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WINDS-M: A 1/50° multidecadal regional simulation of the Southwestern Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents for Lagrangian applications (realistic forcing, 1993-2020)

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2022-10-03
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Citable
Publication Date: 2022-10-12
DOI Publication Date: 2022-11-08
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 118 Files | 15TB


WINDS-M (Western Indian Ocean Simulation, Multidecadal) is a high-resolution (1/50° in the horizontal) regional ocean simulation spanning the SW Indian Ocean from 1993-2020, using the Coastal and Regional Ocean Community model (CROCO). WINDS-M is forced at the lateral boundaries by daily output from the 1/12° CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service) GLORYS12V1 global ocean reanalysis and barotropic tides from TPXO9, at the surface hourly output from ERA5, and also includes climatological riverine fluxes. High frequency (0.5h) surface currents are provided for Lagrangian analyses, and other surface fields are provided at a daily frequency. Full 3D zonal velocity, meridional velocity, temperature, and salinity (U/V/T/S) fields are provided every 5 days.

Citable as:  Vogt-Vincent, N.; Johnson, H. (2022): WINDS-M: A 1/50° multidecadal regional simulation of the Southwestern Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents for Lagrangian applications (realistic forcing, 1993-2020). NERC British Oceanographic Data Centre, 08 November 2022. doi:10.5285/BF6F0CFBD09E47498572F21081376702.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Indian Ocean, ocean current, surface velocity, temperature, salinity, ocean model, CROCO, dispersal, coral reef


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence: When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

This dataset consists of two simulations of the Southwest Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents. One simulation was climatological (WINDS-C) and one used realistic forcing (WINDS-M) from 1993-2020. The simulations were funded through PhD project NE/S007474/1, Marine dispersal and retention in the western Indian Ocean, held by Noam Vogt-Vincent who was supervised by Helen Johnson, both at University of Oxford. The outputs are archived on BODC's space at CEDA and assigned a CEDA DOI. No QC was done by BODC.

Data Quality:
Data as supplied to BODC - no additional quality checks performed
File Format:
Data are CF-Compliant NetCDF formatted data files

Process overview

This dataset was generated by the computation detailed below.

Coastal and Regional Ocean Community model


Ocean (lateral) forcing (1993-2018 climatology): CMEMS Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ( Atmospheric (surface) forcing (1993-2018 climatology): ERA5: Fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate ( Tidal forcing: TPXO9-atlas-v2a (<0183:EIMOBO>2.0.CO;2) Climatological river fluxes: Dai and Trenberth (2002) Estimates of Freshwater Discharge from Continents: Latitudinal and Seasonal Variations (;2)

Input Description


Output Description


Software Reference


  • long_name: Coriolis parameter at RHO-points
  • units: second-1
  • var_id: f
  • names: Coriolis parameter at RHO-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: Deep bathymetry clipping depth
  • var_id: depthmax
  • names: Deep bathymetry clipping depth
  • var_id: h
  • units: meter
  • long_name: Final bathymetry at RHO-points
  • names: Final bathymetry at RHO-points
  • long_name: Grid type logical switch
  • var_id: spherical
  • names: Grid type logical switch
  • units: N/m2
  • long_name: Kinematic wind stress
  • var_id: wstr
  • names: Kinematic wind stress
  • long_name: Latent surface heat flux
  • units: Watts meter-2
  • var_id: shflx_lat
  • names: Latent surface heat flux
  • units: Watts meter-2
  • long_name: Long-wave surface radiation
  • var_id: shflx_rlw
  • names: Long-wave surface radiation
  • long_name: S-coordinate bottom control parameter
  • var_id: theta_b
  • names: S-coordinate bottom control parameter
  • long_name: S-coordinate parameter, critical depth
  • var_id: hc
  • names: S-coordinate parameter, critical depth
  • long_name: S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points
  • var_id: sc_r
  • names: S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points
  • long_name: S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points
  • var_id: sc_w
  • names: S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points
  • long_name: S-coordinate surface control parameter
  • var_id: theta_s
  • names: S-coordinate surface control parameter
  • long_name: S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width
  • var_id: Tcline
  • names: S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width
  • units: Watts meter-2
  • long_name: Sensible surface heat flux
  • var_id: shflx_sen
  • names: Sensible surface heat flux
  • units: meter
  • long_name: Shallow bathymetry clipping depth
  • var_id: depthmin
  • names: Shallow bathymetry clipping depth
  • units: Watts meter-2
  • long_name: Short-wave surface radiation
  • var_id: radsw
  • names: Short-wave surface radiation
  • long_name: Weights between coarse and fine grids at RHO-points
  • var_id: alpha
  • names: Weights between coarse and fine grids at RHO-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: Working bathymetry at RHO-points
  • var_id: hraw
  • names: Working bathymetry at RHO-points
  • units: radians
  • long_name: angle between XI-axis and EAST
  • var_id: mask_rho
  • names: angle between XI-axis and EAST
  • var_id: angle
  • units: radian
  • long_name: angle between xi axis and east
  • names: angle between xi axis and east
  • var_id: h
  • units: meter
  • long_name: bathymetry at RHO-points
  • names: bathymetry at RHO-points
  • units: meter-1
  • var_id: pn
  • long_name: curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA
  • names: curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA
  • var_id: pm
  • units: meter-1
  • long_name: curvilinear coordinate metric in XI
  • names: curvilinear coordinate metric in XI
  • long_name: curvilinear coordinates metric in ETA
  • units: meter-1
  • var_id: pn
  • names: curvilinear coordinates metric in ETA
  • var_id: pm
  • units: meter-1
  • long_name: curvilinear coordinates metric in XI
  • names: curvilinear coordinates metric in XI
  • units: meter
  • long_name: domain length in the ETA-direction
  • var_id: el
  • names: domain length in the ETA-direction
  • units: meter
  • long_name: domain length in the XI-direction
  • var_id: xl
  • names: domain length in the XI-direction
  • units: meter
  • long_name: eta derivative of inverse metric factor pm
  • var_id: dmde
  • names: eta derivative of inverse metric factor pm
  • units: meter
  • long_name: free-surface
  • var_id: zeta
  • names: free-surface
  • units: degree_north
  • long_name: latitude of PSI-points
  • var_id: lat_psi
  • names: latitude of PSI-points
  • units: degree_north
  • long_name: latitude of RHO-points
  • var_id: lat_rho
  • names: latitude of RHO-points
  • units: degree_north
  • var_id: lat_u
  • long_name: latitude of U-points
  • names: latitude of U-points
  • units: degree_north
  • var_id: lat_v
  • long_name: latitude of V-points
  • names: latitude of V-points
  • units: degree_east
  • long_name: longitude of PSI-points
  • var_id: lon_psi
  • names: longitude of PSI-points
  • units: degree_east
  • long_name: longitude of RHO-points
  • var_id: lon_rho
  • names: longitude of RHO-points
  • units: degree_east
  • var_id: lon_u
  • long_name: longitude of U-points
  • names: longitude of U-points
  • units: degree_east
  • var_id: lon_v
  • long_name: longitude of V-points
  • names: longitude of V-points
  • long_name: mask on PSI-points
  • var_id: mask_psi
  • names: mask on PSI-points
  • var_id: mask_rho
  • long_name: mask on RHO-points
  • names: mask on RHO-points
  • long_name: mask on U-points
  • var_id: mask_u
  • names: mask on U-points
  • long_name: mask on V-points
  • var_id: mask_v
  • names: mask on V-points
  • long_name: ocean s roms coordinate at rho point
  • var_id: Cs_r
  • names: ocean s roms coordinate at rho point
  • long_name: ocean s roms coordinate at w point
  • var_id: Cs_w
  • names: ocean s roms coordinate at w point
  • var_id: temp
  • units: Celsius
  • long_name: potential temperature
  • names: potential temperature
  • long_name: runoff discharge
  • units: m3.s-1
  • var_id: Qbar
  • names: runoff discharge
  • long_name: runoff time
  • var_id: runoff_name
  • names: runoff time
  • var_id: s_rho
  • var_id: s_rho_2
  • names: s_rho
  • var_id: s_w
  • units: PSU
  • long_name: salinity
  • var_id: salt
  • names: salinity
  • long_name: surface freshwater flux (E-P)
  • units: centimeter day-1
  • var_id: swflx
  • names: surface freshwater flux (E-P)
  • units: Watts meter-2
  • long_name: surface net heat flux
  • var_id: shflx
  • names: surface net heat flux
  • units: PSU
  • long_name: surface salinity
  • var_id: salt_surf
  • names: surface salinity
  • units: Celsius
  • long_name: surface temperature
  • var_id: temp_surf
  • names: surface temperature
  • units: N/m2
  • long_name: surface u-momentum stress
  • var_id: sustr
  • names: surface u-momentum stress
  • units: N/m2
  • long_name: surface v-momentum stress
  • var_id: svstr
  • names: surface v-momentum stress
  • var_id: time
  • long_name: time (in s) since beginning
  • units: second
  • names: time (in s) since beginning
  • long_name: time step and record numbers from initialisation
  • var_id: time_step
  • names: time step and record numbers from initialisation
  • units: meter second-1
  • long_name: u-momentum component
  • var_id: u_surf
  • names: u-momentum component
  • units: meter second-1
  • long_name: v-momentum component
  • var_id: v_surf
  • names: v-momentum component
  • long_name: vertical terrain-following transformation equation
  • var_id: Vtransform
  • names: vertical terrain-following transformation equation
  • var_id: ubar
  • long_name: vertically integrated u-momentum component
  • units: meter second-1
  • names: vertically integrated u-momentum component
  • var_id: vbar
  • units: meter second-1
  • long_name: vertically integrated v-momentum component
  • names: vertically integrated v-momentum component
  • units: meter
  • long_name: x location of PSI-points
  • var_id: x_psi
  • names: x location of PSI-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: x location of RHO-points
  • var_id: x_rho
  • names: x location of RHO-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: x location of U-points
  • var_id: x_u
  • names: x location of U-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: x location of V-points
  • var_id: x_v
  • names: x location of V-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: xi derivative of inverse metric factor pn
  • var_id: dndx
  • names: xi derivative of inverse metric factor pn
  • units: meter
  • long_name: y location of PSI-points
  • var_id: y_psi
  • names: y location of PSI-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: y location of RHO-points
  • var_id: y_rho
  • names: y location of RHO-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: y location of U-points
  • var_id: y_u
  • names: y location of U-points
  • units: meter
  • long_name: y location of V-points
  • var_id: y_v
  • names: y location of V-points

Co-ordinate Variables

  • units: degrees_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • long_name: Latitude
  • var_id: nav_lat_v
  • names: latitude, Latitude
  • units: degrees_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • long_name: Longitude
  • var_id: nav_lon_v
  • names: longitude, Longitude
  • standard_name: time
  • long_name: Time axis
  • var_id: time_counter
  • names: time, Time axis
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
  • units: second
  • long_name: time since initialization
  • names: time, time since initialization
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
