WINDS-C: A 1/50° decadal regional simulation of the Southwestern Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents for Lagrangian applications (climatological forcing based on 1993-2018)
WINDS-C (Western Indian Ocean Simulation, Climatological) is a high-resolution (1/50° in the horizontal) regional ocean simulation spanning the SW Indian Ocean under climatological forcing (1993-2018), using the Coastal and Regional Ocean Community model (CROCO). WINDS-C is forced at the lateral boundaries by a monthly climatology from the 1/12° CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service) GLORYS12V1 global ocean reanalysis and barotropic tides from TPXO9, at the surface by a monthly climatology from ERA5, and also includes climatological riverine fluxes. High frequency (0.5h) surface currents are provided for Lagrangian analyses, and other surface fields are provided at a daily frequency. Full 3D zonal velocity, meridional velocity, temperature, and salinity (U/V/T/S) fields are provided every 5 days.
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
This dataset consists of two simulations of the Southwest Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents. One simulation was climatological (WINDS-C) and one used realistic forcing (WINDS-M) from 1993-2020. The simulations were funded through PhD project NE/S007474/1, Marine dispersal and retention in the western Indian Ocean, held by Noam Vogt-Vincent who was supervised by Helen Johnson, both at University of Oxford. The outputs are archived on BODC's space at CEDA and assigned a CEDA DOI. No QC was done by BODC. |
Data Quality: |
Data as supplied to BODC - no additional quality checks performed
File Format: |
Data are CF-Compliant NetCDF formatted data files
Related Documents
Process overview
Title | Coastal and Regional Ocean Community model |
Abstract | Ocean (lateral) forcing (1993-2018 climatology): CMEMS Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ( Atmospheric (surface) forcing (1993-2018 climatology): ERA5: Fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate ( Tidal forcing: TPXO9-atlas-v2a (<0183:EIMOBO>2.0.CO;2) Climatological river fluxes: Dai and Trenberth (2002) Estimates of Freshwater Discharge from Continents: Latitudinal and Seasonal Variations (;2) |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
- long_name: Coriolis parameter at RHO-points
- units: second-1
- var_id: f
- names: Coriolis parameter at RHO-points
- units: meter
- long_name: Deep bathymetry clipping depth
- var_id: depthmax
- names: Deep bathymetry clipping depth
- var_id: h
- units: meter
- long_name: Final bathymetry at RHO-points
- names: Final bathymetry at RHO-points
- long_name: Grid type logical switch
- var_id: spherical
- names: Grid type logical switch
- units: N/m2
- long_name: Kinematic wind stress
- var_id: wstr
- names: Kinematic wind stress
- long_name: Latent surface heat flux
- units: Watts meter-2
- var_id: shflx_lat
- names: Latent surface heat flux
- units: Watts meter-2
- long_name: Long-wave surface radiation
- var_id: shflx_rlw
- names: Long-wave surface radiation
- long_name: S-coordinate bottom control parameter
- var_id: theta_b
- names: S-coordinate bottom control parameter
- long_name: S-coordinate parameter, critical depth
- var_id: hc
- names: S-coordinate parameter, critical depth
- long_name: S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points
- var_id: sc_r
- names: S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points
- long_name: S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points
- var_id: sc_w
- names: S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points
- long_name: S-coordinate surface control parameter
- var_id: theta_s
- names: S-coordinate surface control parameter
- long_name: S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width
- var_id: Tcline
- names: S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width
- units: Watts meter-2
- long_name: Sensible surface heat flux
- var_id: shflx_sen
- names: Sensible surface heat flux
- units: meter
- long_name: Shallow bathymetry clipping depth
- var_id: depthmin
- names: Shallow bathymetry clipping depth
- units: Watts meter-2
- long_name: Short-wave surface radiation
- var_id: radsw
- names: Short-wave surface radiation
- long_name: Tidal current ellipse semi-minor axis
- units: Meter second-1
- var_id: tide_Cmin
- names: Tidal current ellipse semi-minor axis
- long_name: Tidal current inclination angle
- units: Degrees between semi-major axis and East
- var_id: tide_Cangle
- names: Tidal current inclination angle
- units: Degrees
- long_name: Tidal current phase angle
- var_id: tide_Cphase
- names: Tidal current phase angle
- units: Meter second-1
- long_name: Tidal current, ellipse semi-major axis
- var_id: tide_Cmax
- names: Tidal current, ellipse semi-major axis
- long_name: Tidal elevation amplitude
- units: Meter
- var_id: tide_Eamp
- names: Tidal elevation amplitude
- units: Degrees
- long_name: Tidal elevation phase angle
- var_id: tide_Ephase
- names: Tidal elevation phase angle
- units: Meter
- long_name: Tidal potential amplitude
- var_id: tide_Pamp
- names: Tidal potential amplitude
- units: Degrees
- long_name: Tidal potential phase angle
- var_id: tide_Pphase
- names: Tidal potential phase angle
- long_name: Tide angular period
- units: Hours
- var_id: tide_period
- names: Tide angular period
- long_name: Weights between coarse and fine grids at RHO-points
- var_id: alpha
- names: Weights between coarse and fine grids at RHO-points
- units: meter
- long_name: Working bathymetry at RHO-points
- var_id: hraw
- names: Working bathymetry at RHO-points
- units: radians
- long_name: angle between XI-axis and EAST
- var_id: mask_rho
- names: angle between XI-axis and EAST
- var_id: angle
- units: radian
- long_name: angle between xi axis and east
- names: angle between xi axis and east
- var_id: h
- units: meter
- long_name: bathymetry at RHO-points
- names: bathymetry at RHO-points
- units: days
- long_name: bulk formulation execution time
- var_id: bulk_time
- names: bulk formulation execution time
- units: meter-1
- var_id: pn
- long_name: curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA
- names: curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA
- var_id: pm
- units: meter-1
- long_name: curvilinear coordinate metric in XI
- names: curvilinear coordinate metric in XI
- long_name: curvilinear coordinates metric in ETA
- units: meter-1
- var_id: pn
- names: curvilinear coordinates metric in ETA
- var_id: pm
- units: meter-1
- long_name: curvilinear coordinates metric in XI
- names: curvilinear coordinates metric in XI
- units: meter
- long_name: domain length in the ETA-direction
- var_id: el
- names: domain length in the ETA-direction
- units: meter
- long_name: domain length in the XI-direction
- var_id: xl
- names: domain length in the XI-direction
- units: Watts meter-2
- long_name: downward longwave radiation
- var_id: radlw_in
- names: downward longwave radiation
- units: meter
- long_name: eta derivative of inverse metric factor pm
- var_id: dmde
- names: eta derivative of inverse metric factor pm
- units: meter
- long_name: free-surface
- standard_name: sea_surface_height
- var_id: zeta
- names: free-surface, sea_surface_height
- units: degree_north
- long_name: latitude of PSI-points
- var_id: lat_psi
- names: latitude of PSI-points
- units: degree_north
- long_name: latitude of RHO-points
- var_id: lat_rho
- names: latitude of RHO-points
- units: degree_north
- var_id: lat_u
- long_name: latitude of U-points
- names: latitude of U-points
- units: degree_north
- var_id: lat_v
- long_name: latitude of V-points
- names: latitude of V-points
- units: degree_east
- long_name: longitude of PSI-points
- var_id: lon_psi
- names: longitude of PSI-points
- units: degree_east
- long_name: longitude of RHO-points
- var_id: lon_rho
- names: longitude of RHO-points
- units: degree_east
- var_id: lon_u
- long_name: longitude of U-points
- names: longitude of U-points
- units: degree_east
- var_id: lon_v
- long_name: longitude of V-points
- names: longitude of V-points
- long_name: mask on PSI-points
- var_id: mask_psi
- names: mask on PSI-points
- var_id: mask_rho
- long_name: mask on RHO-points
- names: mask on RHO-points
- long_name: mask on U-points
- var_id: mask_u
- names: mask on U-points
- long_name: mask on V-points
- var_id: mask_v
- names: mask on V-points
- units: Watts meter-2
- long_name: net outgoing longwave radiation
- var_id: radlw
- names: net outgoing longwave radiation
- long_name: ocean s roms coordinate at rho point
- var_id: Cs_r
- names: ocean s roms coordinate at rho point
- long_name: ocean s roms coordinate at w point
- var_id: Cs_w
- names: ocean s roms coordinate at w point
- var_id: temp
- units: Celsius
- long_name: potential temperature
- names: potential temperature
- long_name: precipitation rate
- units: cm day-1
- var_id: prate
- names: precipitation rate
- long_name: relative humidity
- units: fraction
- var_id: rhum
- names: relative humidity
- long_name: runoff discharge
- units: m3.s-1
- var_id: Qbar
- names: runoff discharge
- long_name: runoff time
- var_id: runoff_name
- names: runoff time
- var_id: s_rho
- var_id: s_rho_2
- names: s_rho
- var_id: s_w
- units: PSU
- long_name: salinity
- var_id: salt
- names: salinity
- units: Watts meter-2
- var_id: radsw
- long_name: shortwave radiation
- names: shortwave radiation
- units: Celsius
- var_id: tair
- long_name: surface air temperature
- names: surface air temperature
- long_name: surface freshwater flux (E-P)
- units: centimeter day-1
- var_id: swflx
- names: surface freshwater flux (E-P)
- units: Watts meter-2
- long_name: surface net heat flux
- var_id: shflx
- names: surface net heat flux
- units: PSU
- long_name: surface salinity
- var_id: salt_surf
- names: surface salinity
- units: Celsius
- long_name: surface temperature
- var_id: temp_surf
- names: surface temperature
- long_name: surface u-momentum stress
- var_id: sustr
- units: Newton meter-2
- names: surface u-momentum stress
- long_name: surface v-momentum stress
- var_id: svstr
- units: Newton meter-2
- names: surface v-momentum stress
- var_id: time
- long_name: time (in s) since beginning
- units: second
- names: time (in s) since beginning
- long_name: time step and record numbers from initialisation
- var_id: time_step
- names: time step and record numbers from initialisation
- var_id: u
- units: meter second-1
- long_name: u-momentum component
- names: u-momentum component
- units: m/s
- long_name: u-wind
- var_id: uwnd
- names: u-wind
- var_id: v
- units: meter second-1
- long_name: v-momentum component
- names: v-momentum component
- units: m/s
- long_name: v-wind
- var_id: vwnd
- names: v-wind
- long_name: vertical terrain-following transformation equation
- var_id: Vtransform
- names: vertical terrain-following transformation equation
- var_id: ubar
- long_name: vertically integrated u-momentum component
- standard_name: barotropic_sea_water_x_velocity_at_u_location
- units: meter second-1
- names: barotropic_sea_water_x_velocity_at_u_location, vertically integrated u-momentum component
- var_id: vbar
- units: meter second-1
- long_name: vertically integrated v-momentum component
- standard_name: barotropic_sea_water_y_velocity_at_v_location
- names: barotropic_sea_water_y_velocity_at_v_location, vertically integrated v-momentum component
- units: m s-1
- var_id: wspd
- long_name: wind speed 10m
- names: wind speed 10m
- units: meter
- long_name: x location of PSI-points
- var_id: x_psi
- names: x location of PSI-points
- units: meter
- long_name: x location of RHO-points
- var_id: x_rho
- names: x location of RHO-points
- units: meter
- long_name: x location of U-points
- var_id: x_u
- names: x location of U-points
- units: meter
- long_name: x location of V-points
- var_id: x_v
- names: x location of V-points
- units: meter
- long_name: xi derivative of inverse metric factor pn
- var_id: dndx
- names: xi derivative of inverse metric factor pn
- units: meter
- long_name: y location of PSI-points
- var_id: y_psi
- names: y location of PSI-points
- units: meter
- long_name: y location of RHO-points
- var_id: y_rho
- names: y location of RHO-points
- units: meter
- long_name: y location of U-points
- var_id: y_u
- names: y location of U-points
- units: meter
- long_name: y location of V-points
- var_id: y_v
- names: y location of V-points
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- long_name: Latitude
- var_id: nav_lat_v
- names: latitude, Latitude
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- long_name: Longitude
- var_id: nav_lon_v
- names: longitude, Longitude
- standard_name: time
- long_name: Time axis
- var_id: time_counter
- names: time, Time axis
- standard_name: time
- var_id: time
- units: second
- long_name: time since initialization
- names: time, time since initialization
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
0.0000° |
34.3700° |
77.3000° |
-23.3000° |