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ACSOE MAGE EAE-97: Ground-based Atmospheric Oxidant Observations from the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Centre

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2000-02-08
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2007-03-24
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 534 Files | 43MB


The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) was a 5-year Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) programme on tropospheric chemistry coordinated by the University of East Anglia and involving research groups from a number of UK universities and research institutes. The project had three consortia of UK institutes and universities, each of which focused on a different scientific topic. The aims of the Marine Aerosol and Gas Exchange (MAGE) Eastern Atlantic Experiment were to quantify input of Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) into a parcel of air, examine the oxidation of DMS and its reaction with nitrogen species with time, investigate the formation of new particles as a results of these transformations, and to discriminate between natural and anthropogenic fractions of sulphur and nitrogen using isotopic measurements. Data contains profiles of aerosol size and distribution and trace gases throughout the marine boundary layer, taken using the British Aerospace Jetstream aircraft.

Citable as:  Natural Environment Research Council; Liss, P.S.; Broadgate, W.J.; Allan, B.; Allen, A.; Bandy, B.; Bassford, M.; Bauguitte, S.; Brassington, D.; Carpenter, L.J.; Coe, H.; Consterdine, I.E.; Creasey, D.J.; Carrick, A.; Choularton, T.W.; Grenfell, L.; Heard, D.E.; James, J.; Jickells, T.; Lee, J.D.; Lewis, A.C.; McArdle, N.; McFadyen, G.; McIntyre, H.; McQuaid, J.B.; Mills, G.; Monks, P.S.; Nickless, G.; O'Doherty, S.; Pilling, M.J.; Plane, J.M.C.; Reeves, C.E.; Robertson, L.; Salisbury, G.; Simmonds, P.; Smith, M.H.; Spain, G.; Spokes, L.; Sturges, W.T.; Thompson, A.; Wilson, K.; Yeatman, S.G. (2007): ACSOE MAGE EAE-97: Ground-based Atmospheric Oxidant Observations from the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Centre. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: ACSOE, MAGE, EAE, Tropospheric Chemistry, Marine Boundary Layer Chemistry


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
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Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data collected by instruments on Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland. Data acquired by BADC for archiving as programme was underway.

Data Quality:
Data files archived as is. Data quality information may be available within each data file.
File Format:
The data files are NASA-Ames formatted.

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Process overview

This dataset was generated by instruments deployed on platforms as listed below.

Instrument/Platform pairings

Birmingham: Air Filter - various analytical techniques Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Birmingham: portable automatic weather station (AWS) Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Birmingham: Epiphaniometer Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Birmingham: Scintrex LMA-3 Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Birmingham: TSI CN Counter 3022 Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Birmingham: TSI CN Counter 3025 Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Bristol: ADS-GC-ECD-ECD Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Bristol: ADS/GC/MS Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Bristol: GLC/ECD/FID Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
CEH: Continously wetted rotating annular denuder Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Galway/Macehead: Magae Scientific AE-9 Aethalometer Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Galway/Macehead: MeteoConsult GmbH Capillary column GC-ECD Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Galway/Macehead: UV Monitor Labs 8810 Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Imperial: Formaldehyde Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer (TDLAS) Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
CEH: Automatic Weather Station Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
ITE: AIR AS-4A PTU free flight sonde Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Lancaster: Four-stage filter pack aerosol sampler Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Lancaster: GC-FPD Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
University of Leeds: ADC 7000 Water Vapour Instrument Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Leeds: Automatic Weather Station Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Leeds: Fluorecence Assay by Gas Expansion instrument (FAGE) Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Leeds/UFAM: Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer (DOAS) Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Leeds: Automated Injection GC-FID Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Leicester: PEroxy Radical Chemical Amplification (PERCA) technique Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
University of Sunderland: CMAS Met Station Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: CRANOX NOx, O3, NOy Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: Formaldehyde (HCHO) instrument or Fluorometric Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: GC-ECD Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: Gas Chromatograph with Mass Spectrometer (GC MS) Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
University of East Anglia: High Volume aerosol sampler Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: J(NO2) Photoelectric Radiometer Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: Major Ions Rain Concentration Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: NOxy 4 channel NO, NO2, NOy, NOy* chemiluminescence analyser Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: Peroxides instrument Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
Leicester: Spectral Radiometer j(O1D) Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland
UEA: Trace Metals Rain Concentration Deployed on: Mace Head Atmospheric Research Facility, Ireland

Independent Instruments

UEA: Tethered Balloonsonde
Output Description


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