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UKCP Local Projections at 2.2 km Resolution for 1980-2080

Update Frequency: As Needed
Latest Data Update: 2023-04-04
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2019-09-16
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 111.65K Files | 57TB


Convection permitting climate model projections produced as part of the UK Climate Projection 2018 (UKCP18) project. The data produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre provides information on changes in climate for the UK until 2080, downscaled to a high resolution (2.2 km), helping to inform adaptation to a changing climate.

The projections cover the UK and the time period 1981 to 2080 for a high emissions scenario RCP8.5. Each projection provides an example of climate variability in a changing climate, which is consistent across climate variables at different times and spatial locations.

This dataset contains 2.2 km data for the UK on the 2.2 km rotated pole grid.

Note that the first version of this data covered three time slices (1981-2000, 2021-2040 and 2061-2080), and in March 2023 the remaining time slices (2001-2020, 2041-2060) were added. Also note that the data for the three time slices (1981-2000, 2021-2040 and 2061-2080) were updated during summer 2021, after the correction of a coding error relating to graupel. Full details can be found on the Met Office website, on the UKCP Project News page:

Citable as:  Met Office Hadley Centre (2019): UKCP Local Projections at 2.2 km Resolution for 1980-2080. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: UK, Climate, Projections, UKCP18, Regional, Europe, Simulation, Model, Runs, UKCP Local (2.2km), Local


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data provided by the UK Met Office

File Format:
Data are NetCDF formatted

Process overview

This dataset was generated by the computation detailed below.

UKCP18 Climate Simulations from Europe Regional Climate Model Realisations


The climate model projections are all variants of the limited-area atmosphere-only version of the Met Office Hadley Centre Global Environmental model (HadGEM3). They provide downscaled projections for the UK or Europe, driven by an ensemble of 60km Hadley Centre global coupled models HadGEM3-GC3.05.

This dataset consists of 12 projections from the 12km HadREM3-RA11M model. The model spans the UK and is driven by perturbed variants of the Met Office Unified Model Global Atmosphere GA7 model (HadREM3-GA705) at 12km resolution. The HadREM3-GA705 models were driven by perturbed variants of the global climate model, HadGEM3-GC3.05. Perturbations applied to the 12km RCM are consistent with the driving global climate model.

Input Description


Output Description


Software Reference


  • units: %
  • standard_name: cloud_area_fraction
  • var_id: clt
  • long_name: Cloud area fraction
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: eastward_wind
  • var_id: uas
  • long_name: Eastward wind component
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: wind_speed_of_gust
  • long_name: Maximum Wind Speed of Gust at 10m
  • var_id: wsgmax10m
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • units: degC
  • var_id: tasmax
  • long_name: Maximum air temperature
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • var_id: tas
  • units: degC
  • long_name: Mean air temperature
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • units: degC
  • var_id: tasmin
  • long_name: Minimum air temperature
  • units: 1
  • var_id: flashrate
  • standard_name: frequency_of_lightning_flashes_per_unit_area
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: surface_net_downward_longwave_flux
  • var_id: rls
  • long_name: Net Surface long wave flux
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux
  • var_id: rss
  • long_name: Net Surface short wave flux
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: northward_wind
  • var_id: vas
  • long_name: Northward wind component
  • var_id: pr
  • units: mm/day
  • standard_name: lwe_precipitation_rate
  • long_name: Precipitation rate
  • units: hPa
  • var_id: psl
  • standard_name: air_pressure_at_sea_level
  • long_name: Pressure at mean sea level
  • standard_name: relative_humidity
  • units: %
  • long_name: Relative humidity
  • var_id: hurs
  • standard_name: snowfall_flux
  • var_id: prsn
  • units: mm/day
  • long_name: Snowfall Flux
  • units: 1
  • standard_name: specific_humidity
  • var_id: huss
  • long_name: Specific humidity
  • standard_name: surface_snow_amount
  • var_id: snw
  • units: mm
  • long_name: Surface Snow Amount
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: wind_speed
  • var_id: sfcWind
  • long_name: Wind speed at 10m
  • units: 1
  • long_name: ensemble_member
  • var_id: ensemble_member
  • units: 1
  • long_name: ensemble_member_id
  • var_id: ensemble_member_id
  • units: degrees
  • standard_name: grid_latitude
  • var_id: grid_latitude
  • var_id: grid_latitude_bnds
  • units: degrees
  • standard_name: grid_longitude
  • var_id: grid_longitude
  • var_id: grid_longitude_bnds
  • units: 1
  • long_name: month_number
  • var_id: month_number
  • var_id: rotated_latitude_longitude
  • var_id: time_bnds
  • units: 1
  • long_name: year
  • var_id: year
  • units: 1
  • long_name: yyyymm
  • var_id: yyyymm
  • units: 1
  • long_name: yyyymmdd
  • var_id: yyyymmdd
  • units: 1
  • long_name: yyyymmddhh
  • var_id: yyyymmddhh

Co-ordinate Variables

  • units: degrees_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • var_id: latitude
  • units: degrees_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • var_id: longitude
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent

Related parties
Principal Investigators (1)