
CEH Bush Estate
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Estate 55.862N 3.206W
Easter Bush is located in South East Scotland, 10 km south of Edinburgh (03°02′
W, 55°52′N, 190 m above sea level). The fields have been under permanent grassland managemen
t for more than 20 years with a species composition of >99% perennial ryegrass (Lolium peren
ne) and < 0.5% clover (Trifolium repens). The soil type is an imperfectly drained Eutric Cam
bisol (FAO classification) with a pH of 5.1 (in H2O), a clay fraction of 20–26% (Clayey Loam
to Sandy Loam) and a soil organic carbon content of 4% (0–10 cm depth). The grassland is grazed by cows, ewes and lambs at different stocking densities and has been cut for silage in
some years. The instrumentation sits on the boundary between two fields, labelled north and
south, although the fence line runs down from the NW to SE.)The field site was established in 2001 for the EU GRAMINAE project (GRAMINAE: A new Initiative to Examine
Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions of Ammonia
with Grasslands across Europe which looked at
ammonia exchange and has hosted many projects since then, with a of core meteorological sensors
keywords: | CEH, Edinburgh |
childPlatform: | |
platformType: | land_station |
location: | GeographicBoundingBox: Bush Estate |
Previously used record indentifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
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Platform location
55.8620° |
-3.2060° |
-3.2060° |
55.8620° |