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Met Office Hadley Centre Logo

HadISDH.marine: gridded global ocean surface (~10 m) humidity dataset produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre

Status: Not defined
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HadISDH utilises simultaneous sub-daily temperature and dew point temperature data from ICOADS ship data. All humidity variables are calculated at hourly resolution. Quality control, buddy checking and bias adjustment is applied at hourly resolution to adjust all observations to an observing height of 10 m, accounting for changing ship heights over time, and to adjust all non-ventilated instruments to mitigate the moist bias. Gridded monthly means, monthly mean anomalies and 1981 to 2010 climatologies are created.

See Docs 'HadISDH.marine process diagram'. Observation measurement, climatological, whole number presence and bias adjustment uncertainties are estimated for each observation and then gridded. 5° by 5° gridboxes are centred on -177.5°W and -87.5°S to 177.5°E and 87.5°N. Given the uneven distribution of observations over time and space, sampling uncertainty is estimated for each gridbox month.

For greater detail please see:

Willett, K. M., Dunn, R. J. H., Kennedy, J. J. and Berry, D. I.: Development of the HadISDH marine humidity climate monitoring dataset. Earth System Sciences Data, in review, doi:XX.XXXX/essd-XX-XXXX-2020, 2020.

Docs contains links to this publication.

Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: HadISDH, humidity, surface, ocean, gridded, station, specific humidity, relative humidity, temperature, dewpoint temperature, wetbulb temperature, dewpoint depression, vapour pressure, in situ, homogenisation, quality control

keywords:      HadISDH, humidity, surface, ocean, gridded, station, specific humidity, relative humidity, temperature, dewpoint temperature, wetbulb temperature, dewpoint depression, vapour pressure, in situ, homogenisation, quality control
inputDescription:      None
outputDescription:      None
softwareReference:      None
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No related previous identifiers.
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