
Isotopic constraints on past ozone layer in polar ice (ISOL-ICE)
The ozone layer shields all land-based life forms from harmful ultraviolet radiation; and indirectly influences the climate at the Earth's surface, including temperature and winds, particularly near the poles. Man-made halocarbons, used for example in refrigerators and spray cans, were released to the atmosphere and have caused significant destruction of the ozone layer since the late 1970s, especially above Antarctica during spring-time. Because the use of many halocarbons was banned by the 1989 Montreal Protocol, the ozone layer is expected to recover to the conditions of the 1960s and early 1970s within this century.
However, the thickness of the ozone layer is also influenced by natural causes, which are less well understood and which make predictions of future ozone and the climate less certain. Natural causes include variations in the sun's activity, volcanic eruptions, the release of biogenic halocarbons and atmospheric circulation. Currently there is very little information on the natural variability of the ozone layer over historic time scales, i.e. before direct observations started in the early 20th century. However, understanding the natural variability of the ozone layer and the underlying causes is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of climate and ozone policy options. It is also necessary in order to improve predictions of ground-level UV radiation, which is recognized as an environmental carcinogen and a major concern for human health.
One way to go back in time beyond the era of modern measurements is the use of proxies measured in polar ice cores. Apart from a recently proposed biomarker there are no quantitative proxies of past UV radiation. Here we propose to measure the isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen in the nitrate ion in polar ice to reconstruct past ultraviolet radiation and therefore the ozone layer. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. In the very dry regions of inner Antarctica snow is exposed to sunlight for many months before being buried by snowfall. During that exposure the nitrate in the snow is decomposed by solar UV radiation; during that process the heavier nitrogen isotopes in nitrate are observed to stay preferentially in the snow, whereas the lighter ones escape to the atmosphere above. That fractionation depends on the wavelength and duration of the UV radiation. We hypothesize that once the nitrate in the snow is buried at depth, it preserves an isotopic fingerprint of down-welling UV radiation and therefore of the thickness of the ozone layer.
The project collected a shallow ice core from East Antarctic Plateau, where low accumulation rates prevail, to develop and apply a new ice core proxy based on the stable isotopes of nitrate, to constrain trends in the ozone layer above Antarctica over the last 1kyr. To do this, the project calibrated the ice core signal with observations of the ozone layer above Antarctica since the 1950s, and then extrapolate that relationship to the more distant past.
Using numerical models the project investigated the underlying causes of the ice core-based reconstruction of past variability in the ozone layer. Particular questions attemptted to answer include: has stratospheric ozone changed in the past; and how did solar variability, natural emissions of halocarbons, or volcanic eruptions contribute to the reconstructed trends?
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