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Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) Logo

Acid Deposition Processes Project

Status: completed
Publication State: published


The Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) undertook the DEFRA funded Acid Deposition Processes Project to aid development of the understanding of acid deposition in the UK. In order to meet the project had the following 5 principal aims:
1) to determine the fate of the UK emissions of sulphur and nitrogen by direct measurements and to check and validate model deposition and concentration fields;
2) to measure the magnitude of exceedances of deposition over ecosystem sensitivity (Critical Load exceedances);
3) to measure the trends in deposition relative to emission changes to show whether UK policy on reductions is working and Is effective;
4) to provide the underpinning measurement of deposition processes (wet and dry), to provide the parameters for long range transport and deposition models in the UK (eg FRAME) and for EMEP modelling;
5) to describe the chemical climate of the atmosphere over the UK and the changes with time.
This work was undertaken under DEFRA contract RMP2258.

Abbreviation: acid-depositon-project
Keywords: Acid Deposition, CEH, radar, wind


Keywords: Acid Deposition, CEH, radar, wind
Previously used record identifiers:

Related Documents

 Final report to DEFRA
Related parties
Principal Investigators (1)
Co-Investigators (1)