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Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic (MOCCHA): Composite temperature, humidity and wind profiles and derived variables from the NCAS AMF radiosondes launched from Icebreaker Oden

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2019-12-10
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Preview
Publication Date:


This dataset contains composite temperature, humidity and wind profiles, plus derived products, from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science's Atmospheric Measurement Facility (NCAS AMF) radiosondes (Vaisala RS92) launched from the Swedish Icebreaker Oden from the joint Arctic Climate Across Scales (ACAS) and Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic (MOCCHA) projects - both part of the Arctic Ocean 2018 (AO2018) expedition to the High Arctic.

AO2018 took place in the Arctic from 1 August until 21 September 2018. These measurements were used to complement a suite of other observations taken during the expedition. Those of the UK contribution, as well as selected other data, are available within the associated data collection in the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) archives. Other cruise data may be available in the Bolin Centre for Climate Research MOCCHA/AO2018 holdings.

These data consist of individual radiosonde profiles as 2D time/height fields, with all profiles interpolated onto a fixed vertical grid for ease of analysis/plotting.

The vertical grid used is: 1m step to 5km, 10m step between 5 and 12 km, 50m step between 12 and 20 km. The data also includes derived variables (potential temperature etc).

Humidity was corrected on profiles where the radiosonde selected the wrong (heated) humidity sensor. For some soundings the data file processing stopped too early, due to a loss of the GPS signal. Temperature and humidity data were recovered from the buffer files. Due to the loss of the GPS signal wind data are not available beyond the heights where the normal data files processing stopped.

Radiosondes operated by Michael Tjernström, John Prytherch (University of Stockholm), Peggy Achtert (Uniersity Leipzig), Ian Brooks, Grace Porter and Mike Adams (University of Leeds).  Data processing performed by Jutta Vuellers (University of Leeds).

These data are part of the ACAS project, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Project PI Michael Tjernström). The sounding system was provided as part of the UK contribution to MOCCHA (UK project PI Ian Brooks) by the UK’s National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) Atmospheric Measurement Facility (AMF).
NCAS AMF should be acknowledged in any publication making use of this data.

Citable as:  [ PROVISIONAL ] Brooks, I.M.; Tjernström, M.; Vüllers, J. (9999): Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic (MOCCHA): Composite temperature, humidity and wind profiles and derived variables from the NCAS AMF radiosondes launched from Icebreaker Oden. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: MOCCHA, AMF, radiosonde, Icebreaker oden, temperature, humidity, wind


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data were collected, quality controlled and prepared for archiving by the MOCCHA project data authors before upload to the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) for long term archiving.

Data Quality:
Data quality were checked by the MOCCHA project data authors before supplying to CEDA. Further information on quality may be available in related documentation.
File Format:
Data are netCDF formatted.

Related Documents

No documents related to this record were found.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by instruments deployed on platforms as listed below.
Output Description


  • units: K
  • long_name: Dew point temperature (K)
  • var_id: DewPoint
  • units: %
  • long_name: Relative humidity (wrt ice) (%)
  • var_id: RelHumI
  • units: %
  • long_name: Relative humidity (wrt water) (%)
  • var_id: RelHum
  • units: K
  • var_id: Temperature
  • long_name: air temperature (K)
  • units: m
  • var_id: Height
  • long_name: altitude (m)
  • units: hPa
  • var_id: Pressure
  • long_name: atmospheric pressure (hPa)
  • units: K
  • long_name: equivalent potential temperature (K)
  • var_id: PotTempE
  • units: degrees
  • long_name: latitude (degrees)
  • var_id: SondeLat
  • units: degrees
  • long_name: longitude (degrees)
  • var_id: SondeLong
  • units: K
  • long_name: potential temperature (K)
  • var_id: PotTemp
  • var_id: time
  • units: days
  • long_name: time as decimal day of year
  • var_id: doy
  • units: s
  • long_name: time into sonde flight (s)
  • var_id: FlightTime
  • units: m/s
  • long_name: wind component to East (m/s)
  • var_id: WindU
  • units: m/s
  • long_name: wind component to North (m/s)
  • var_id: WindV
  • units: degrees
  • long_name: wind direction (degrees)
  • var_id: WindDirection
  • units: m/s
  • long_name: wind speed (m/s)
  • var_id: WindSpeed

Co-ordinate Variables

Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
