FAAM B846 CAST flight, number 23: Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites on board the BAE-146 aircraft
Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2016-11-22
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2016-01-12
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 35 Files | 3GB
Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites data on board the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft during flight 23 for Co-ordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST) project.
Citable as: Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements; Natural Environment Research Council; Met Office (2016): FAAM B846 CAST flight, number 23: Airborne atmospheric measurements from core and non-core instrument suites on board the BAE-146 aircraft. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: CAST, FAAM, airborne, atmospheric measurments
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Data were collected by instrument scientists during the flight before preparation and delivery for archiving at the NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre. |
Data Quality: |
Data collected by flight participants before preparation for archival with the British Atmospheric Data Centre
File Format: |
Data are netCDF and NASA-Ames formatted. Ancillary files may be plain ASCII or PDF formatted. Image files may be PNG formatted.
Process overview
This dataset was generated by instruments deployed on platforms as listed below.
Instrument/Platform pairings
Mobile platform operations
Mobile Platform Operation 1 | FAAM BAE-146 flight B846 |
Output Description | None |
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_ground
- long_name: AIMMS Eastwards ground speed
- var_id: VE
- units: m
- standard_name: altitude
- long_name: AIMMS GPS altitude
- var_id: ALT
- units: degree
- standard_name: platform_yaw_angle
- long_name: AIMMS Heading angle
- var_id: HDG
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_ground
- long_name: AIMMS Northwards ground speed
- var_id: VN
- units: percent
- standard_name: relative_humidity
- var_id: RH
- long_name: AIMMS Relative humidity wrt water
- units: hPa
- standard_name: air_pressure
- var_id: PRES
- long_name: AIMMS Static pressure
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_air
- var_id: TAS
- long_name: AIMMS True air speed
- units: degree
- var_id: AOA
- long_name: AIMMS angle of attack (positive, flow from below aircraft)
- units: degree
- var_id: AOSS
- long_name: AIMMS angle of sideslip (positive, flow from left)
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: eastward_wind
- var_id: U
- long_name: AIMMS eastwards wind component
- units: 1
- long_name: AIMMS non-dimensional angle of attack differential pressure
- var_id: DPAOA
- units: 1
- long_name: AIMMS non-dimensional angle of sideslip differential pressure
- var_id: DPAOSS
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: northward_wind
- var_id: V
- long_name: AIMMS northwards wind component
- units: degree
- standard_name: platform_pitch_angle
- long_name: AIMMS pitch angle
- var_id: PITCH
- units: degree
- standard_name: platform_roll_angle
- long_name: AIMMS roll angle
- var_id: ROLL
- units: K
- standard_name: air_temperature
- long_name: AIMMS true air temperature
- var_id: TK
- units: m s-1
- long_name: AIMMS vertical speed
- var_id: VZ
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: upward_air_velocity
- var_id: W
- long_name: AIMMS vertical wind component
- units: degree
- long_name: A_0 calibration coefficient
- var_id: A_0
- units: degree
- long_name: A_alpha calibration coefficient
- var_id: A_alpha
- units: degree
- long_name: A_beta calibration coefficient
- var_id: A_beta
- units: m s-2
- long_name: Acceleration along the aircraft longitudinal axis (GIN) (positive forward)
- var_id: ACLF_GIN
- standard_name:
- units: m s-2
- long_name: Acceleration along the aircraft transverse axis (GIN) (positive starboard)
- var_id: ACLS_GIN
- standard_name:
- units: m s-2
- long_name: Acceleration along the aircraft vertical axis (GIN) (positive down)
- var_id: ACLD_GIN
- standard_name:
- units: degree
- long_name: Aircraft track angle POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: TRCK_GIN
- standard_name:
- units: m s-1
- long_name: Aircraft velocity down from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: VELD_GIN
- standard_name:
- units: m s-1
- long_name: Aircraft velocity east from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: VELE_GIN
- standard_name:
- units: m s-1
- long_name: Aircraft velocity north from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: VELN_GIN
- standard_name:
- units: m
- standard_name: altitude
- long_name: Altitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: ALT_GIN
- units: degree
- long_name: Angle of attack from the turbulence probe (positive, flow upwards wrt a/c axes)
- var_id: AOA
- standard_name:
- units: degree
- long_name: Angle of sideslip from the turbulence probe (positive, flow from left)
- var_id: AOSS
- standard_name:
- units: degree
- long_name: B_0 calibration coefficient
- var_id: B_0
- units: degree
- long_name: B_alpha calibration coefficient
- var_id: B_alpha
- units: degree
- long_name: B_beta calibration coefficient
- var_id: B_beta
- units: 1
- long_name: CP_0 calibration coefficient
- var_id: CP_0
- units: 1
- long_name: CP_alpha calibration coefficient
- var_id: CP_alpha
- units: 1
- long_name: CP_beta calibration coefficient
- var_id: CP_beta
- units: hPa
- long_name: Cabin pressure
- var_id: CAB_PRES
- standard_name:
- units: degC
- long_name: Cabin temperature at the core consoles
- var_id: CAB_TEMP
- standard_name:
- units: hPa
- long_name: Calibrated differential pressure between centre(P0) port and S10 static
- var_id: P0_S10
- standard_name:
- units: hPa
- long_name: Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe horizontal ports
- var_id: PB_TURB
- standard_name:
- units: hPa
- long_name: Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe vertical ports
- var_id: PA_TURB
- standard_name:
- units: W m-2
- long_name: Corrected downward short wave irradiance, clear dome
- var_id: SW_DN_C
- standard_name:
- units: W m-2
- long_name: Corrected downward short wave irradiance, red dome
- var_id: RED_DN_C
- standard_name:
- units: W m-2
- long_name: Corrected upward short wave irradiance, clear dome
- var_id: SW_UP_C
- standard_name:
- units: W m-2
- long_name: Corrected upward short wave irradiance, red dome
- var_id: RED_UP_C
- standard_name:
- standard_name: dew_point_temperature
- units: degK
- var_id: TDEW_GE
- long_name: Dew point from the General Eastern instrument
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: eastward_wind
- long_name: Eastward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
- var_id: U_NOTURB
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: eastward_wind
- long_name: Eastward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
- var_id: U_C
- long_name: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft longitudinal axis (GIN) (positive forward)
- var_id: ACLF_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft transverse axis (GIN) (positive starboard)
- var_id: ACLS_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Acceleration along the aircraft vertical axis (GIN) (positive down)
- var_id: ACLD_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Aircraft track angle POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: TRCK_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Aircraft velocity down from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: VELD_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Aircraft velocity east from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: VELE_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Aircraft velocity north from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: VELN_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Altitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: ALT_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Angle of attack from the turbulence probe (positive, flow upwards wrt a/c axes)
- var_id: AOA_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Angle of sideslip from the turbulence probe (positive, flow from left)
- var_id: AOSS_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Cabin pressure
- var_id: CAB_PRES_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Cabin temperature at the core consoles
- var_id: CAB_TEMP_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between centre(P0) port and S10 static
- var_id: P0_S10_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe horizontal ports
- var_id: PB_TURB_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Calibrated differential pressure between turbulence probe vertical ports
- var_id: PA_TURB_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Corrected downward short wave irradiance, clear dome
- var_id: SW_DN_C_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Corrected downward short wave irradiance, red dome
- var_id: RED_DN_C_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Corrected upward short wave irradiance, clear dome
- var_id: SW_UP_C_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Corrected upward short wave irradiance, red dome
- var_id: RED_UP_C_FLAG
- var_id: TDEW_GE_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Dew point from the General Eastern instrument
- long_name: Flag for Eastward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
- var_id: U_NOTURB_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Eastward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
- var_id: U_C_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Groundspeed from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: GSPD_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Heading from POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: HDG_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Indicated air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system.
- var_id: IAS_RVSM_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Latitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: LAT_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Longitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: LON_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Mole fraction of Carbon Monoxide in air from the AERO AL5002 instrument
- var_id: CO_AERO_FLAG
- var_id: O3_TECO_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Mole fraction of Ozone in air from the TECO 49 instrument
- long_name: Flag for Northward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
- var_id: V_NOTURB_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Northward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
- var_id: V_C_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Pitch angle from POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for nose up)
- var_id: PTCH_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Pitot static pressure inverted from RVSM (air data) system indicated airspeed
- var_id: Q_RVSM_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Pitot-static pressure from centre-port measurements corrrected for AoA and AoSS
- var_id: PSP_TURB_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Pressure altitude from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
- var_id: PALT_RVS_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Radar height from the aircraft radar altimeter.
- var_id: HGT_RADR_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Raw data from the Fwd Core Console JCI static monitor, static signal
- var_id: EXX_JCI_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Roll angle from POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Nav. unit (positive for left wing up)
- var_id: ROLL_GIN_FLAG
- var_id: SOL_AZIM_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Solar azimuth derived from aircraft position and time
- var_id: SOL_ZEN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Solar zenith derived from aircraft position and time
- long_name: Flag for Static pressure from S9 fuselage ports
- var_id: P9_STAT_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Static pressure from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
- var_id: PS_RVSM_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for True air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system and deiced temperature.
- var_id: TAS_RVSM_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for True air temperature from the Rosemeount non-deiced temperature sensor.
- var_id: TAT_ND_R_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for True air temperature from the Rosemount deiced temperature sensor.
- var_id: TAT_DI_R_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for True airspeed (dry-air) from turbulence probe
- var_id: TAS_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Uncorrected brightness temperature from the Heimann radiometer
- var_id: BTHEIM_U_FLAG
- var_id: LWC_JW_U_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for Uncorrected liquid water content from the Johnson Williams instrument
- long_name: Flag for Vertical wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
- var_id: W_C_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for rate-of-change of GIN heading
- var_id: HDGR_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for rate-of-change of GIN pitch angle
- var_id: PITR_GIN_FLAG
- long_name: Flag for rate-of-change of GIN roll angle
- var_id: ROLR_GIN_FLAG
- units: degree
- long_name: Heading from POSAV GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- standard_name: platform_yaw_angle
- var_id: HDG_GIN
- units: m s-1
- long_name: Indicated air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system.
- var_id: IAS_RVSM
- standard_name:
- units: ppb
- standard_name: mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air
- var_id: O3_TECO
- long_name: Mole fraction of Ozone in air from the TECO 49 instrument
- units: 0=valid data, 1=not used, 2=present but likely to be wrong, 3=missing data
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: northward_wind
- long_name: Northward wind component derived from aircraft instruments and GIN
- var_id: V_NOTURB
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: northward_wind
- long_name: Northward wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
- var_id: V_C
- units: hPa
- long_name: Pitot static pressure inverted from RVSM (air data) system indicated airspeed
- var_id: Q_RVSM
- standard_name:
- units: hPa
- long_name: Pitot-static pressure from centre-port measurements corrrected for AoA and AoSS
- var_id: PSP_TURB
- standard_name:
- units: m
- long_name: Pressure altitude from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
- var_id: PALT_RVS
- standard_name:
- units: m
- long_name: Radar height from the aircraft radar altimeter.
- var_id: HGT_RADR
- standard_name:
- units: adc counts
- long_name: Raw data from the Fwd Core Console JCI static monitor, static signal
- var_id: EXX_JCI
- standard_name:
- units: degree
- var_id: SOL_AZIM
- long_name: Solar azimuth derived from aircraft position and time
- standard_name:
- units: degree
- var_id: SOL_ZEN
- long_name: Solar zenith derived from aircraft position and time
- standard_name:
- units: hPa
- standard_name: air_pressure
- long_name: Static pressure from S9 fuselage ports
- var_id: P9_STAT
- units: hPa
- long_name: Static pressure from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system
- var_id: PS_RVSM
- standard_name:
- units: m s-1
- long_name: True air speed from the aircraft RVSM (air data) system and deiced temperature.
- var_id: TAS_RVSM
- standard_name:
- units: degK
- long_name: True air temperature from the Rosemeount non-deiced temperature sensor.
- var_id: TAT_ND_R
- standard_name:
- units: degK
- long_name: True air temperature from the Rosemount deiced temperature sensor.
- var_id: TAT_DI_R
- standard_name:
- units: m s-1
- long_name: True airspeed (dry-air) from turbulence probe
- standard_name: platform_speed_wrt_air
- var_id: TAS
- units: degK
- long_name: Uncorrected brightness temperature from the Heimann radiometer
- var_id: BTHEIM_U
- standard_name:
- units: gram kg-1
- var_id: LWC_JW_U
- long_name: Uncorrected liquid water content from the Johnson Williams instrument
- standard_name:
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: upward_air_velocity
- long_name: Vertical wind component from turbulence probe and GIN
- var_id: W_C
- units: degree s-1
- long_name: rate-of-change of GIN heading
- standard_name: platform_yaw_rate
- var_id: HDGR_GIN
- units: degree s-1
- long_name: rate-of-change of GIN pitch angle
- var_id: PITR_GIN
- standard_name: platform_pitch_rate
- units: degree s-1
- standard_name: platform_roll_rate
- long_name: rate-of-change of GIN roll angle
- var_id: ROLR_GIN
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degree_north
- standard_name: latitude
- var_id: LAT
- long_name: AIMMS GPS latitude
- units: degree_east
- standard_name: longitude
- var_id: LON
- long_name: AIMMS GPS longitude
- units: degree_north
- standard_name: latitude
- long_name: Latitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: LAT_GIN
- units: degree_east
- standard_name: longitude
- long_name: Longitude from POS AV 510 GPS-aided Inertial Navigation unit
- var_id: LON_GIN
- standard_name: time
- var_id: Time
- long_name: time of measurement
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
13.5043° |
134.5366° |
144.8983° |
3.5715° |
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