ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) Atmospheric Global Circulation Model (GCM) data for global radiative-convective equilibrium (RCE) to simulate the impact of a land-sea contrast on convective aggregation
This dataset contains model data for the impact of a land-sea contrast on convective aggregation in radiative-convective equilibrium, Dingley et al., 2022. The data provided are ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) Atmospheric Global Circulation Model (GCM) data for global radiative-convective equilibrium (RCE) 2-year simulations with a circulation idealised island. Data files are provided in NetCDF format.
The RCE simulations are setup on an aquaplanet with no rotation and no diurnal cycle. To initialise the RCE state, homogenised boundary conditions are set where the solar insolation is 551.58 Wm-2 with a fixed zenith angle of 42.05°. Together these values give a constant insolation of 409.6 Wm-2. This is equivalent to the annual mean tropical insolation (Wing et al., 2018). A 360-day calendar is used. The global ocean albedo is set to 0.07. Concentrations of tracers CO2, CH4, N2O and O2 are set to be constant in space and time and the O3 profile is the same as used in Popke et al. (2013). SSTs are kept globally constant throughout each simulation at 305K. Model output is given every 10 days (for the 10dayouput files), and every 4 hours (for the 4houroutput files). Most simulations have been run with interactive radiation. However, in some, radiative feedbacks have been turned off by horizontally homogenising the radiative cooling rates at each model level and timestep. These files are indicated by homogLW and homogSW in the file names respectively.
Simulations also have a circular, idealised island, centred at lat/lon=0 degrees. Island is modelled using the Jena Scheme for Biosphere-Atmosphere Coupling in Hamburg 4 (JSBACH4) model, coupled to the ICON GCM. This land is initialised with tropical rainforest vegetation. The island has a radius of 40 degrees, except for data in the different_islandsize file where the island radius varies from 10 to 80 degrees (as indicated in the variable names).
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Data were generated using the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) Atmospheric Global Circulation Model (GCM). ICON was run on the R02B04 grid, which has an approximate horizontal grid-spacing of 160km. The vertical resolution is set by assigning 47 stretched model levels between the surface and model top at 83km. The land is represented by the Jena Scheme for Biosphere-Atmosphere Coupling in Hamburg 4 (JSBACH4) model, coupled to the ICON GCM. |
Data Quality: |
Data are as given by the data provider, no quality control has been performed by the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA)
File Format: |
Data are netCDF formatted
Related Documents
Process overview
Title | ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) Atmospheric Global Circulation Model (GCM) deployed on ARCHER2 computer |
Abstract | ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) Atmospheric Global Circulation Model (GCM) deployed on ARCHER2 computer |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- var_id: hydro_evapotrans_soil_box
- standard_name: evapotrans_soil
- long_name: Evapotranspiration from soil (w/o snow and skin res.
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: northward_wind
- var_id: va
- long_name: Meridional wind
- units: Pa
- long_name: Pressure
- standard_name: air_pressure
- var_id: pfull
- units: kg kg-1
- standard_name: specific_humidity
- var_id: hus
- long_name: Specific humidity
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- var_id: hydro_runoff_box
- standard_name: surface_runoff
- long_name: Surface runoff
- units: K
- standard_name: air_temperature
- long_name: Temperature
- var_id: ta_80deg
- units: K
- long_name: Virtual temperature
- standard_name: virtual_temperature
- var_id: tempv
- var_id: hydro_w_skin_box
- standard_name: skin_reservoir
- long_name: Water content in skin reservoir of surface
- units: m water equivalent
- units: m water equivalent
- var_id: hydro_w_soil_sl_box
- standard_name: Water content in soil layers
- units: m water equivalent
- var_id: hydro_w_soil_fc_sl_box
- standard_name: Water content in soil layers at field capacity
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: eastward_wind
- long_name: Zonal wind
- var_id: ua_80deg
- units: s-1
- var_id: advection_feedback
- long_name: advection feedback
- var_id: cl
- units: m2 m-2
- standard_name: cl
- long_name: cloud area fraction
- units: W m-2
- var_id: NetLW
- long_name: column longwave radiative flux convergence
- long_name: column relative humidity
- var_id: crh_80deg
- units: W m-2
- var_id: NetSW
- long_name: column shortwave radiative flux convergence
- var_id: rho
- units: kg m-3
- standard_name: air_density
- long_name: density
- units: m
- long_name: depth_below_land
- var_id: soil_depth_water
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- var_id: hydro_drainage_box
- standard_name: drainage
- long_name: drainage
- units: J kg-1
- var_id: mse
- long_name: frozen moist static energy
- standard_name: height
- var_id: height
- long_name: generalized_height
- units: m
- var_id: zg
- standard_name: geometric_height_at_full_level_center
- long_name: geometric height at full level center
- units: W m-2
- long_name: latent heat flux
- var_id: lhf
- units: W m-2
- var_id: q_rlw
- standard_name: q_rlw
- long_name: layer heating by LW radiation
- units: W m-2
- var_id: q_rsw
- standard_name: q_rsw
- long_name: layer heating by SW radiation
- units: s-1
- var_id: longwave_feedback
- long_name: longwave feedback
- var_id: pr
- units: kg m-2 s-1
- long_name: precipitation flux
- standard_name: pr
- standard_name: relative_humidity
- long_name: relative humidity
- var_id: hur
- units: W m-2
- long_name: sensible heat flux
- var_id: shf
- units: s-1
- var_id: shortwave_feedback
- long_name: shortwave feedback
- units: kg kg-1
- var_id: cli
- standard_name: qi
- long_name: specific_cloud_ice_content
- units: kg kg-1
- var_id: clw
- standard_name: qc
- long_name: specific_cloud_water_content
- units: s-1
- var_id: surface_enthalpy_feedback
- long_name: surface enthalpy feedback
- var_id: time
- units: W m-2
- standard_name: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
- long_name: toa outgoing longwave radiation
- var_id: rlut_80deg
- standard_name: omega
- var_id: wap
- units: Pa/s
- long_name: vertical velocity
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- long_name: latitude
- var_id: lat
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- long_name: longitude
- var_id: lon
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
90.0000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-90.0000° |