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FAAM C155 PICASSO flight: Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites on board the BAE-146 aircraft

Update Frequency: As Needed
Latest Data Update: 2020-07-21
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2019-10-07
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 24 Files | 1GB


Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites data on board the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft collected for Parameterizing Ice Clouds using Airborne obServationS and triple-frequency dOppler radar data (PICASSO) project.

Citable as:  Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements; Natural Environment Research Council; Met Office (2019): FAAM C155 PICASSO flight: Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites on board the BAE-146 aircraft. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: PICASSO, FAAM, airborne, atmospheric measurments


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
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No related previous identifiers.
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Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
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When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data were collected by instrument scientists during the flight before preparation and delivery for archiving at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA).

Data Quality:
Data collected by flight participants before preparation for archival with the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA).
File Format:
Data are netCDF and NASA-Ames formatted. Ancillary files may be plain ASCII or PDF formatted. Image files may be PNG formatted.

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Process overview

  • units: m s-2
  • long_name: Acceleration along the aircraft longitudinal axis (GIN) (positive forward)
  • var_id: ACLF_GIN
  • names: Acceleration along the aircraft longitudinal axis (GIN) (positive forward)
  • units: m s-2
  • long_name: Acceleration along the aircraft transverse axis (GIN) (positive starboard)
  • var_id: ACLS_GIN
  • names: Acceleration along the aircraft transverse axis (GIN) (positive starboard)
  • units: m s-2
  • long_name: Acceleration along the aircraft vertical axis (GIN) (positive down)
  • var_id: ACLD_GIN
  • names: Acceleration along the aircraft vertical axis (GIN) (positive down)
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_course
  • var_id: TRCK_GIN
  • long_name: Aircraft track angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • names: platform_course, Aircraft track angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: m s-1
  • long_name: Aircraft velocity down from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: VELD_GIN
  • names: Aircraft velocity down from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: m s-1
  • long_name: Aircraft velocity east from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: VELE_GIN
  • names: Aircraft velocity east from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: m s-1
  • long_name: Aircraft velocity north from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: VELN_GIN
  • names: Aircraft velocity north from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: m
  • standard_name: altitude
  • long_name: Altitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: ALT_GIN
  • names: altitude, Altitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: degree
  • long_name: Angle of attack from the turbulence probe (positive, flow upwards wrt a/c axes)
  • var_id: AOA
  • names: Angle of attack from the turbulence probe (positive, flow upwards wrt a/c axes)
  • units: degree
  • long_name: Angle of sideslip from the turbulence probe (positive, flow from left)
  • var_id: AOSS
  • names: Angle of sideslip from the turbulence probe (positive, flow from left)
  • long_name: CDP Channel Number
  • var_id: CDPCH
  • names: CDP Channel Number
  • units: hPa
  • long_name: Cabin pressure
  • var_id: CAB_PRES
  • names: Cabin pressure
  • units: degC
  • long_name: Cabin temperature at the core consoles
  • var_id: CAB_TEMP
  • names: Cabin temperature at the core consoles
  • units: micron
  • long_name: Calibrated channel diameter lower limits
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_L_CAL
  • names: Calibrated channel diameter lower limits
  • units: micron
  • long_name: Calibrated channel diameter upper limits
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_U_CAL
  • names: Calibrated channel diameter upper limits
  • units: hPa
  • long_name: Calibrated differential pressure between centre(P0) port and S10 static
  • var_id: P0_S10
  • names: Calibrated differential pressure between centre(P0) port and S10 static
  • units: hPa
  • long_name: Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe horizontal ports
  • var_id: PB_TURB
  • names: Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe horizontal ports
  • units: hPa
  • long_name: Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe vertical ports
  • var_id: PA_TURB
  • names: Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe vertical ports
  • long_name: Composition of the aerosol used to calibrate channel diameter lower limits
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_L_COMP
  • names: Composition of the aerosol used to calibrate channel diameter lower limits
  • long_name: Composition of the aerosol used to calibrate channel diameter upper limits
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_U_COMP
  • names: Composition of the aerosol used to calibrate channel diameter upper limits
  • units: #
  • long_name: Condensation Particle Counts measured by the TSI 3786
  • var_id: CPC_CNTS
  • names: Condensation Particle Counts measured by the TSI 3786
  • standard_name: dew_point_temperature
  • units: degK
  • long_name: Corrected dew point temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer
  • var_id: TDEWCR2C
  • names: dew_point_temperature, Corrected dew point temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
  • long_name: Corrected downward short wave irradiance, clear dome
  • var_id: SW_DN_C
  • names: downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, Corrected downward short wave irradiance, clear dome
  • units: W m-2
  • long_name: Corrected downward short wave irradiance, red dome
  • var_id: RED_DN_C
  • names: Corrected downward short wave irradiance, red dome
  • units: gram m-3
  • standard_name: mass_concentration_of_liquid_water_in_air
  • long_name: Corrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (1st collector)
  • var_id: NV_LWC1_C
  • names: mass_concentration_of_liquid_water_in_air, Corrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (1st collector)
  • units: gram m-3
  • standard_name: mass_concentration_of_liquid_water_in_air
  • long_name: Corrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (2nd collector)
  • var_id: NV_LWC2_C
  • names: mass_concentration_of_liquid_water_in_air, Corrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (2nd collector)
  • units: gram m-3
  • var_id: NV_TWC_C
  • long_name: Corrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe
  • names: Corrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
  • long_name: Corrected upward short wave irradiance, clear dome
  • var_id: SW_UP_C
  • names: upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, Corrected upward short wave irradiance, clear dome
  • units: W m-2
  • long_name: Corrected upward short wave irradiance, red dome
  • var_id: RED_UP_C
  • names: Corrected upward short wave irradiance, red dome
  • standard_name: dew_point_temperature
  • units: degK
  • var_id: TDEW_GE
  • long_name: Dew point from the General Eastern instrument
  • names: dew_point_temperature, Dew point from the General Eastern instrument
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: eastward_wind
  • long_name: Eastward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
  • var_id: U_NOTURB
  • names: eastward_wind, Eastward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: eastward_wind
  • long_name: Eastward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • var_id: U_C
  • names: eastward_wind, Eastward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • units: micron
  • long_name: Error in calibrated channel diameter lower limits
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_L_ERR
  • names: Error in calibrated channel diameter lower limits
  • units: micron
  • long_name: Error in calibrated channel diameter upper limits
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_U_ERR
  • names: Error in calibrated channel diameter upper limits
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft longitudinal axis (GIN) (positive forward)
  • var_id: ACLF_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft longitudinal axis (GIN) (positive forward)
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft transverse axis (GIN) (positive starboard)
  • var_id: ACLS_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft transverse axis (GIN) (positive starboard)
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft vertical axis (GIN) (positive down)
  • var_id: ACLD_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft vertical axis (GIN) (positive down)
  • units: 1
  • var_id: TRCK_GIN_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Aircraft track angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • names: Flag for Aircraft track angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Aircraft velocity down from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: VELD_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Aircraft velocity down from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Aircraft velocity east from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: VELE_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Aircraft velocity east from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Aircraft velocity north from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: VELN_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Aircraft velocity north from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Altitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: ALT_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Altitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Angle of attack from the turbulence probe (positive, flow upwards wrt a/c axes)
  • var_id: AOA_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Angle of attack from the turbulence probe (positive, flow upwards wrt a/c axes)
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Angle of sideslip from the turbulence probe (positive, flow from left)
  • var_id: AOSS_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Angle of sideslip from the turbulence probe (positive, flow from left)
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Cabin pressure
  • var_id: CAB_PRES_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Cabin pressure
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Cabin temperature at the core consoles
  • var_id: CAB_TEMP_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Cabin temperature at the core consoles
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between centre(P0) port and S10 static
  • var_id: P0_S10_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between centre(P0) port and S10 static
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe horizontal ports
  • var_id: PB_TURB_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe horizontal ports
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe vertical ports
  • var_id: PA_TURB_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe vertical ports
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Condensation Particle Counts measured by the TSI 3786
  • var_id: CPC_CNTS_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Condensation Particle Counts measured by the TSI 3786
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Corrected dew point temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer
  • var_id: TDEWCR2C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Corrected dew point temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Corrected downward short wave irradiance, clear dome
  • var_id: SW_DN_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Corrected downward short wave irradiance, clear dome
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Corrected downward short wave irradiance, red dome
  • var_id: RED_DN_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Corrected downward short wave irradiance, red dome
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Corrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (1st collector)
  • var_id: NV_LWC1_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Corrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (1st collector)
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Corrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (2nd collector)
  • var_id: NV_LWC2_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Corrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (2nd collector)
  • units: 1
  • var_id: NV_TWC_C_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Corrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe
  • names: Flag for Corrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Corrected upward short wave irradiance, clear dome
  • var_id: SW_UP_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Corrected upward short wave irradiance, clear dome
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Corrected upward short wave irradiance, red dome
  • var_id: RED_UP_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Corrected upward short wave irradiance, red dome
  • units: 1
  • var_id: TDEW_GE_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Dew point from the General Eastern instrument
  • names: Flag for Dew point from the General Eastern instrument
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Eastward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
  • var_id: U_NOTURB_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Eastward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Eastward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • var_id: U_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Eastward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Groundspeed from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: GSPD_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Groundspeed from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Heading from POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: HDG_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Heading from POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • var_id: IAS_RVSM_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Indicated air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • names: Flag for Indicated air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Latitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: LAT_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Latitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Longitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: LON_GIN_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Longitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Mirror Temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer
  • var_id: TDEW_CR2_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Mirror Temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Northward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
  • var_id: V_NOTURB_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Northward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Northward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • var_id: V_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Northward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for PSAP Flow
  • var_id: PSAP_FLO_FLAG
  • names: Flag for PSAP Flow
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for PSAP Transmittance
  • var_id: PSAP_TRA_FLAG
  • names: Flag for PSAP Transmittance
  • units: 1
  • var_id: PTCH_GIN_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Pitch angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for nose up)
  • names: Flag for Pitch angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for nose up)
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Pitot static pressure inverted from RVSM (air data) system indicated airspeed
  • var_id: Q_RVSM_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Pitot static pressure inverted from RVSM (air data) system indicated airspeed
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Pitot-static pressure from centre-port measurements corrrected for AoA and AoSS
  • var_id: PSP_TURB_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Pitot-static pressure from centre-port measurements corrrected for AoA and AoSS
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Pressure altitude from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • var_id: PALT_RVS_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Pressure altitude from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • units: 1
  • var_id: HGT_RADR_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Radar height from the aircraft radar altimeter
  • names: Flag for Radar height from the aircraft radar altimeter
  • units: 1
  • var_id: HDGR_GIN_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Rate-of-change of GIN heading
  • names: Flag for Rate-of-change of GIN heading
  • units: 1
  • var_id: PITR_GIN_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Rate-of-change of GIN pitch angle
  • names: Flag for Rate-of-change of GIN pitch angle
  • units: 1
  • var_id: ROLR_GIN_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Rate-of-change of GIN roll angle
  • names: Flag for Rate-of-change of GIN roll angle
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Raw data from the Fwd Core Console JCI static monitor, static signal
  • var_id: EXX_JCI_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Raw data from the Fwd Core Console JCI static monitor, static signal
  • units: 1
  • var_id: ROLL_GIN_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Roll angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for left wing up)
  • names: Flag for Roll angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for left wing up)
  • units: 1
  • var_id: SOL_AZIM_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Solar azimuth derived from aircraft position and time
  • names: Flag for Solar azimuth derived from aircraft position and time
  • units: 1
  • var_id: SOL_ZEN_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Solar zenith derived from aircraft position and time
  • names: Flag for Solar zenith derived from aircraft position and time
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Static pressure from S9 fuselage ports
  • var_id: P9_STAT_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Static pressure from S9 fuselage ports
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Static pressure from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • var_id: PS_RVSM_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Static pressure from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • units: 1
  • var_id: TAS_RVSM_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for True air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system and deiced temperature
  • names: Flag for True air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system and deiced temperature
  • units: 1
  • var_id: TAT_DI_R_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for True air temperature from the Rosemount deiced temperature sensor (Type: plate; SN: 20473E)
  • names: Flag for True air temperature from the Rosemount deiced temperature sensor (Type: plate; SN: 20473E)
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for True airspeed (dry-air) from turbulence probe
  • var_id: TAS_FLAG
  • names: Flag for True airspeed (dry-air) from turbulence probe
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Uncertainty estimate for Buck CR2 Mirror Temperature
  • var_id: TDEW_C_U_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Uncertainty estimate for Buck CR2 Mirror Temperature
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Uncertainty estimate for water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2
  • var_id: VMR_C_U_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Uncertainty estimate for water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2
  • units: 1
  • var_id: PSAP_LIN_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, linear, from PSAP
  • names: Flag for Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, linear, from PSAP
  • units: 1
  • var_id: PSAP_LOG_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, log, from PSAP
  • names: Flag for Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, log, from PSAP
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Uncorrected brightness temperature from the Heimann radiometer
  • var_id: BTHEIM_U_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Uncorrected brightness temperature from the Heimann radiometer
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (1st collector)
  • var_id: NV_LWC1_U_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (1st collector)
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (2nd collector)
  • var_id: NV_LWC2_U_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (2nd collector)
  • units: 1
  • var_id: NV_TWC_U_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for Uncorrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe
  • names: Flag for Uncorrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Vertical wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • var_id: W_C_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Vertical wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Water Vapour Measurement from Flush inlet WVSSII serial no. 4229 linearly interpolated to 1Hz
  • var_id: WVSS2F_VMR_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Water Vapour Measurement from Flush inlet WVSSII serial no. 4229 linearly interpolated to 1Hz
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Water Vapour Measurement from Rosemount inlet WVSSII serial no. 0388 linearly interpolated to 1Hz
  • var_id: WVSS2R_VMR_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Water Vapour Measurement from Rosemount inlet WVSSII serial no. 0388 linearly interpolated to 1Hz
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2
  • var_id: VMR_CR2_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2
  • units: 1
  • long_name: Flag for Weight on wheels indicator
  • var_id: WOW_IND_FLAG
  • names: Flag for Weight on wheels indicator
  • var_id: CDP_FLAG
  • long_name: Flag for droplet concentration from CDP channels 1 to 30 included
  • names: Flag for droplet concentration from CDP channels 1 to 30 included
  • long_name: Flag for droplet concentration from PCASP2 (SPP200) channels 2 to 30 included
  • var_id: PCAS2_FLAG
  • names: Flag for droplet concentration from PCASP2 (SPP200) channels 2 to 30 included
  • units: m
  • standard_name: altitude
  • var_id: altitude
  • long_name: GPS altitude
  • names: altitude, GPS altitude
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_ground
  • long_name: Groundspeed from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: GSPD_GIN
  • names: platform_speed_wrt_ground, Groundspeed from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: degree
  • long_name: Heading from POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • standard_name: platform_yaw_angle
  • var_id: HDG_GIN
  • names: Heading from POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit, platform_yaw_angle
  • units: m s-1
  • var_id: IAS_RVSM
  • long_name: Indicated air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • names: Indicated air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • standard_name: dew_point_temperature
  • units: degK
  • long_name: Mirror Temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer
  • var_id: TDEW_CR2
  • names: dew_point_temperature, Mirror Temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer
  • units: micron
  • long_name: Nominal uncalibrated channel diameter lower limits as given in the instrument manual
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_L_NOM
  • names: Nominal uncalibrated channel diameter lower limits as given in the instrument manual
  • units: micron
  • long_name: Nominal uncalibrated channel diameter upper limits as given in the instrument manual
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_U_NOM
  • names: Nominal uncalibrated channel diameter upper limits as given in the instrument manual
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: northward_wind
  • long_name: Northward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
  • var_id: V_NOTURB
  • names: northward_wind, Northward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: northward_wind
  • long_name: Northward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • var_id: V_C
  • names: northward_wind, Northward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • long_name: PCASP (SPP200) Channel Number
  • var_id: PCAS2CH
  • names: PCASP (SPP200) Channel Number
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 1
  • var_id: PCAS2_01
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 1
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 10
  • var_id: PCAS2_10
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 10
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 11
  • var_id: PCAS2_11
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 11
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 12
  • var_id: PCAS2_12
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 12
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 13
  • var_id: PCAS2_13
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 13
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 14
  • var_id: PCAS2_14
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 14
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 15
  • var_id: PCAS2_15
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 15
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 16
  • var_id: PCAS2_16
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 16
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 17
  • var_id: PCAS2_17
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 17
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 18
  • var_id: PCAS2_18
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 18
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 19
  • var_id: PCAS2_19
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 19
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 2
  • var_id: PCAS2_02
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 2
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 20
  • var_id: PCAS2_20
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 20
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 21
  • var_id: PCAS2_21
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 21
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 22
  • var_id: PCAS2_22
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 22
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 23
  • var_id: PCAS2_23
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 23
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 24
  • var_id: PCAS2_24
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 24
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 25
  • var_id: PCAS2_25
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 25
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 26
  • var_id: PCAS2_26
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 26
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 27
  • var_id: PCAS2_27
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 27
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 28
  • var_id: PCAS2_28
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 28
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 29
  • var_id: PCAS2_29
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 29
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 3
  • var_id: PCAS2_03
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 3
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 30
  • var_id: PCAS2_30
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 30
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 4
  • var_id: PCAS2_04
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 4
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 5
  • var_id: PCAS2_05
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 5
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 6
  • var_id: PCAS2_06
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 6
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 7
  • var_id: PCAS2_07
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 7
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 8
  • var_id: PCAS2_08
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 8
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 9
  • var_id: PCAS2_09
  • names: PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 9
  • units: standard l min-1
  • long_name: PSAP Flow
  • var_id: PSAP_FLO
  • names: PSAP Flow
  • units: percent
  • long_name: PSAP Transmittance
  • var_id: PSAP_TRA
  • names: PSAP Transmittance
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 1
  • var_id: PCAS2_01_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 1
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 10
  • var_id: PCAS2_10_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 10
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 11
  • var_id: PCAS2_11_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 11
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 12
  • var_id: PCAS2_12_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 12
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 13
  • var_id: PCAS2_13_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 13
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 14
  • var_id: PCAS2_14_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 14
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 15
  • var_id: PCAS2_15_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 15
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 16
  • var_id: PCAS2_16_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 16
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 17
  • var_id: PCAS2_17_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 17
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 18
  • var_id: PCAS2_18_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 18
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 19
  • var_id: PCAS2_19_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 19
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 2
  • var_id: PCAS2_02_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 2
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 20
  • var_id: PCAS2_20_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 20
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 21
  • var_id: PCAS2_21_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 21
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 22
  • var_id: PCAS2_22_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 22
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 23
  • var_id: PCAS2_23_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 23
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 24
  • var_id: PCAS2_24_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 24
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 25
  • var_id: PCAS2_25_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 25
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 26
  • var_id: PCAS2_26_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 26
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 27
  • var_id: PCAS2_27_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 27
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 28
  • var_id: PCAS2_28_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 28
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 29
  • var_id: PCAS2_29_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 29
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 3
  • var_id: PCAS2_03_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 3
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 30
  • var_id: PCAS2_30_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 30
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 4
  • var_id: PCAS2_04_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 4
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 5
  • var_id: PCAS2_05_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 5
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 6
  • var_id: PCAS2_06_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 6
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 7
  • var_id: PCAS2_07_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 7
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 8
  • var_id: PCAS2_08_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 8
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 9
  • var_id: PCAS2_09_err
  • names: Percentage error in PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 9
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_pitch_angle
  • var_id: PTCH_GIN
  • long_name: Pitch angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for nose up)
  • names: platform_pitch_angle, Pitch angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for nose up)
  • units: hPa
  • long_name: Pitot static pressure inverted from RVSM (air data) system indicated airspeed
  • var_id: Q_RVSM
  • names: Pitot static pressure inverted from RVSM (air data) system indicated airspeed
  • units: hPa
  • long_name: Pitot-static pressure from centre-port measurements corrrected for AoA and AoSS
  • var_id: PSP_TURB
  • names: Pitot-static pressure from centre-port measurements corrrected for AoA and AoSS
  • units: m
  • long_name: Pressure altitude from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • var_id: PALT_RVS
  • standard_name: barometric_altitude
  • names: Pressure altitude from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system, barometric_altitude
  • units: m
  • standard_name: height
  • var_id: HGT_RADR
  • long_name: Radar height from the aircraft radar altimeter
  • names: height, Radar height from the aircraft radar altimeter
  • units: degree s-1
  • standard_name: platform_yaw_rate
  • var_id: HDGR_GIN
  • long_name: Rate-of-change of GIN heading
  • names: platform_yaw_rate, Rate-of-change of GIN heading
  • units: degree s-1
  • var_id: PITR_GIN
  • standard_name: platform_pitch_rate
  • long_name: Rate-of-change of GIN pitch angle
  • names: platform_pitch_rate, Rate-of-change of GIN pitch angle
  • units: degree s-1
  • standard_name: platform_roll_rate
  • var_id: ROLR_GIN
  • long_name: Rate-of-change of GIN roll angle
  • names: platform_roll_rate, Rate-of-change of GIN roll angle
  • units: adc counts
  • long_name: Raw data from the Fwd Core Console JCI static monitor, static signal
  • var_id: EXX_JCI
  • names: Raw data from the Fwd Core Console JCI static monitor, static signal
  • long_name: Refractive index of the aerosol used to calibrate channel diameter lower limits
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_L_RI
  • names: Refractive index of the aerosol used to calibrate channel diameter lower limits
  • long_name: Refractive index of the aerosol used to calibrate channel diameter upper limits
  • var_id: PCAS2_D_U_RI
  • names: Refractive index of the aerosol used to calibrate channel diameter upper limits
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_roll_angle
  • var_id: ROLL_GIN
  • long_name: Roll angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for left wing up)
  • names: platform_roll_angle, Roll angle from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for left wing up)
  • units: degree
  • var_id: SOL_AZIM
  • long_name: Solar azimuth derived from aircraft position and time
  • standard_name: solar_azimuth_angle
  • names: Solar azimuth derived from aircraft position and time, solar_azimuth_angle
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: solar_zenith_angle
  • var_id: SOL_ZEN
  • long_name: Solar zenith derived from aircraft position and time
  • names: solar_zenith_angle, Solar zenith derived from aircraft position and time
  • units: hPa
  • standard_name: air_pressure
  • long_name: Static pressure from S9 fuselage ports
  • var_id: P9_STAT
  • names: air_pressure, Static pressure from S9 fuselage ports
  • units: hPa
  • standard_name: air_pressure
  • long_name: Static pressure from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • var_id: PS_RVSM
  • names: air_pressure, Static pressure from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
  • var_id: Time
  • long_name: Time UTC integer seconds past midnight
  • names: Time UTC integer seconds past midnight
  • long_name: Time UTC seconds past midnight for PCASP2 (SPP200)
  • standard_name: Time
  • var_id: PCAS2TSPM
  • names: Time, Time UTC seconds past midnight for PCASP2 (SPP200)
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_air
  • var_id: TAS_RVSM
  • long_name: True air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system and deiced temperature
  • names: platform_speed_wrt_air, True air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system and deiced temperature
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • units: degK
  • var_id: TAT_DI_R
  • long_name: True air temperature from the Rosemount deiced temperature sensor (Type: plate; SN: 20473E)
  • names: air_temperature, True air temperature from the Rosemount deiced temperature sensor (Type: plate; SN: 20473E)
  • units: m s-1
  • long_name: True airspeed (dry-air) from turbulence probe
  • standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_air
  • var_id: TAS
  • names: True airspeed (dry-air) from turbulence probe, platform_speed_wrt_air
  • units: degK
  • long_name: Uncertainty estimate for Buck CR2 Mirror Temperature
  • var_id: TDEW_C_U
  • names: Uncertainty estimate for Buck CR2 Mirror Temperature
  • units: ppmv
  • long_name: Uncertainty estimate for water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2
  • var_id: VMR_C_U
  • names: Uncertainty estimate for water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 1
  • var_id: PCAS2_01_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 1
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 10
  • var_id: PCAS2_10_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 10
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 11
  • var_id: PCAS2_11_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 11
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 12
  • var_id: PCAS2_12_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 12
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 13
  • var_id: PCAS2_13_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 13
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 14
  • var_id: PCAS2_14_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 14
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 15
  • var_id: PCAS2_15_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 15
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 16
  • var_id: PCAS2_16_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 16
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 17
  • var_id: PCAS2_17_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 17
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 18
  • var_id: PCAS2_18_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 18
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 19
  • var_id: PCAS2_19_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 19
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 2
  • var_id: PCAS2_02_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 2
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 20
  • var_id: PCAS2_20_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 20
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 21
  • var_id: PCAS2_21_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 21
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 22
  • var_id: PCAS2_22_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 22
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 23
  • var_id: PCAS2_23_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 23
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 24
  • var_id: PCAS2_24_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 24
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 25
  • var_id: PCAS2_25_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 25
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 26
  • var_id: PCAS2_26_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 26
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 27
  • var_id: PCAS2_27_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 27
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 28
  • var_id: PCAS2_28_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 28
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 29
  • var_id: PCAS2_29_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 29
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 3
  • var_id: PCAS2_03_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 3
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 30
  • var_id: PCAS2_30_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 30
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 4
  • var_id: PCAS2_04_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 4
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 5
  • var_id: PCAS2_05_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 5
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 6
  • var_id: PCAS2_06_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 6
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 7
  • var_id: PCAS2_07_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 7
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 8
  • var_id: PCAS2_08_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 8
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 9
  • var_id: PCAS2_09_u
  • names: Uncorrected PCASP2 (SPP200) conc in size channel 9
  • units: m-1
  • var_id: PSAP_LIN
  • long_name: Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, linear, from PSAP
  • names: Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, linear, from PSAP
  • units: 1
  • var_id: PSAP_LOG
  • long_name: Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, log, from PSAP
  • names: Uncorrected absorption coefficient at 565nm, log, from PSAP
  • units: degK
  • long_name: Uncorrected brightness temperature from the Heimann radiometer
  • var_id: BTHEIM_U
  • names: Uncorrected brightness temperature from the Heimann radiometer
  • units: gram m-3
  • standard_name: mass_concentration_of_liquid_water_in_air
  • long_name: Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (1st collector)
  • var_id: NV_LWC1_U
  • names: mass_concentration_of_liquid_water_in_air, Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (1st collector)
  • units: gram m-3
  • standard_name: mass_concentration_of_liquid_water_in_air
  • long_name: Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (2nd collector)
  • var_id: NV_LWC2_U
  • names: mass_concentration_of_liquid_water_in_air, Uncorrected liquid water content from the Nevzorov probe (2nd collector)
  • units: gram m-3
  • var_id: NV_TWC_U
  • long_name: Uncorrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe
  • names: Uncorrected total condensed water content from the Nevzorov probe
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: upward_air_velocity
  • long_name: Vertical wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • var_id: W_C
  • names: upward_air_velocity, Vertical wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
  • units: cm3 s-1
  • long_name: Volumetric sample flow rate through PCASP2 (SPP200)
  • var_id: PCAS2_FL
  • names: Volumetric sample flow rate through PCASP2 (SPP200)
  • units: ppmv
  • long_name: Water Vapour Measurement from Flush inlet WVSSII serial no. 4229 linearly interpolated to 1Hz
  • var_id: WVSS2F_VMR
  • names: Water Vapour Measurement from Flush inlet WVSSII serial no. 4229 linearly interpolated to 1Hz
  • units: ppmv
  • long_name: Water Vapour Measurement from Rosemount inlet WVSSII serial no. 0388 linearly interpolated to 1Hz
  • var_id: WVSS2R_VMR
  • names: Water Vapour Measurement from Rosemount inlet WVSSII serial no. 0388 linearly interpolated to 1Hz
  • units: ppmv
  • long_name: Water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2
  • standard_name: volume_mixing_ratio_of_water_in_air
  • var_id: VMR_CR2
  • names: Water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2, volume_mixing_ratio_of_water_in_air
  • units: -
  • long_name: Weight on wheels indicator
  • var_id: WOW_IND
  • names: Weight on wheels indicator
  • units: m
  • standard_name: altitude
  • var_id: altitude
  • long_name: altitude from GIN
  • names: altitude, altitude from GIN
  • units: degree
  • long_name: angle of attack (positive, flow from below aircraft)
  • var_id: angle_of_attack
  • names: angle of attack (positive, flow from below aircraft)
  • units: degree
  • long_name: angle of sideslip (positive, flow from left)
  • var_id: angle_of_sideslip
  • names: angle of sideslip (positive, flow from left)
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_course
  • long_name: course
  • var_id: course
  • names: platform_course, course
  • long_name: data quality flag
  • var_id: cip15_flag
  • names: data quality flag
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration from PCASP2 (SPP200) channels 2 to 30 included
  • var_id: PCAS2CON
  • names: droplet concentration from PCASP2 (SPP200) channels 2 to 30 included
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 1
  • var_id: CDP_01
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 1
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 10
  • var_id: CDP_10
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 10
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 11
  • var_id: CDP_11
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 11
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 12
  • var_id: CDP_12
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 12
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 13
  • var_id: CDP_13
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 13
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 14
  • var_id: CDP_14
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 14
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 15
  • var_id: CDP_15
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 15
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 16
  • var_id: CDP_16
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 16
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 17
  • var_id: CDP_17
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 17
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 18
  • var_id: CDP_18
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 18
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 19
  • var_id: CDP_19
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 19
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 2
  • var_id: CDP_02
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 2
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 20
  • var_id: CDP_20
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 20
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 21
  • var_id: CDP_21
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 21
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 22
  • var_id: CDP_22
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 22
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 23
  • var_id: CDP_23
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 23
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 24
  • var_id: CDP_24
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 24
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 25
  • var_id: CDP_25
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 25
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 26
  • var_id: CDP_26
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 26
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 27
  • var_id: CDP_27
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 27
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 28
  • var_id: CDP_28
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 28
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 29
  • var_id: CDP_29
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 29
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 3
  • var_id: CDP_03
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 3
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 30
  • var_id: CDP_30
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 30
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 4
  • var_id: CDP_04
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 4
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 5
  • var_id: CDP_05
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 5
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 6
  • var_id: CDP_06
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 6
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 7
  • var_id: CDP_07
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 7
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 8
  • var_id: CDP_08
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 8
  • units: cm-3
  • long_name: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 9
  • var_id: CDP_09
  • names: droplet concentration in CDP size channel 9
  • units: m s-1
  • var_id: velocity_east
  • long_name: eastwards ground speed component
  • names: eastwards ground speed component
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_ground
  • long_name: ground speed
  • var_id: ground_speed
  • names: platform_speed_wrt_ground, ground speed
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_yaw_angle
  • var_id: heading
  • long_name: heading angle
  • names: platform_yaw_angle, heading angle
  • units: m s-1
  • var_id: velocity_north
  • long_name: northwards ground speed component
  • names: northwards ground speed component
  • long_name: overload indicator
  • var_id: cip15_ovld
  • names: overload indicator
  • units: um
  • long_name: particle size bin centre in micron
  • var_id: cip15_bin_centre
  • names: particle size bin centre in micron
  • units: um
  • long_name: particle size bin width in microns
  • var_id: cip15_bin_width
  • names: particle size bin width in microns
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_pitch_angle
  • var_id: pitch
  • long_name: pitch angle
  • names: platform_pitch_angle, pitch angle
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: platform_roll_angle
  • var_id: roll
  • long_name: roll angle
  • names: platform_roll_angle, roll angle
  • units: hPa
  • standard_name: air_pressure
  • var_id: pressure
  • long_name: static pressure
  • names: air_pressure, static pressure
  • units: cm-3
  • var_id: CDP_CONC
  • long_name: total droplet concentration from CDP channels 1 to 30 included
  • names: total droplet concentration from CDP channels 1 to 30 included
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_air
  • long_name: true air speed
  • var_id: true_air_speed
  • names: true air speed, platform_speed_wrt_air
  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • var_id: temperature
  • long_name: true air temperature
  • names: air_temperature, true air temperature
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: eastward_wind
  • var_id: u
  • long_name: u (positive is eastwards, negative is westwards)
  • names: eastward_wind, u (positive is eastwards, negative is westwards)
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: northward_wind
  • var_id: v
  • long_name: v (positive is northwards, negative is southwards)
  • names: northward_wind, v (positive is northwards, negative is southwards)
  • units: m s-1
  • var_id: vertical_velocity
  • long_name: vertical velocity (positive is up, negative is down)
  • names: vertical velocity (positive is up, negative is down)
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: upward_air_velocity
  • var_id: w
  • long_name: vertical wind component (positive is up, negative is down)
  • names: upward_air_velocity, vertical wind component (positive is up, negative is down)
  • units: degree
  • standard_name: wind_from_direction
  • long_name: wind direction
  • var_id: wind_direction
  • names: wind_from_direction, wind direction
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: wind_speed
  • var_id: wind_speed
  • long_name: wind speed
  • names: wind_speed, wind speed

Co-ordinate Variables

  • units: degree_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • var_id: latitude
  • long_name: GPS latitude
  • names: latitude, GPS latitude
  • units: degree_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • var_id: longitude
  • long_name: GPS longitude
  • names: longitude, GPS longitude
  • units: degree_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • long_name: Latitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: LAT_GIN
  • names: latitude, Latitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • units: degree_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • long_name: Longitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • var_id: LON_GIN
  • names: longitude, Longitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
  • standard_name: time
  • long_name: Time UTC seconds past midnight for CDP
  • var_id: CDP_TSPM
  • names: time, Time UTC seconds past midnight for CDP
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
  • long_name: Time_UTC
  • names: time, Time_UTC
  • units: degree_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • var_id: latitude
  • long_name: latitude from GIN
  • names: latitude, latitude from GIN
  • units: degree_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • var_id: longitude
  • long_name: longitude from GIN
  • names: longitude, longitude from GIN
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: Time
  • long_name: time of measurement
  • names: time, time of measurement
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
