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Computation for Defra and JNCC Sentinel-1 Analysis Ready Data

Status: Not defined
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Sentinel-1 GRD products processed into a backscatter product using ESA SNAP. Processing included the following steps: apply orbit file, border and thermal noise removal, radiometric calibration, multilook, terrain correction using either the Aerial Photography Great Britain (APGB) 10m resolution DEM or the Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI) 10m resolution DEM, radiometric normalisation (Kellndorfer approach, Kellndorfer et al., 1998) and refined Lee speckle filter. Data is outputted on a linear scale in dB. A final reprojection is applied to transform the data to either OSGB1936 (EPSG:27700) or TM65/Irish Grid (EPSG:29902) using GDAL. The processed product is stacked, containing VV_dB in Band 1 and VH_dB in Band 2. Please see individual image metadata for the versions of software used in processing.

Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Not defined


InputOutputDescription: Sentinel-1 (C-Band SAR) Ground Range Detected (GRD) Interferometric Wide swath (IW) VV/VH


InputOutputDescription: Sentinel-1 GRD backscatter products

softwareReference:      None
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