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JET2000 Project: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer 2 (AVHRR/2)

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2001-03-02
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2007-02-28
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 25 Files | 374MB


The African Easterly Jet (AEJ) is part of a climatic system which is of critical importance to African and global weather and climate, but is poorly observed and not well represented in model analyses. For the JET2000 project the Met Office Met Research flight (MRF) aircraft performed four flights, involving transects along and across the jet and the baroclinic zone, to make observations of unprecedented resolution for this part of the world. 110 dropsondes were dropped along the fight path. The data includes detailed synoptic observations of the basic state over mainland West Africa, and detailed synoptic observations of the African Easterly Waves (AEW) over mainland tropical West Africa.

Citable as:  Met Office; Parker, D.E. (2007): JET2000 Project: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer 2 (AVHRR/2). NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: JET2000, AVHRR, NOAA-14


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data collected by the Met Office research flight (MRF C-130 aircraft) in summer of 2000 over West Africa, then prepared before transfer to BADC.

Data Quality:
Research data
File Format:
Data are Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) formatted

Related Documents


Process overview

This dataset was generated by a combination of instruments deployed on platforms and computations as detailed below.

Instrument/Platform pairings

Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer 2 (AVHRR/2) Deployed on: NOAA-14

Mobile platform operations

Mobile Platform Operation 1 Mobile Platform Operation for: NOAA-14

Computation Element: 1

Abstract This computation involved: DETAILS NEEDED - COMPUTATION CREATED FOR SATELLITE COMPOSITE. deployed on NOAA-14.
Input Description None
Output Description None
Software Reference None
Output Description


  • units: n/a
  • var_id: Data-Set-3
  • long_name: CLAVR Flags
  • long_name: Channel 1 Reflectance
  • var_id: Data-Set-8
  • units: % reflectance
  • long_name: Channel 2 Reflectance
  • units: % reflectance
  • var_id: Data-Set-9
  • var_id: Data-Set-10
  • long_name: Channel 3 BB Temperature
  • units: degrees K
  • units: degrees K
  • var_id: Data-Set-11
  • long_name: Channel 4 BB Temperature
  • units: degrees K
  • var_id: Data-Set-12
  • long_name: Channel 5 BB Temperature
  • units: n/a
  • long_name: Day of Year
  • var_id: Data-Set-13
  • units: n/a
  • var_id: Data-Set-2
  • long_name: NDVI
  • units: n/a
  • var_id: Data-Set-4
  • long_name: Quality Control Flags
  • units: radians
  • long_name: Relative Azimuth Angle
  • var_id: Data-Set-7
  • units: radians
  • var_id: Data-Set-5
  • long_name: Scan Angle
  • long_name: Solar Zenith Angle
  • units: radians
  • var_id: Data-Set-6
  • var_id: fakeDim0
  • var_id: fakeDim1
  • var_id: fakeDim10
  • var_id: fakeDim11
  • var_id: fakeDim12
  • var_id: fakeDim13
  • var_id: fakeDim14
  • var_id: fakeDim15
  • var_id: fakeDim16
  • var_id: fakeDim17
  • var_id: fakeDim18
  • var_id: fakeDim19
  • var_id: fakeDim2
  • var_id: fakeDim20
  • var_id: fakeDim21
  • var_id: fakeDim22
  • var_id: fakeDim23
  • var_id: fakeDim3
  • var_id: fakeDim4
  • var_id: fakeDim5
  • var_id: fakeDim6
  • var_id: fakeDim7
  • var_id: fakeDim8
  • var_id: fakeDim9

Co-ordinate Variables

Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent

Related parties
Principal Investigators (1)