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Chapter 3 of the Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report - data for Figure 3.9 (v20211028)

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Latest Data Update: 2022-03-09
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Citable
Publication Date: 2022-03-09
DOI Publication Date: 2023-02-08
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 12 Files | 192MB


Data for Figure 3.9 from Chapter 3 of the Working Group I (WGI) Contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).

Figure 3.9 shows global, land, ocean and continental annual mean near-surface air temperatures anomalies in CMIP6 models and observations. 

How to cite this dataset
When citing this dataset, please include both the data citation below (under 'Citable as') and the following citation for the report component from which the figure originates:
Eyring, V., N.P. Gillett, K.M. Achuta Rao, R. Barimalala, M. Barreiro Parrillo, N. Bellouin, C. Cassou, P.J. Durack, Y. Kosaka, S. McGregor, S. Min, O. Morgenstern, and Y. Sun, 2021: Human Influence on the Climate System. In Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S.L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M.I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J.B.R. Matthews, T.K. Maycock, T. Waterfield, O. Yelekçi, R. Yu, and B. Zhou (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 423–552, doi:10.1017/9781009157896.005.

Figure subpanels
The figure has ten panels, with data provided for all panels in subdirectories named panel_a, panel_b, panel_c, panel_d, panel_e, panel_f, panel_g, panel_h, panel_i and panel_j.

List of data provided
- Observed global near-surface air temperature change (1850-2020).
- CMIP6 historical anthropogenic and natural global warming (1850-2020).
- CMIP6 historical natural-only global warming (1850-2020).
- CMIP6 historical greenhouse gas only global warming (1850-2020).
- CMIP6 historical aerosol only global warming (1850-2020).

Data provided in relation to figure
- panel_a/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_b/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_c/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_d/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_e/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_f/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_g/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_h/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_i/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)
- panel_j/ (yearly data, 1850-2020); observed and CMIP6 data (also shaded areas)

Plotted data corresponds to the following "exp" and "stat" indices:
brown line: exp = 0, stat = 0
green line: exp = 1, stat = 0
grey line: exp = 2, stat = 0
blue line: exp =3, stat = 0
black line: exp = 4, stat = 0
shaded regions: stat = 1 and 2, exp = 0, 1, 2 and 3
The ensemble spread (shaded regions) of CMIP6 data shown in figure 3.9 are the mean, 5th and 95th percentiles. The in-file metadata labels the same ensemble spread as the mean, min and max.

panel_a: Global Ocean
panel_b: Global
panel_c: Global Land
panel_d: North America
panel_e: Central and South America
panel_f: Europe and North Africa
panel_g: Africa
panel_h: Asia
panel_i: Australasia
panel_j: Antarctica

Acronyms - CMIP6 - The sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project.
Sources of additional information
The following weblinks are provided in the Related Documents section of this catalogue record:
- Link to the report component containing the figure (Chapter 3)
- Link to the Supplementary Material for Chapter 3, which contains details on the input data used in Table 3.SM.1

Citable as:  Bock, L. (2023): Chapter 3 of the Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report - data for Figure 3.9 (v20211028). NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 08 February 2023. doi:10.5285/bbb759da50fe4cd5a1387c7462655908.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: IPCC-DDC, IPCC, AR6, WG1, WGI, Sixth Assessment Report, Working Group I, Physical Science Basis, Chapter 3, Human influence, large-scale indicators, Natural variability, anthropogenically-forced change, observed changes, Figure 3.9, global near-surface air temperature


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence: When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data produced by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) authors and supplied for archiving at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) by the Technical Support Unit (TSU) for IPCC Working Group I (WGI).
Data curated on behalf of the IPCC Data Distribution Centre (IPCC-DDC).

Data Quality:
Data as provided by the IPCC
File Format:
Data are netCDF formatted.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by the computation detailed below.

Caption for Figure 3.9 from Chapter 3 of the Working Group I (WGI) Contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)


Global, land, ocean and continental annual mean near-surface air temperatures anomalies in CMIP6 models and observations. Time series are shown for CMIP6 historical anthropogenic and natural (brown), natural-only (green), greenhouse gas only (grey) and aerosol only (blue) simulations (multi-model means shown as thick lines, and shaded ranges between the 5th and 95th percentiles) and for HadCRUT5 (black). All models have been subsampled using the HadCRUT5 observational data mask. Temperature anomalies are shown relative to 1950–2010 for Antarctica and relative to 1850–1900 for other continents. CMIP6 historical simulations are expand by the SSP2-4.5 scenario simulations. All available ensemble members were used (see Section 3.2). Regions are defined by Iturbide et al. (2020). Further details on data sources and processing are available in the chapter data table (Table 3.SM.1).

Input Description


Output Description


Software Reference


  • var_id: tas
  • units: degree_Celsius
  • standard_name: air_temperature_anomaly
  • long_name: Near-Surface Air Temperature Anomaly
  • var_id: exp
  • var_id: stat
  • var_id: time

Co-ordinate Variables

Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent

Related parties
Authors (1)