GOME: Vertical Profiles of Ozone and other Trace Gases Ozone profiles Version 1.0
The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) was an instrument aboard ERS-2. The main scientific objective of the GOME mission is to measure the global distribution of ozone and several trace gases which play an important role in the ozone chemistry of the Earth's stratosphere and troposphere, for example, NO2, BrO, OClO, and SO2.
This dataset contains version 1.0 ozone profiles derived by the Remote Sensing Group (RSG) at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK, as part of the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO). These were derived from radiances measured by the GOME on-board ERS-2. The collection also includes total column ozone, column BrO, and column NO2 as well as cloud heights derived from the Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR), which are included to aid interpretation of the ozone profiles.
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
Access rules: |
Restricted data: please submit an application using the REQUEST ACCESS link for access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Data files provided as is to the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) by the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Space Remote Sensing Group. |
Data Quality: |
Not available at this time.
File Format: |
Data are netCDF formatted
Related Documents
Process overview
Instrument/Platform pairings
Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) | Deployed on: European Remote Sensing satellite 2 - ERS-2 |
Mobile platform operations
Mobile Platform Operation 1 | Mobile Platform Operation for: European Remote Sensing satellite 2 (ERS-2) |
Computation Element: 1
Title | Deployed on European Remote Sensing satellite 2 (ERS-2) |
Abstract | This computation involved: deployed on European Remote Sensing satellite 2 (ERS-2). European Remote Sensing satellite Two (ERS-2), successor and nearly identical to ERS-1. It follows the same orbit as ERS-1 and was launched in April 1995. ERS-2 was nearly identical to ERS-1. The platform is based on the design developed for the French SPOT satellite. Payload electronics accommodated in a box-shaped housing on the platform; antennas fitted to a bearing structure. ERS-2 carries the following instruments: AMI - active microwave instrument consisting of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and a wind scatterometer (both in the C-band). RA- radar altimeter: takes precise measurements of the distance from the ocean surface and of wave heights. ATSR - along-track scanning radiometer (operating in the infra-red and visible ranges): measures sea surface temperatures and the vegetation cover of land surfaces. GOME - global ozone monitoring experiment, an absorption spectrometer which measures the presence of ozone, trace gases and aerosols in the stratosphere and troposphere. MS - microwave sounder: supplies data on atmospheric humidity. PRARE - precise range and range rate equipment: ERS orbit and trajectory determination. LRR - laser reflector: determines satellite position using ground-based laser stations. IDHT - instrument data handling and transmission: temporary on-board data storage by means of two 6.5 GBit tape recorders, equivalent to the data volume acquired in one orbit. Recording, formatting and transmission of data at 105 Mbit/s (transmission of SAR imaging data in real time), or 15 Mbit/s (transfer from tape recorder). |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
Computation Element: 2
Title | ATSR statistics for use with GOME Ozone profile Data |
Abstract | ATSR statistics for use with GOME Ozone profile Data |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
Output Description | None |
- units: Degrees North/East
- long_name: 4-corner latitude,longitude
- var_id: ll
- units: %
- long_name: A priori error
- var_id: aperror
- units:
- long_name: A priori ozone number density
- var_id: apozone
- long_name: ATSR Channel names
- var_id: channels
- long_name: Across track GOME pixel number
- var_id: pix
- var_id: lat
- units: Degrees North
- long_name: Centre latitude
- units: Degrees East
- var_id: lon
- long_name: Centre longitude
- units: %
- long_name: Error on total column BrO
- var_id: bro_err
- units: %
- long_name: Error on total column NO2
- var_id: no2_err
- long_name: Final cost function value
- var_id: cost
- long_name: GOME pixel number
- var_id: lpx
- long_name: Ground pixel number
- var_id: pixno
- long_name: IR12 Histogram
- var_id: ir12hist
- var_id: lat
- units: degress north
- long_name: Latitude of centre of pixel
- var_id: lon
- units: degress east
- long_name: Longitude of centre of pixel
- units: K
- var_id: free_atsr_ir
- long_name: Mean brightness temperature of each ATSR-2 ir channel (12,11,3.7 microns) for cloud free
- units: K
- var_id: thick_atsr_ir
- long_name: Mean brightness temperature of each ATSR-2 ir channel (12,11,3.7 microns) for thick cloud
- units: K
- var_id: thin_atsr_ir
- long_name: Mean brightness temperature of each ATSR-2 ir channel (12,11,3.7 microns) for thin cloud
- var_id: thin_ir12_p
- long_name: Mean of thin cloud-top log(pressure/hPa) (ir-12)
- var_id: free_atsr_vis
- long_name: Mean reflectance of each ATSR-2 visible channel (1.6,.87,.67,.55 microns) for cloud free
- var_id: thick_atsr_vis
- long_name: Mean reflectance of each ATSR-2 visible channel (1.6,.87,.67,.55 microns) for thick cloud
- units: -
- var_id: thin_atsr_vis
- long_name: Mean reflectance of each ATSR-2 visible channel (1.6,.87,.67,.55 microns) for thin cloud
- units: km
- var_id: thick_ir12_ht
- long_name: Mean thick cloud-top height (ir-12)
- units: km
- var_id: thick_par_ht
- long_name: Mean thick cloud-top height (parallax)
- var_id: thick_ir12_p
- long_name: Mean thick cloud-top log(pressure/hPa) (ir-12)
- units: K
- var_id: thick_ir12_tt
- long_name: Mean thick cloud-top temperature
- units: km
- var_id: tthin_ir12_ht
- long_name: Mean thick+thin cloud-top height (ir-12)
- units: km
- var_id: tthin_par_ht
- long_name: Mean thick+thin cloud-top height (parallax)
- var_id: tthin_ir12_p
- long_name: Mean thick+thin cloud-top log(pressure/hPa) (ir-12)
- units: K
- var_id: tthin_ir12_tt
- long_name: Mean thick+thin cloud-top temperature
- units: km
- var_id: thin_ir12_ht
- long_name: Mean thin cloud-top height (ir-12)
- units: km
- var_id: thin_par_ht
- long_name: Mean thin cloud-top height (parallax)
- units: K
- var_id: thin_ir12_tt
- long_name: Mean thin cloud-top temperature
- long_name: NO2 Column
- names: NO2 Column
- var_id: thick_par_ns
- long_name: No. ASTR-2 pixels classed thick cloud for parallax method
- var_id: tthin_par_ns
- long_name: No. ASTR-2 pixels classed thick+thin cloud for parallax method
- var_id: thin_par_ns
- long_name: No. ASTR-2 pixels classed thin cloud for parallax method
- var_id: free_atsr_vis_no
- long_name: No. ATSR-2 pixels classed as cloud free for each ATSR-2 visible channel (1.6,.87,.67,.55 microns)
- units: K
- var_id: thick_atsr_ir_no
- long_name: No. pixels classed as thick cloud for each ATSR-2 ir channel (12,11,3.7 microns)
- var_id: thick_atsr_vis_no
- long_name: No. pixels classed as thick cloud for each ATSR-2 visible channel (1.6,.87,.67,.55 microns)
- var_id: free_atsr_ir_no
- long_name: No. pixels classed as thin cloud for each ATSR-2 ir channel (12,11,3.7 microns)
- var_id: thin_atsr_vis_no
- long_name: No. pixels classed as thin cloud for each ATSR-2 visible channel (1.6,.87,.67,.55 microns)
- units: %
- long_name: Ozone Error
- var_id: error
- units:
- long_name: Ozone number density
- var_id: ozone_nd
- units: ppv
- long_name: Ozone volume mixing ratio
- var_id: ozone_vmr
- long_name: Parallax height Histogram
- var_id: hparhist
- units: hPa
- long_name: Pressure levels
- var_id: levels
- units: 0(No),1(Yes)
- long_name: Retrieval converged ?
- var_id: aconv
- units: 0(No),1(Yes)
- long_name: Retrieval passed chi square test ?
- var_id: achi
- long_name: Retrieved Ring scaling factor
- var_id: ring
- units: nm
- long_name: Retrieved X-section shift
- var_id: xsect
- units: nm
- long_name: Retrieved slit width
- var_id: slit
- long_name: Retrieved surface albedo
- var_id: salb
- units:
- long_name: Retrieved total column BrO
- var_id: bro
- units:
- long_name: Retrieved total column NO2
- var_id: no2
- units: Dobson units
- long_name: Retrieved total column ozone
- var_id: tco3
- units: nm
- long_name: Retrieved wavelength misregistration
- var_id: misr
- units: 0(left),1(nadir),2(right),3(back-scan)
- long_name: Scan position
- var_id: scp
- long_name: Scene description
- var_id: scene_type
- units: degrees
- long_name: Solar Zenith Angle
- var_id: sza
- units: degrees
- var_id: sza
- long_name: Solar zenith angle
- var_id: thick_ir12_p_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thick cloud-top log(pressure/hPa) (ir-12)
- units: K
- var_id: thick_ir12_tt_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thick cloud-top temperature
- units: km
- var_id: thick_ir12_ht_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thick cloud-top temperature (ir-12)
- var_id: tthin_ir12_p_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thick+thin cloud-top log(pressure/hPa) (ir-12)
- units: K
- var_id: tthin_ir12_tt_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thick+thin cloud-top temperature
- units: km
- var_id: tthin_ir12_ht_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thick+thin cloud-top temperature (ir-12)
- var_id: thin_ir12_p_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thin cloud-top log(pressure/hPa) (ir-12)
- units: K
- var_id: thin_ir12_tt_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thin cloud-top temperature
- units: km
- var_id: thin_ir12_ht_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation in thin cloud-top temperature (ir-12)
- units: km
- var_id: thick_par_ht_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation of thick cloud-top height (parallax)
- units: km
- var_id: tthin_par_ht_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation of thick+thin cloud-top height (parallax)
- units: km
- var_id: thin_par_ht_sd
- long_name: Standard deviation of thin cloud-top height (parallax)
- units: %
- var_id: thick_fr
- long_name: Thick cloud fraction
- units: %
- var_id: tthin_fr
- long_name: Thick+thin cloud fraction
- units: %
- var_id: thin_fr
- long_name: Thin cloud fraction
- var_id: time
- long_name: Time
- units: seconds after 00:00 UT
- var_id: time
- units: seconds
- long_name: Time of Day
- long_name: average signal in each channel for each scene type
- var_id: ave
- long_name: count of ATSR pixels contributing to ave and sd
- var_id: count
- long_name: number of ATSR pixels in a scene type
- var_id: scenes
- long_name: number of ATSR pixels per GOME pixel
- var_id: gpix
- var_id: ll
- units: degress north and east
- long_name: pixel corners
- long_name: pixel label in data array for indexing
- var_id: pixel_label
- long_name: scene label in data array for indexing
- var_id: scene_label
- long_name: standard deviation of signal in each channel for each scene type
- var_id: sd
Co-ordinate Variables
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
90.0000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-90.0000° |