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Dataset Collection


NERC Project: Are tropical uplands regional hotspots for methane and nitrous oxide?: in-situ ground based atmospheric flux measurements and model output

Status: Not defined
Publication State: published


'Are tropical uplands regional hotspots for methane and nitrous oxide?' was a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project from 2010-2015 with the following grant references NE/H007849/1, NE/H006753/1 and NE/H006583/2.

This dataset collection contains in-situ ground based soil-atmosphere flux and soil condition measurements from 4 different ecosystems located in the Peruvian Andes over ~2.5 years between 2010-2013. The ecosystems included upper montane forest (Wayqecha), lower montane forest (San Pedro), premontane forest (Villa Carmen) and grassland sites.

At present, data are only available for 3 ecosystems; Wayqecha, San Pedro and Villa Carman. However, the grassland dataset will follow shortly along with some model output.

Citable as:Diem, T.; Jones, S.P.; Baggs, E.; Smith, P.; Meir, P.; Teh, Y.A. (2016): NERC Project: Are tropical uplands regional hotspots for methane and nitrous oxide?: in-situ ground based atmospheric flux measurements and model output. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: abn-fluxes
Keywords: methane, nitrous oxide, Andes, Peru, tropical ecosystems, rainforest, greenhouse gases


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