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Climate models inputs and outputs introduced in Rome et al. 2022 (DOI:10.1002/essoar.10511015.1)

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Seven simulations outputs were uploaded under the names XOUPA, TFGBD_XOUPD, XOUPH, TFGBR_XOUPL, TFGBI, XOUPF and TFGBJ. The simulations were created using the general circulation model HadCM3 over the entire globe under last glacial maximum (21,000 years ago) conditions and forced with snapshots of meltwater derived from the early deglaciation (21,500 to 17,800 years ago). The outputs consists of sea-ice concentration, ocean overturning circulation, mixed layer depth, sea surface salinity, sea surface temperature, precipitation and surface air temperature. For reproducibility, we also uploaded the meltwater input files used for the forcing (lgm_inputs), the model input files (mw_inputs), the pre-industrial climatologies (pi_climate) and the crash diagnostics (crash_data), all discussed in the article. "

Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Not defined

inputDescription:      None
outputDescription:      None
softwareReference:      None
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