CORDEX SAM-44i data produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre regional climate model HadRM3P and interpolated to a common latitude-longitude grid
Co-Ordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) data for the South America Domain (SAM-44).
The data is produced by the MetOffice Hadley Centre regional model HadRM3P running at 0.44 degree resolution over the South America CORDEX domain (SAM-44).
HadRM3P is a regional climate model based on the HadCM3 Coupled Climate Model.
The HadRM3P model is driven by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim reanalysis data to run the CORDEX Evaluation experiment, representative of the period from 1990 to 2011.
The model outputs are interpolated to a common latitude-longitude grid. The collection includes monthly averages and seasonal means.
The CORDEX program is sponsored by the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) to organise an internationally coordinated framework to produce improved regional climate change projections for all land regions world-wide. The CORDEX-results will serve as input for climate change impact and adaptation studies.
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Data has been prepared for CORDEX by the Met Office Hadley Centre and sent to CEDA for archiving. |
Data Quality: |
Basic CORDEX archive ingest readiness, includes the completeness of NetCDF attribute metadata, correctness of file names and consistency between filename and NetCDF attributes.
File Format: |
Process overview
Title | Met Office Hadley Centre regional climate model HadRM3P for CORDEX SAM-44 |
Abstract | Met Office Hadley Centre regional climate model HadRM3P running simulations of the South America domain at 0.44 degree resolution (SAM-44) for the Co-Ordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX). HadRM3P is a regional climate model based on the HadCM3 Coupled Climate Model. |
Input Description | ERA-Interim Reanalysis |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
- units: K
- standard_name: air_temperature
- long_name: Air Temperature
- var_id: ta850
- names: air_temperature, Air Temperature
- units: m2
- long_name: Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area
- standard_name: cell_area
- var_id: areacella
- names: Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area, cell_area
- units: K
- standard_name: air_temperature
- var_id: tasmax
- long_name: Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature
- names: air_temperature, Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: wind_speed
- long_name: Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed
- var_id: sfcWindmax
- names: wind_speed, Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed
- units: K
- standard_name: air_temperature
- var_id: tasmin
- long_name: Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature
- names: air_temperature, Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: eastward_wind
- var_id: uas
- long_name: Eastward Near-Surface Wind
- names: eastward_wind, Eastward Near-Surface Wind
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: eastward_wind
- long_name: Eastward Wind
- var_id: ua850
- names: eastward_wind, Eastward Wind
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- standard_name: water_evaporation_flux
- long_name: Evaporation
- var_id: evspsbl
- names: water_evaporation_flux, Evaporation
- units: m
- standard_name: geopotential_height
- long_name: Geopotential Height
- var_id: zg500
- names: geopotential_height, Geopotential Height
- units: %
- long_name: Land Area Fraction
- standard_name: land_area_fraction
- var_id: sftlf
- names: land_area_fraction, Land Area Fraction
- units: K
- standard_name: air_temperature
- var_id: tas
- long_name: Near-Surface Air Temperature
- names: air_temperature, Near-Surface Air Temperature
- units: 1
- standard_name: specific_humidity
- var_id: huss
- long_name: Near-Surface Specific Humidity
- names: specific_humidity, Near-Surface Specific Humidity
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: wind_speed
- long_name: Near-Surface Wind Speed
- var_id: sfcWind
- names: wind_speed, Near-Surface Wind Speed
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: northward_wind
- var_id: vas
- long_name: Northward Near-Surface Wind
- names: northward_wind, Northward Near-Surface Wind
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: northward_wind
- long_name: Northward Wind
- var_id: va850
- names: northward_wind, Northward Wind
- var_id: pr
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- standard_name: precipitation_flux
- long_name: Precipitation
- names: precipitation_flux, Precipitation
- units: %
- standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction
- var_id: sic
- long_name: Sea Ice Area Fraction
- names: sea_ice_area_fraction, Sea Ice Area Fraction
- units: Pa
- var_id: psl
- standard_name: air_pressure_at_sea_level
- long_name: Sea Level Pressure
- names: air_pressure_at_sea_level, Sea Level Pressure
- units: kg m-2
- long_name: Soil Frozen Water Content
- standard_name: soil_frozen_water_content
- var_id: mrfso
- names: Soil Frozen Water Content, soil_frozen_water_content
- units: 1
- standard_name: specific_humidity
- long_name: Specific Humidity
- var_id: hus850
- names: specific_humidity, Specific Humidity
- units: m
- long_name: Surface Altitude
- standard_name: surface_altitude
- var_id: orog
- names: Surface Altitude, surface_altitude
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
- var_id: rlds
- long_name: Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
- names: surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
- var_id: rsds
- long_name: Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
- names: surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- standard_name: surface_runoff_flux
- long_name: Surface Runoff
- var_id: mrros
- names: surface_runoff_flux, Surface Runoff
- units: kg m-2
- standard_name: surface_snow_amount
- var_id: snw
- long_name: Surface Snow Amount
- names: surface_snow_amount, Surface Snow Amount
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- var_id: snm
- standard_name: surface_snow_melt_flux
- long_name: Surface Snow Melt
- names: surface_snow_melt_flux, Surface Snow Melt
- var_id: hfls
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- long_name: Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux
- names: surface_upward_latent_heat_flux, Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- var_id: hfss
- long_name: Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux
- names: surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux, Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux
- units: W m-2
- long_name: Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation
- standard_name: surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
- var_id: rlus
- names: Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation, surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
- units: W m-2
- long_name: Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
- standard_name: surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
- var_id: rsus
- names: surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: toa_incoming_shortwave_flux
- var_id: rsdt
- long_name: TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation
- names: toa_incoming_shortwave_flux, TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation
- var_id: rlut
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
- long_name: TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
- names: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux, TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
- var_id: rsut
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux
- long_name: TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
- names: toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux, TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
- units: %
- standard_name: cloud_area_fraction
- var_id: clt
- long_name: Total Cloud Fraction
- names: cloud_area_fraction, Total Cloud Fraction
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- standard_name: runoff_flux
- var_id: mrro
- long_name: Total Runoff
- names: runoff_flux, Total Runoff
- units: kg m-2
- standard_name: soil_moisture_content
- long_name: Total Soil Moisture Content
- var_id: mrso
- names: soil_moisture_content, Total Soil Moisture Content
- units: m
- standard_name: height
- var_id: height
- long_name: height
- names: height
- var_id: lat_bnds
- var_id: lon_bnds
- units: Pa
- standard_name: air_pressure
- long_name: pressure
- var_id: plev
- names: air_pressure, pressure
- var_id: time_bnds
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- long_name: latitude
- var_id: lat
- names: latitude
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- long_name: longitude
- var_id: lon
- names: longitude
- long_name: time
- standard_name: time
- var_id: time
- names: time
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
15.0000° |
-90.0000° |
-25.0000° |
-58.0000° |