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Dataset Collection


ACSOE OXICOA LTERM: Chemical Climatology Data from Mace Head Atmospheric Research Centre

Status: Not defined
Publication State: published


The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) OXIdising Capacity of the Ocean Atmosphere (OXICOA) Long-Term Studies of chemical Climatology (LTERM) is the longer term studies of the Eastern Atlantic Spring/Summer Experiments (EASE-96 and EASE-97). The longer term data includes DMS, ozone and chemicals involved in its cycle, carbon and hydrocarbons to help interpreting the data collected over the ACSOE campaign by providing insights on seasonal changes of chemicals.

Citable as:Natural Environment Research Council; Allan, B.; Allen, A.; Bandy, B.; Bassford, M.; Bauguitte, S.; Beswick, K.; Bradbury, C.; Brassington, D.; Broadgate, W.J.; Burgess, R.A.; Cape, J.N.; Cardenas, L.; Carpenter, L.J.; Carrick, A.; Choularton, T.W.; Coe, H.; Consterdine, I.E.; Creasey, D.J.; Davison, B.; Edwards, G.D.; Evans, M.J.; Gerbig, C.; Green, T.; Grenfell, L.; Heard, D.E.; Iinuma, Y.; James, J.; Jickells, T.; Law, K.; Lee, J.D.; Lewis, A.C.; Lightman, P.; Liss, P.S.; McArdle, N.; McFadyen, G.; McIntyre, H.; McQuaid, J.B.; Mills, G.; Monks, P.S.; Nickless, G.; O'Doherty, S.; Oram, D.; Pilling, M.J.; Plane, J.M.C.; Pyle, J.A.; Reeves, C.E.; Richer, H.; Robertson, L.; Salisbury, G.; Schmitgen, S.; Shallcross, D.; Simmonds, P.; Smith, M.H.; Spain, G.; Spokes, L.; Sturges, W.T.; Thompson, A.; Tiddeman, D.; Vaughan, G.; Wild, O.; Wilson, K.; Yeatman, S.G.; Zanis, P. (9999): ACSOE OXICOA LTERM: Chemical Climatology Data from Mace Head Atmospheric Research Centre. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined


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