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Dataset Collection


ACSOE OXICOA OZPROF 96, OZPROF 97 and OZPROF 98: Ozone Profile Data from Aberystwyth, UK

Status: Not defined
Publication State: published


The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) OXIdising Capacity of the Ocean Atmosphere (OXICOA) was a study of oxidant, radical and related gas-phase chemistry in the clean and moderately polluted marine atmosphere. The objectives of Ozone Profile Experiment (OZPROF) was to obtain ozone profiles data which could be used to study the variations and structures of tropospheric ozone. This collection contains ozone profiles data obtained from Aberystwyth using ozonesondes and LIDAR for the period between 1996 and 1998.

Citable as:Natural Environment Research Council; Allan, B.; Allen, A.; Bandy, B.; Bassford, M.; Bauguitte, S.; Beswick, K.; Bradbury, C.; Brassington, D.; Broadgate, W.J.; Burgess, R.A.; Cape, J.N.; Cardenas, L.; Carpenter, L.J.; Carrick, A.; Choularton, T.W.; Coe, H.; Consterdine, I.E.; Creasey, D.J.; Davison, B.; Edwards, G.D.; Evans, M.J.; Gerbig, C.; Green, T.; Grenfell, L.; Heard, D.E.; Iinuma, Y.; James, J.; Jickells, T.; Law, K.; Lee, J.D.; Lewis, A.C.; Lightman, P.; Liss, P.S.; McArdle, N.; McFadyen, G.; McIntyre, H.; McQuaid, J.B.; Mills, G.; Monks, P.S.; Nickless, G.; O'Doherty, S.; Oram, D.; Pilling, M.J.; Plane, J.M.C.; Pyle, J.A.; Reeves, C.E.; Richer, H.; Robertson, L.; Salisbury, G.; Schmitgen, S.; Shallcross, D.; Simmonds, P.; Smith, M.H.; Spain, G.; Spokes, L.; Sturges, W.T.; Thompson, A.; Tiddeman, D.; Vaughan, G.; Wild, O.; Wilson, K.; Yeatman, S.G.; Zanis, P. (2007): ACSOE OXICOA OZPROF 96, OZPROF 97 and OZPROF 98: Ozone Profile Data from Aberystwyth, UK. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: acsoe-oxicoa-ozprof
Keywords: ACSOE, OXICOA, OZPROF, Ozone


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