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UK-Japan Climate Collaboration (UJCC) Model Matrix data

Update Frequency: Continual
Latest Data Update: 2012-03-07
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2007-03-17
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 142.12K Files | 44TB


Earth-system modelling data from the UK-Japan Climate Collaboration (UJCC). The project is a joint project between the Hadley Centre (DEFRA) and the NCAS-CGAM (Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling) at the University of Reading. UJCC makes use of a broad group of models in order to systematically explore the role and value of resolution in climate system research. The dataset comprises of UJCC 30 year simulations from models at resolutions of either (1.25 lat x 1.875 lon) or (0.83 lat x 1.25 lon) with differing degrees of atmosphere-ocean coupling (1 degree ocean or 1/3 degree ocean). The dataset also includes NUGAM (Nihon-UK Global Environmental Model) Atmosphere only simulations and NUGEM Coupled atmosphere and ocean simulations which are both at the same resolution (0.83 lat x 0.56 lon, corresponding to ~60 km in mid-latitudes).

Citable as:  Vidale, P.L.; Roberts, M. (2007): UK-Japan Climate Collaboration (UJCC) Model Matrix data. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Not defined


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
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Access rules:
These data have multiple licences for different applications. Always make sure to read the appropriate licence for full data usage limitations details. Other usage may not be permitted.
Restricted data: please submit an application using the REQUEST ACCESS link for access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data were made available to the BADC from the UK-Japan Climate Collaboration (UJCC) team in Japan and transferred directly from the Japanese supercomputer to the BADC archive.

Data Quality:
Quality control of the data was performed by the UJCC team.
File Format:
Availability of data, File format and Software

Access to the UJCC data sets is available via the UJCC data browser directory . Alternatively you can ftp the data from

UJCC is making use of a broad group of models in order to systematically explore the role and value of resolution in climate system research. All the UJCC models have as their baseline science the initial reference HadGEM1a models used at the Hadley Centre. These build on the IPCC AR4 version of the model, and include various small improvements to the science and fixing of known problems. More details of HadGEM1a can be found here (this link is restricted to those with HiGEM privileges).

The UJCC data archived at the BADC are 30 year simulations from models at the following resolutions:

  • N96 Atmosphere (1.25 lat x 1.875 lon), 1 degree ocean (HadGEM1a)
  • N96 Atmosphere (1.25 lat x 1.875 lon), 1/3 degree ocean
  • N144 Atmosphere (0.83 lat x 1.25 lon), 1 degree ocean
  • N144 Atmosphere (0.83 lat x 1.25 lon), 1/3 degree ocean (HiGEM)

Simulations from the Nihon-UK Global Environmental Model (NUGEM) will also be archived at the BADC. NUGEM is a version of HadGEM1a run at very high N216 resolution (0.83 lat x 0.56 lon, corresponding to ~60 km in mid-latitudes). The BADC will be archiving:

  • NUGAM Atmosphere only version of NUGEM
  • NUGEM Coupled atmosphere and ocean

The BADC have provided a list of the simulations that make up the UJCC datset matrix in the BADC archive. A comprehensive overview of the matrix of UJCC climate models can be found here.

UJCC status

The current status of the UJCC dataset at the BADC can be found here.

We have now launched a web page showing the status of the current UJCC-HiGEM simulation. This service displays the evolution of certain key parameters including net top of atmosphere radiation flux, global mean sea surface and surface temperature and ocean salinity. The North Atlantic Oscillation and Nino-3 indices are also shown. These plots are updated as new data from the UJCC-HiGEM simulation arrives at the BADC.

Data file format
All UJCC data are held as 64 bit UM pp files.

Software is available to manipulate and view the data. xconv provides an easy to use point and click interface to the data. convsh provides a subset of the functionality of xconv, but in a scriptable form, so it can be used to automate some common data processing tasks. Jeff Cole at CGAM Reading, who developed both xconv and convsh, provides some example uses of convsh.

Related Documents

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Process overview

This dataset was generated by the computation detailed below.

UK-Japan Climate Collaboration (UJCC) Model Matrix deployed on Earth Simulator Supercomputer


This computation involved: UK-Japan Climate Collaboration (UJCC) Model Matrix deployed on Earth Simulator Supercomputer. UJCC is making use of a broad group of models in order to systematically explore the role and value of resolution in climate system research: starting with the base N96 AOGCM (HadGEM1), an array of coupled and uncoupled models has been set up, in order to test hypotheses about the global impact of increasingly resolving the fundamental building blocks of climate. This model "matrix" will be an invaluable resource for understanding the impact of resolution in both atmosphere and ocean model components, and will help to guide future model development.

All these models have as their baseline science that of the initial reference HadGEM1a models used at the Hadley Centre. These build on the IPCC AR4 version of the model, and include various small improvements to the science and fixing of known problems. The ultra high-speed parallel computing system, "Earth Simulator" attained the best computing performance in the world according to the Linpack benchmark test. The result of this test of execution performance, 35.61 TFlops (trillion operations per second), was approved and the Earth Simulator was registered as the world' s fastest supercomputer by Dr. Jack J. Dongarra of the University of Tennessee, USA, who announced the world Linpack benchmark test results. The Earth Simulator supercomputer is housed at the Earth Simulator Center in Japan.

Input Description


Output Description


Software Reference


  • long_name: Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Temperature
  • var_id: eq_pacific_sst
  • long_name: Global Mean Sea Surface Temperature
  • var_id: ave_sst
  • long_name: Global Mean Surface Temperature
  • var_id: ave_temp
  • long_name: Iceland Mean Sea Level Pressure
  • var_id: mslp_iceland
  • long_name: Iceland Surface Level Pressure
  • var_id: slp_iceland
  • long_name: Lisbon Mean Sea Level Pressure
  • var_id: mslp_lisbon
  • long_name: Lisbon Surface Level Pressure
  • var_id: slp_lisbon
  • long_name: Maximum Ocean Salinity
  • var_id: max_salin
  • long_name: Maximum Surface Temperature
  • var_id: max_temp
  • long_name: Minimum Ocean Salinity
  • var_id: min_salin
  • long_name: Minimum Surface Temperature
  • var_id: min_temp
  • long_name: Net TAO Radiation Flux
  • var_id: netrad_mean
  • long_name: Net TAO SW Radiation Flux
  • var_id: SW_net
  • long_name: Nino 3.4 Sea Surface Temperature
  • var_id: nino34
  • long_name: Nino3 Sea Surface Temperature
  • var_id: nino3
  • long_name: Outgoing TAO LW Radiation Flux
  • var_id: LW_outgoing
  • long_name: Total Sea Ice Area: Northern Hemisphere
  • var_id: NHem_icearea
  • long_name: Total Sea Ice Area: Southern Hemisphere
  • var_id: SHem_icearea
  • var_id: bounds_lat
  • var_id: bounds_lon

Co-ordinate Variables

  • standard_name: latitude
  • var_id: lat
  • units: Degrees North
  • standard_name: longitude
  • units: Degrees East
  • var_id: lon
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time1
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent

Related parties
Principal Investigators (1)