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Wind Profiler Observations, Part of the Met Office MetDB System

Update Frequency: Daily
Latest Data Update: 2022-12-14
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2008-08-08
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 5.22K Files | 256GB


The wind profiler observations describe hourly observations from around 400 Wind profiler stations distributed globally. The observations cumulate in around 10,000 reports a day, giving measurements of parameters such as the different components of wind velocity, and the standard deviations of vertical and horizontal wind speeds. The data are collected by observation stations worldwide and transmitted within the WINPRO message.

Wind speeds are given to the nearest metre per second.
Air temperature is measured in Kelvin.
Precipitation amount is given in kilograms per metre squared.
Air pressure is given in Pascals.
Relative humidity is measured as a percentage.

Citable as:  Met Office (2008): Wind Profiler Observations, Part of the Met Office MetDB System. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Met Office, MetDB, Wind profiler, wind speed, wind direction, SNR


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
Access rules:
These data have multiple licences for different applications. Always make sure to read the appropriate licence for full data usage limitations details. Other usage may not be permitted.
Restricted data: please submit an application using the REQUEST ACCESS link for access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data are extracted from the Met Office's "metDB" system and supplied to the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA). These are then processed to generate BADC-CSV files, where possible.

Data Quality:
Land and ship SYNOP messages undergo some quality control at the Met Office, but these messages are not as rigorously checked as they are within the MIDAS system into which the data are later migrated. Thus, for historic data the MIDAS dataset is the recommended dataset to use for surface observations.
File Format:
Data availability and file format

The data are held in the BADC-CSV file format, each of which will contain one or more data records and are comma separated variables. "Metadata" are provided giving a full description of the content of the data. More information about the file format can be found on the BADC-CSV format page, which also contains two example files taken from the MetDB dataset.

The file format for the wind profiler observations table, describes what each column in the data table represents.

Ingest scripts run at the BADC every 20 minutes, converting the incoming files to the self describing BADC-CSV format, but neither the processed or raw data are placed into archive until the following day.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by instruments deployed on platforms as listed below.

Instrument/Platform pairings

Wind Profiler radar Deployed on: WINPRO (Wind Profiler) Station Network
Output Description


  • long_name: European W Wind profiler QC info
  • names: European W Wind profiler QC info
  • long_name: European u
  • names: European u
  • long_name: Height
  • names: Height
  • long_name: Signa to noise ratio
  • names: Signa to noise ratio
  • long_name: US Wind profiler QC information
  • names: US Wind profiler QC information
  • long_name: Wind profiler mode information
  • names: Wind profiler mode information
  • long_name: Wind u-component
  • names: Wind u-component
  • long_name: Wind v-component
  • names: Wind v-component
  • long_name: Wind w-component
  • names: Wind w-component
  • long_name: hrzl wind speed Standard deviation
  • names: hrzl wind speed Standard deviation
  • long_name: vrtl wind speed Standard deviation
  • names: vrtl wind speed Standard deviation

Co-ordinate Variables

Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent

Related parties
Authors (1)
Principal Investigators (1)