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Chamber reaction products identified from toluene/m-xylene oxidation using GCxGC TOFMS at the University of Birmingham

Latest Data Update: 2024-02-13
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2024-02-15
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 3 Files | 10KB


A list of reaction products from the photo-oxidation of m-xylene and toluene in chamber experiments for the Quantitative Attribution of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Beijing to its Precursors project which was part of the Air Pollution and Human Health in Developing Megacities programme.

A potential aerosol mass (PAM) chamber was used to investigate the oxidised products from the photo-oxidation of m-xylene and toluene. The chamber experiments were carried out with hydroxyl (OH) radical as oxidant in both high- and low-NOx conditions and the resultant aerosol samples were collected using quartz filters and analysed by the two dimensional Gas Chromatography Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (GC×GC-TOFMS) at the University of Birmingham.

Citable as:  Srivastava, D.; Harrison, R. (2024): Chamber reaction products identified from toluene/m-xylene oxidation using GCxGC TOFMS at the University of Birmingham. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: APHH, aerosol


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Data were produced by the project team and supplied for archiving at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA).

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Research data as provided by project team
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