30 year climatologies from model output as used in the 1995 IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR)
Data used in Climate Change 1995, the Second Assessment Report (SAR) of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Simulations of global climate models were run by various climate modelling groups coordinated by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) on behalf of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Climatology data calculated from global climate model simulations of experiments representative of IPCC Scenarios IS92 a and d.
The climatologies are 30-year averages. Climate anomalies are expressed relative to the period 1961-1990. The monthly climatology data covers the period from 1961-2100. The climatologies are of global scope and are provided on latitude-longitude grids.
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Climatology data calculated from global climate model simulations for IS92 experiments a and d. Models: CCCma/CGCM1: Canadian Global Coupled Model, CGCM1. A spectral model with triangular truncation at wave number 32 (roughly 3.7ºx3.7º latitude/longitude) and 10 vertical levels. The ocean component is based on the GFDL MOM1.1 with a resolution of approximately 1.8ºx1.8º and 29 vertical levels. CCSR/NIES: A coupled ocean-atmosphere model that consists of the CCSR/NIES atmospheric GCM, the CCSR ocean GCM, a thermodynamic sea-ice model, and a river routing model. The spatial resolution is T21 spectral truncation (roughly 5.6º latitude/longitude) and 20 vertical levels for the atmospheric part, and roughly 2.8º horizontal grid and 17 vertical levels for the oceanic part. CSIRO-Mk2b: The CSIRO Atmospheric Research Mark 2b climate model atmosphere has 9 levels in the vertical and horizontal resolution of spectral R21 (roughly 5.6 by 3.2 degrees). The ocean model has the same horizontal resolution with 21 levels. ECHAM-4: The ECHAM-4 model is a spectral transform model with 19 atmospheric layers and the results used here derive from experiments performed with spatial resolution T42 (roughly 2.8º longitude/latitude). GFDL-R15: The model has interactive clouds and seasonally varying solar insolation. The atmospheric component has nine finite difference (sigma) levels in the vertical. This version has a rhomboidal resolution of 15 waves (R15) roughly 4.5º latitude by 7.5º longitude. The model has global geography consistent with its computational resolution and seasonal (but not diurnal) variation of insolation. HadCM2: HadCM2 has a spatial resolution of 2.5° x 3.75° (latitude by longitude) and the representation produces a grid box resolution of 96 x 73 grid cells. This produces a surface spatial resolution of about 417km x 278 km reducing to 295 x 278km at 45 degrees North and South (comparable to a spectral resolution of T42). NCAR-DoE: The NCAR-DoE global coupled model (sometimes referred to as the Washington-Meehl coupled model) used in these experiments has an atmospheric component with rhomboidal 15 (R15) resolution (roughly 4.5º latitude by 7.5º longitude) with 9 levels, mass flux convection and a cloud albedo feedback scheme; a global 1º by 1º 20-level ocean; and dynamic and thermodynamic sea ice. Experiments: 1% per annum forcing greenhouse gases only "GG", 1% per annum forcing greenhouse gasses and sulphates "GS" - equivalent to scenario IS92a: Population rises to 11.3 billion by 2100 and economic growth averages 2.3 % per annum between 1990 and 2100, with a mix of conventional and renewable energy sources being used. 0.5% per annum forcing greenhouse gases only "GG", 0.5% per annum forcing greenhouse gasses and sulphates "GS" - equivalent to scenario IS92d: Population rises to 7.6 billion in 2025 then falls to 6.4 billion by 2100 and economic growth averages 2.0% per annum between 1990 and 2100 with increasing use of renewable energy. |
File Format: |
Process overview
- units: C)
- long_name: 1.5m maximum temperature (deg
- var_id: tmx
- var_id: tmp
- units: C)
- long_name: 1.5m mean temperature (deg
- units: C)
- long_name: 1.5m minimum temperature (deg
- var_id: tmn
- units: ms-1
- long_name: 10m wind speed - mean
- var_id: wnd
- units: C
- long_name: Diurnal Temperature Range, 1.5m, degrees
- var_id: dtr
- units: C
- var_id: dtr
- long_name: Diurnal Temperature Range, 2.0m, degrees
- units: celsius
- long_name: Diurnal screen air temperature range
- var_id: dtr
- var_id: tmp
- units: celsius
- long_name: Lowest level temperature (sigma 0.99)
- units: celsius
- long_name: Maximum screen air temperature
- var_id: tmx
- units: celsius
- long_name: Minimum screen air temperature
- var_id: tmn
- units: w/m**2
- var_id: rad
- long_name: Net short wave at the ground
- units: w/m**2
- long_name: Net short wave radiation at the ground
- var_id: rad_chg
- var_id: tmp
- units: celsius
- long_name: Screen air temperature
- units: hPa
- long_name: Screen vapour pressure
- var_id: vap
- units: celsius
- var_id: tmx
- long_name: Temperature (1.5m) Max
- var_id: tmp_chg
- units: Kelvin
- long_name: Temperature (1.5m) Mean
- units: celsius
- var_id: tmn
- long_name: Temperature (1.5m) Min
- units: celsius
- var_id: tmx
- long_name: Temperature, 2m Max
- units: celsius
- var_id: tmn
- long_name: Temperature, 2m Min
- units: mm/day
- long_name: Total Precipitation
- var_id: pre
- units: coverage)
- long_name: Total cloud cover (fractional
- var_id: wnd
- var_id: cld
- units: radiation
- long_name: Total cloud in SW
- units: w/m**2
- long_name: Total incident solar radiation at the surface
- var_id: rad
- long_name: Total precipitation rate
- units: mm/day
- var_id: pre
- units: hPa
- long_name: Vapour pressure
- var_id: vap
- var_id: wnd
- units: m/sec
- long_name: Wind Speed 10M
- units: m/s
- long_name: Wind speed at 10m above ground level
- var_id: wnd
- units: celsius
- var_id: dtr
- long_name: diurnal temperature range, at 2 metres above ground
- units: degrees_north
- var_id: latitude
- units: degrees_east
- var_id: longitude
- units: w/m**2
- long_name: net solar radiation, at surface
- var_id: rad
- units: mm/day
- var_id: pre
- long_name: precipitation (rain+snow)
- units: mm/day
- var_id: pre
- long_name: precipitation,
- var_id: rad
- units: wm/2
- long_name: radiation
- units: w/m2
- var_id: rad
- long_name: radiation,
- units: degrees
- var_id: tmp_chg
- long_name: temperature,
- var_id: tmx
- long_name: temperature, 2m
- units: max(celsius)
- var_id: tmp
- units: celsius
- long_name: temperature, at 2m above ground
- units: c
- var_id: tmp
- long_name: temperature, degrees
- units: celsius
- var_id: tmx
- long_name: temperature, monthly maximum, at 2 metres above ground
- units: celsius
- var_id: tmn
- long_name: temperature, monthly minimum, at 2 metres above ground
- var_id: time
- units: mm/day
- long_name: total precipitation rate
- var_id: pre
- units: hPa
- var_id: vap
- long_name: vapour pressure
- long_name: wind speed
- var_id: wnd
- units: m/sec
Co-ordinate Variables
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
90.0000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-90.0000° |