
Developing enhanced impact models for integration with next generation NWP and climate outputs (DEMON)
DEMON aimed to analyse state-of-the-art Numerical Weather Prediction precipitation forecast for online integration with flood forecast models. A key component in DEMON was the analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar for assimilation into the flood model to keep the forecast on track. The capability of real-time operational forecast was at the heart of the project. The duration of the project took place between 2012-2015 and was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) NE/I005242/1.
Objectives: The project aimed to develop improved hydrologic and hydraulic models to translate the outputs from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and climate models into more meaningful estimates of storm impact due to fluvial flow or coastal surge. These improvements in storm impact modelling were achieved through four linked objectives -
1. Downscaling, uncertainty propagation and evaluation of hydrologic modelling structures.
2. The development of data assimilation and remote sensing approaches to enhance predictions from storm impact models.
3. Fully dynamically coupled extreme storm surge and fluvial modelling.
4. The development of a new class of hydraulic model that can be used to convert predictions of rainfall-runoff or coastal extreme water levels to estimates of flood extent and depth at the resolution of LiDAR data (~1 - 2m horizontal resolution) over whole city regions using a true momentum-conserving approach.
Keywords: | NERC, DEMON, NWP, Climate |
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