ocean meridional overturning streamfunction
- units: m
- long_name: Cell thickness
- standard_name: cell_thickness
- var_id: thkcello
- units: kg s-1
- var_id: msftmyzg
- standard_name: global_ocean_meridional_overturning_streamfunction
- long_name: Global ocean meridional overturning streamfunction
- units: kg s-1
- var_id: msftmyzp
- standard_name: indopacific_ocean_meridional_overturning_streamfunction
- long_name: Indopacific ocean meridional overturning streamfunction
- units: m s-1
- var_id: vsi
- long_name: Meridional sea ice velocity
- standard_name: meridional_sea_ice_velocity
- units: W
- long_name: Ocean heat x transport due to advection
- standard_name: ocean_heat_x_transport_due_to_advection
- var_id: hfx
- units: W
- long_name: Ocean heat x transport due to bolus advection
- standard_name: ocean_heat_x_transport_due_to_bolus_advection
- var_id: hfxba
- units: W
- long_name: Ocean heat x transport due to diffusion
- standard_name: ocean_heat_x_transport_due_to_diffusion
- var_id: hfxdiff
- units: W
- long_name: Ocean heat y transport due to advection
- standard_name: ocean_heat_y_transport_due_to_advection
- var_id: hfy
- units: W
- long_name: Ocean heat y transport due to bolus advection
- standard_name: ocean_heat_y_transport_due_to_bolus_advection
- var_id: hfyba
- units: W
- long_name: Ocean heat y transport due to diffusion
- standard_name: ocean_heat_y_transport_due_to_diffusion
- var_id: hfydiff
- units: m
- standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t
- var_id: mlotst
- long_name: Ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t
- units: 1
- standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction
- var_id: sic
- long_name: Sea ice area fraction
- units: m
- standard_name: sea_ice_thickness
- var_id: sit
- long_name: Sea ice thickness
- units: kg s-1
- standard_name: sea_ice_x_transport
- var_id: transix
- long_name: Sea ice x transport
- units: kg s-1
- standard_name: sea_ice_y_transport
- var_id: transiy
- long_name: Sea ice y transport
- units: psu
- long_name: Sea surface salinity
- standard_name: sea_surface_salinity
- var_id: sos
- units: K
- standard_name: sea_surface_temperature
- long_name: Sea surface temperature
- var_id: tos
- units: kg m-3
- standard_name: sea_water_potential_density
- var_id: rhopoto
- long_name: Sea water potential density
- units: C
- standard_name: sea_water_potential_temperature
- var_id: thetao
- long_name: Sea water potential temperature
- units: psu
- standard_name: sea_water_salinity
- var_id: lsm
- long_name: Sea water salinity
- units: m s-1
- var_id: uo
- standard_name: sea_water_x_velocity
- long_name: Sea water x velocity
- units: m s-1
- var_id: vo
- standard_name: sea_water_y_velocity
- long_name: Sea water y velocity
- units: w m-2
- long_name: Surface net downward heat flux where sea
- standard_name: surface_net_downward_heat_flux_where_sea
- var_id: flum
- units: m
- standard_name: surface_snow_thickness_where_sea_ice
- var_id: snd
- long_name: Surface snow thickness where sea ice
- units: 1/s
- var_id: dsicdtthd
- standard_name: thermodynamic_tendency_of_sea_ice_area_fraction
- long_name: Thermodynamic tendency of sea ice area fraction
- units: m/s
- long_name: Thermodynamic tendency of sea ice thickness
- standard_name: thermodynamic_tendency_of_sea_ice_thickness
- var_id: dsitdtthd
- units: m s-1
- var_id: usi
- long_name: Zonal sea ice velocity
- standard_name: zonal_sea_ice_velocity
- var_id: cl
- long_name: cloud cover
- var_id: cli
- units: kg/kg
- long_name: cloud ice
- var_id: clw
- units: kg/kg
- long_name: cloud water
- var_id: prc
- long_name: convective precipitation
- units: kg/m^2s
- units: m
- var_id: depth
- standard_name: depth
- long_name: depth_below_sea
- var_id: evspsbl
- long_name: evaporation
- units: kg/m^2s
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: hfls
- long_name: latent heat flux
- units: Pa
- var_id: psl
- long_name: mean sea level pressure
- units: W/m^2
- long_name: net surf. solar radiation (clear sky)
- var_id: rsnscs
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: rsds
- long_name: net surface solar radiation
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: rlds
- long_name: net surface thermal radiation
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: rlutcs
- long_name: net top thermal radiation (clear sky)
- units: Pa
- var_id: lev
- long_name: pressure
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: hfss
- long_name: sensible heat flux
- units: m
- var_id: snw
- long_name: snow depth
- var_id: prsn
- long_name: snow fall
- units: kg/m^2s
- var_id: hus
- units: kg/kg
- long_name: specific humidity
- var_id: friver
- long_name: surface runoff into ocean
- units: kg/m^2s
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: rsus
- long_name: surface solar radiation upward
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: rlus
- long_name: surface thermal radiation upward
- units: K
- var_id: ta
- long_name: temperature
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: rsdt
- long_name: top incoming solar radiation
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: rsut
- long_name: top solar radiation upward
- units: W/m^2
- var_id: rlut
- long_name: top thermal radiation (OLR)
- var_id: clt
- long_name: total cloud cover (mean)
- var_id: pr
- long_name: total precipitation
- units: kg/m^2s
- units: m/s
- var_id: ua
- long_name: u-velocity
- units: m/s
- var_id: va
- long_name: v-velocity
- var_id: wap
- units: Pa/s
- long_name: vertical velocity
- var_id: prw
- long_name: vertically integrated water vapor
- units: kg/m^2
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- long_name: latitude
- var_id: lat_4
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- long_name: longitude
- var_id: lon_2
- standard_name: time
- var_id: time
- units: day as %Y%m%d.%f
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
90.0000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-90.0000° |
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